Chapter 15 - Tired body

The steel stairs released a low screech with every step Ciel and Rin took, causing smithereens of rust to trickle down. The pair had already concluded their discussion, and began heading towards the room. They were halfway to the third level when Ciel could no longer ignore the heavy gaze tickling the back of his neck.

Turning to face the hideously scorched vampire attempting to keep up pace with him, he asked.

“What? Do not tell me you want some blood.”

His tone was cold, entirely devoid of any emotions which he displayed when discussing with the elderly Neil.

“N-No… Tell me, why waste breath upon weaving a lie? M-My power should have been sufficient from the very beginning.”

The two arrived at the third level just as Rin’s questioning concluded. The floor was encased by a wooden coating which formed a narrow hallway. On both sides were steel doors with dim red lights displaying the room numbers.

Ciel spared Rin a glance, then began making his way through. Rin followed, her body enwrapped by spots of surging red glows along with a thin layer of trailing steam.

“I did it for efficiency and protection. Rin, you use your ability like a barbarian would, completely devoid of foresight. You simply tend to the need at hand. That may have worked for you before but right now both you and I are in a precarious situation. Beyond that we will also have plenty of trouble come our way in the future…”

Ciel arrived at the hallways end, there a steel door to his right possessed the number he sought.


Reaching out his key-card, he hovered it above the lock sensor until it registered its code. The lock sensor was of the lowest quality, all it had was a single vertical screen which displayed an icon of a shut padlock flickering.

Ciel had to swipe the key-card above the lock sensor three times before it finally registered the card’s influence. An extended beeping sound followed soon after, along with the screen’s icon shifting into sliding words which read:

‘Access Granted’

Ciel’s fingers wrapped around the door’s handle and pulled. The door let out a creaking sound as it retracted, then once extended, Ciel spared Rin a glance. She did not fail to understand his intent and stepped inside ahead of him. Seeing Rin enter, Ciel did not linger to follow behind her. The steel door released its cry once more before closing shut.

As expected, the room was far from lavish, just barely above atrocious even. The blue paint of the stone walls were faded, the furniture appeared ancient, and the wooden floor was just a step away from being considered weathered.

The room was perfectly rectangular, with a kitchen facing them at the entrance followed by a dinner table, and beyond that was the living space. There a projector stood hoisted by a one meter tall table with a sofa facing it on the opposite side. Around halfway to the right of the room, two doors could be found side by side, serving as the entrance to the bathroom and bedroom respectively.

Registering their entrance, the two lights attached to the room’s stone ceiling came to life, bathing it under a warm orange glow.

Rin was already past the kitchen, quickly arriving to the distant sofa. She stared at it for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating resting on it, however in the end she chose to take a seat on the floor next to it. Her legs curled in and she wrapped them with her arms, turning herself back into a living statue. The steaming of her body intensified for a moment after, an agony which she bore with gritted teeth.

Ciel meanwhile walked around and gave a further inspection to the room. Their silence did not break until Rin’s infernal cycle ceased its churn. Only then did she turn her neck slightly to face Ciel.

“I-I see no need for it still. M-More often than not those placed under my power fail to retaliate… Y-You had been one of the few exceptions.”

Ciel was staring blankly at the empty fridge situated at the kitchen. He then sighed.

“Yep my point exactly, you are completely blind. Listen, you need to change your mindset. You are no longer an apex predator but instead a small prey with a few tricks up their sleeve. Due to that, take this saying to heart: ‘Be aware of danger, but never within it. Like a storm you can’t control its existence, however you can shield yourself from its wrath’.”

Ciel closed the fridge door then began examining the kitchen counter as he continued.

“Let's break down your ability. In its simplest explanation you essentially mind control others, however you do so through verbal commands and eye-contact. Furthermore, from what I experienced, if someone can resist your command then they will start having thoughts which are imbued with a mixture of devotion and lust towards you. Almost as if they are trying to convince themselves to do as you say despite the objections of their own will. It is an insidious ability no doubt, however there is a caveat to it. A flaw which is only amplified by your usage of it.”

Rin’s scarlet eyes were locked onto Ciel, displaying her attentive state. Ciel meanwhile finished his examination of the kitchen counter. He then approached the dinner table, pulled a chair, and sat down.

With their gazes meeting he continued.

“Let us say we gain the attention of the NSRA in the future. It will not be long before they narrow down our approximate location and start sending their officers to investigate. When they arrive here they will meet the gramps downstairs. Now let us assume we did it without my lie and instead you had just walked toward him then commanded that he give us this room. When the officers interrogate the bastard and he fails to recall things he clearly should, such as making the deal with us, then it will become obvious that something is wrong… Mind control is powerful however it does not create memories, it merely leaves blanks. The NSRA knows this all too well, and just like that we are caught… No, not caught, executed.”

Seeing a hint of realization shimmer beneath Rin’s crimson eyes, Ciel nodded.

“You understand now right? With my lie all he will not remember is you actually handing the money over. He will remember every word I spoke, along with thinking I am a thief with a desire for whores. I am sure the old gramps will simply assume he forgot the moment the money was handed. It is very normal to not remember everything in full detail, after all we are only human. Furthermore, with me being a common slum thief, the case will be forwarded to the police department. A far better outcome than the first scenario, do you not agree?”

With his explanation complete, Ciel simply leaned back on his chair. His vampiric companion remained silent for a moment after, seemingly in thought. Soon her scarlet eyes met his own once more and her ashen lips curled into a stiff smile.

“My, my, are you truly certain you are not a monster?”

Ciel shrugged.

“A monster no… Perhaps just a shattered human.”

Not caring if Rin would understand the meaning behind his words, Ciel stood from his seat.

“I will be calling it a night… Come morning I will clue you in on my plan for the near future.”

Ciel did not wait for a response before opening the bedroom door and stepping inside. Once there he allowed himself to take a few heavy breaths.

Why do I feel so tired?

He had done his best to conceal it from Rin, however Ciel’s body was already close to its limit before they had even crossed paths. Being tired was a natural feeling of course, and yet he found his current state odd.

He was a little too tired.

It felt as though he was mere moments away from collapsing entirely. Something about that made him wary, especially when considering the already shattered state of his soul.

Do not tell me that a damaged soul can have noticeable effects on the body… Have I not been given the worst hand already? Why must fate mock me further?

He sighed, locked the room, then without care or thought laid down on the bed and immediately entered a deep slumber.


Ciel did not know for how long he slept, he merely remained under the comfort of nothingness until his body deemed itself ready. With a subtle trembling of his eyelids, Ciel’s green eyes were unveiled. A pure white bedsheet greeted his gaze, along with the empty room of stone in which the bed laid.

Realization took a moment to settle within his mind. That was only natural since just a day ago he was still within a living nightmare. The end had almost come, however he managed to successfully regress to the past.

So much more happened even after that…

Coffin… Slums… Vampire… Hotel… Alright got it.

His mind churned sluggishly as he sat up. He then waited a few more seconds, allowing the lingering drowsiness to dissipate. After it had, he jumped off the bed and was immediately assaulted by a sudden feeling of disorientation which made him wobble slightly.

That sensation lingered for a moment, however it eventually dissipated as well.

Damn… I need to get myself together.

Lampooning inwardly, Ciel made his way towards the door and opened it. As he did, soft orange radiance assaulted his eyes causing them to flinch. When his gaze adjusted seconds after, he allowed it to fall to his side, situated a meter away was his scorched partner, Rin.

She was sitting in the exact same pose she had before, unwilling to move even now it seemed. Her neck however was the exception. In response to his gaze, she turned to face him. Her crimson eyes soon grew narrow, filled with bewilderment.

Finding this reaction strange, Ciel asked simply.


“M-Master, have you perhaps… Gotten taller?”

Ciel raised an eyebrow. He then dropped his gaze towards himself, immediately finding an answer to her question.

Yes he had…

The short ragged pants appeared to have shrunken, now fitting him like underwear would. Ciel’s brows furrowed slightly. It seemed his current state was not done with its surprises. If nothing else, he thought this one at least was a welcomed one.