The two men quickly made their way towards the crime scene, their paste unhurried. As they traversed the stairs which led them to the second floor, Al commenced his report.
“The murders occurred around 1PM last night, though that time is unverified as of right now. There are three bodies, a small family. No one saw the killer, however a man named Richard heard screams followed by a loud commotion. That is how we were first alerted…”
Al spoke devoid of enthusiasm, a demeanor which was disrespectful towards his direct superior. However, Anderson’s stern expression showed no sign of irritation from this. He merely remained silent throughout.
The two arrived at the room’s entrance and did not linger to enter. Upon entering, the stench of blood invaded their nostrils, a stench only rivaled by the heavy odor of decay.
Al’s expression turned slightly twisted as he added.
“Cases of slum rats attacking the ‘gifted’ are not unique, however, an incident like this hasn’t occurred for almost five years.”
Anderson’s eyes firstly took in the gruesome view. He then began a slow steady pace around the small apartment whilst his right hand caressed his chin. Soon he arrived at the most mutilated corpse, that of this family’s father.
“Do we know their names?”
Hearing the sudden question, Al first tried to recall. When he failed to do so he reached for his notepad and turned it on.
“Jake Soli, Rebecca Soli, and Ram Soli.”
Anderson nodded, he then crouched down and began carefully inspecting the mangled corpse. He first examined the killing wound, then silently reenacted the thrusting of an imaginary knife forward. He did so until he felt he had forged an image in his mind of what possibly occurred.
Once done, he asked.
“Did you form any leads on what the possible motive was?”
Being asked such, Al merely shrugged with a dismissive expression.
“Who knows… Does that even matter? Maybe they wanted food, maybe they wanted an item, hell maybe they just wanted to kill for sport. Since when do rats have complex motives to ponder over huh? I bet it was just a newly entered rat who was starving and did not know what this place was. Can’t we just file this under a petty robbery from a slum rat and be done with this case?”
Anderson, still crouched down by the father’s corpse, did not answer. He stood up once more and walked to the woman’s side. His brows furrowed slightly at the sight of the firmly etched knife inside her skull.
“Al tell me, on your way here, did you once see a slum rat who was not frail? I find it hard to picture any scenario where they not only overpower the father but the entire family at once. We are not dealing with a slum rat, of that I am sure.”
Hearing Anderson’s conclusion, Al sighed.
“What do you think then? Do you believe it is related to the Red Tigers? The slums have never interested them before, why enter this deep into it just to kill a random family? That makes no sense.”
Anderson did not answer immediately, instead his eyes shifted and examined the room for a second time. Realizing something, his chin rose as he scanned the apartment’s roof.
“There are no attached lights here… Do the apartments provide an external light source?”
Al was somewhat perplexed by the sudden topic shift, however he answered nonetheless.
“Yes, either light batteries or lamps I believe.”
Anderson nodded, then gestured towards the entire room.
“Then the light source is missing…”
He said. Al’s green eyes did their own scan and found that his statement was true. Before he could add anything, Anderson continued.
“The killer’s motive was probably a petty theft, then when the family resisted it shifted to murder. That tells us that they have an understanding of the relationship the housing corporations and the police department share. Furthermore…”
Anderson’s hand stretched out, his index pointing at the body of the woman’s corpse, her eyes still wide open and tainted with utter horror. His finger then traced towards the corpse of the father.
“She is facing the same direction of the corpse, most likely she witnessed the death of the man first-hand. After his murder, she undoubtedly became the immediate follow up target of the killer. However, the lack of any wounds on her body suggests that the killer shot forth the knife, hitting dead center… He must have done so close to the man’s corpse, anyone with the skill set to do that is no ordinary person. I hesitate to think they are a gang member. The Red Tigers are too barbaric for this type of precision. Perhaps we are dealing with a rogue NSRA Officer or even Inspector.”
Concluding his deduction, Anderson initiated a new order to Al.
“Contact the NSRA District 11 headquarters and inquire about any rogue agents… If they affirm my suspicion, then hand over all the information we have to them and let them handle the case from there.”
Al’s brows furrowed at hearing those words.
“Lieutenant, with how tense the situation is right now in the outskirts, can we really afford to waste our effort for a small case like this? Especially one taking place in this damn shithole?”
Al did not hide his protest, still unhappy with his involvement in such a case. Anderson meanwhile shook his head.
“Al the captain is already walking on thin ice, if operation striker fails then the mayor will likely replace the current commissioner which will then likely lead to the captain’s own dismissal. That is why cases like this can not be treated dismissively, Vern Corp. is a heavy backer of the current mayor. What do you think will happen if they hear we discarded their case? Corporations like them can only build here because the police force does not hold back its punches when crimes are committed within their complexes.”
Al’s rebellious thought, along with his heavy bitterness, suddenly experienced a decrease. He had grumbled about the matter just a few moments prior but he had not actually tried to consider the precarious situation his captain was in.
With that understanding however, came an even greater revelation.
Is that why he spared no expense and sent in a detective as skilled as me right off the get go? Huh… Don’t tell me the captain actually does think of me favorably? He has to right?... Right?
Feeling a heavy sense of satisfaction nestled within his chest, Al nodded, suddenly filled with more vigor than before.
“Understood… What will our plan of action be beyond the inquiry of the NSRA?”
Anderson’s eyes turned towards the three corpses once more, he allowed his heavy gaze to linger over them for a long moment. After that moment passed he spoke.
“We have no details, no witnesses, no descriptions… The case has already run dry. If the NSRA does not have any rogue officers then we will really be at a dead end, however, this killer will strike again, of that we can be sure. All we can do is wait for that moment to arrive.”
Al knitted his brows, he then asked doubtfully;
“Will that go well with Vern? How is that any different than closing the case?”
Anderson spared the detective a glance then shook his head.
“It is different. Firstly it will remain as an open case with a team actively searching for any new developments. Secondly, we will request assistance from the NSRA, that alone shows our enthusiasm. Lastly, and most importantly, we will make sure to send a message to the greater slums so that this does not happen again.”
For a moment after Anderson’s heavy words reverberated throughout the room, Al found himself unable to understand the meaning behind them. That did not last however, as soon after an idea sparked in his mind and his eyes bulged.
Somewhat hesitant, he asked;
“You don’t mean…”
Realizing what was left unsaid, Anderson merely nodded.
“There is a reason the captain sent you. A detective always looks best when at work, however as for me, this is actually below my pay grade, so tell me why else would he send me here?”
Because of his authority as a lieutenant!
“But… Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the rats found here, they are filths to society. A plague even, however, to kill them while knowing they are innocent is a step too far. More than that, it’s against the law.”
Hearing Al’s words, ones which carried with them a tinge of apprehension, Anderson merely shrugged. This time it was he who did so dismissively.
“The law is limited to the borders of society, last I checked we are well past it. Only these apartment complexes stand as embassies of that law, and if violated then a message needs to be sent.”
Anderson said coldly.
He then walked past the stunned Al.
“Do not worry, my squad will handle the dirty work. In the meantime contact headquarters and tell them we will need cleaners here soon.”
With those parting words, Anderson wrapped his hand around the door-knob, then exited the crime scene. All the while, Al simply stood there motionless. After a few seconds he sighed then took out his pack of cigarettes.
Taking one out, he ignited its tip and inhaled a heavy dose of smoke. He exhaled shortly after, unleashing a stream from his nostrils.
“I knew you were an intense guy, but damn Anderson, where is that naive man who first entered the department?”
In truth, Al would not lose sleep for what was to follow, however despite his complaints, he had never once considered killing those who were innocent…
Recalling something, Al scoffed.
Maybe ‘monster’ is a more accurate description after all…