Chapter 4
Dating In Colourland, It's Not Like Other Countries
Crayon and his friends were currently resting at the hospital.
Bear members arrived in Colourland with Flora and Jessica. Meanwhile Easeion was on his way to Colourland with Bear members in a van.
" It's time " said Easeion.
" Hahahaha "
" Bear members are going to love this "
" This is such a great moment "
" We will do our best " said a Bear member.
" He must be cockblocked " said Easeion. " I have wanted this very badly "
" It must happen for the sake of the organization, what I have done with my life, as a Smithson, as a brother and as a man who wants revenge "
" The Smithsons must get their way "
" Yes, they must " said a Bear member.
" The Smithsons are too much for any of these Colourlandish people "
Flora and Jessica then approached people and were roughing them up.
They took their wallets and they saw a chain which they stole.
They continued doing this and they stole more stuff, other Bear members robbed a store and they knocked out the clerk and took his wallet.
Time continued passing, Crayon and his friends were ready to leave the hospital.
" Glad to be healthy, just like the baker " said Artby. " Bakers have been thinking about our taste buds "
" Thinking about them ? " asked Allie.
" Bakers think about us eating the bread, not just buying it " said Artby.
" Well, I think they like us buying it but our taste buds ? " asked Challenger.
" Bakers care about the customer, the taste buds they care about a lot " said Artby.
" They know what they do for the baker "
" What do they do for the baker ? " asked Allie.
" They let the baker know how good at baking " said Artby. " Bakers like to know how they have baked for the customer "
" Well, we should head home " said Crayon.
" Sounds like a good idea " said Allie.
Warbler and Allie then decided to head home and !shared their goodbyes.
Crayon and his friends then went home with the bread they bought and they ate.
" That was great " said Crayon.
" It sure was, love the baker " said Artby.
" I never tire of the baker "
" I really enjoyed eating " said Colouruke.
Time passed, Easeion arrived with Flora and Jessica.
" Hello " said Easeion.
" We have done well " said Jessica.
" I had a feeling about that " said Easeion.
" We will find Crayon and Colourea " said Flora.
" They must fall down " said Jessica.
" They won't escape from me " said Easeion.
" Hahahaha "
" Colouruke and Artby, I am taking Colourea out " said Crayon.
" We haven't done that for a while "
" Have a good time " said Colouruke.
" Bye " said Colourea.
" Bye " said Colouruke and Artby.
" We will go to this place called Colourland Lasagna " said Crayon. " We have heard good things about it "
" Glad to see " said Colouruke.
" Yeah, it will be great " said Colourea.
They headed out together.
Meanwhile Bear members were throughout Colourland and they were looking for Crayon and Colourea, one saw them and contacted Easeion.
" Easeion, I see them " said the Bear member.
" Where ? " asked Easeion.
" They are on Colour Street " said the Bear member.
" Keep following them " said Easeion. " I will tell the others "
" Sounds great " said the Bear member.
Easeion contacted the Bear members, three more met up with the first member.
The Bear members continued quietly, then more showed up.
They then got closer to the place and then Easeion was at the intersection just behind and he was with the Bear members.
" I sense something " said Crayon.
" What ? " asked Colourea.
" I'm not sure but I get the sense there are people following us " said Crayon.
" Hopefully it is not the Bear " said Colourea.
" I really hope it is not them " said Crayon. " How would they find about this ? "
" I have no idea " said Colourea.
They continued, Flora and Jessica were behind Easeion and the Bear members.
They then arrived at Colourland Lasagna and they went inside, Bear members arrived about 30 seconds later and then they saw Easeion, Jessica and Flora.
" Cannot wait to cockblock him " said Easeion.
" This cockblock will be great "
" Bear members, you must go inside " said Flora.
" We will " they all said.
" We wi?l come in a minute later " said Jessica.
" Yes " said Flora.
Crayon and Colourea were looking for the waiter when tons of Bear members went inside.
" The Bear " yelled everyone.
Bear members then used their Shadow Strikes to block all escape and knocked everyone to the ground.
" How do you two like that ? " asked a Bear member.
" Man, I am pissed " said Crayon.
" Like we care " said another Bear member.
" Hahahaha " laughed two other Bear members.
" Now we have you two surrounded " said another one.
" You know why we are here ? " asked a Bear member.
" To rob people " said Colourea.
" More than that " said another Bear member.
Easeion entered the room.
" Hahahaha " said Easeion.
" Man, I am so happy to see this shit "
" I feel great, I truly feel like a great Smithson today "
" Hahahahaha "
" Hahahahaha "
" Is this that funny ? " asked Colourea.
" Yes, now there is no date for here " said Easeion.
" There is nothing you can do now, I have succeeded and it feels amazing "
" I have cockblocked you, Crayon "
" Crayon, you feel terrible now I bet "
" But why do you want to do that ? " asked Crayon.
" I want my revenge for what happened, I am so happy to see this " said Easeion.
" I am glad to be ruining this "
" I am truly a great Smithson "
" We have cockblocked you " said another Bear member.
" We intend to do things like this " said a different Bear member.
" The moment has been ruined " said Easeion.
" Isn't it great "
A Bear member was recording all of this when it happened.
Bear members had taken the wallets of all the people who were knocked out. They then saw a screen which they removed and they stole it and added it to this knapsack that they had.
Flora and Jessica entered the room.
" Man, this got even worse " said Crayon.
" We have succeeded " said Flora.
" We have cockblocked you, we will follow you two to where you go " said Jessica.
" There is no escaping us " said Flora.
" Hahahahahahaha " said Easeion.
" This is so awesome "
" Bear members love this "
" Damnit " said Crayon.
" Yeah, this isn't good " said Colourea.
" My siblings will love this, they want this " said Easeion.
" Every Smithson wants this "
" I am having the time of my life here "
" Why does the organization want Crayon cockblocked so much ? " asked Colourea.
" The Bear is very frustrated with what happened to Blackin and Blackina, we will get our revenge " said Easeion. " The organization is very upset with Crayon for what he did "
" Any moment with Crayon must be ruined "
" I am proud to ruin the moment "
" Hahahahahaha "
" Cockblocking does not achieve that " said Colourea.
" Colourea is right, we could end up going on a date in the future " said Crayon.
" Do you think you can stop us forever ? "
" Look at how frustrated Crayon is " said Easeion.
" I have caused this frustration "
" The Bear loves this frustration "
" I love the Bear, it is so great "
" When the frustration I have caused happens, every Smithson laughs "
" Not a single one is not "
" I won't let you do this " said Crayon.
" You two would have to face three elite fighters at once " said Flora.
" You two cannot do that " said Jessica.
" We have succeeded in what we have done, no fucking thing can stop that " said Easeion.
" Hahahahahaha "
" We have truly stopped you two "
" It is so perfect "
" I have been thinking about this for a while "
" A while ? " asked Colourea.
" Yes, we figured out what needed to be done " said Easeion.
" I would not allow this to not succeed "
" There is nothing you two can do "
" Hahahahaha "
Crayon and Colourea put their hands behind their backs and were charging some energy which blasted everyone, they ran.
They then started running for a few minutes and then went inside Colourland's Pasta and Pizza to eat instead.
Bear members were angry, they took all their stuff and the headed to look for Crayon and Colourea.
Crayon and Colourea were enjoying the meal they got when they arrived.
" Wow, this is awesome " said Crayon.
" It sure is " said Colourea.
Easeion was very frustrated about this.
" How could this happen " said Easeion. " They will regret this "
" I will get my revenge on them, it is what the Smithson family needs "
" At least their night was ruined "
" That matters to me "
" Not just me though, all the Smithsons and other Bear members will love what I did "
" I will tell every Bear member "
Meanwhile, Colouruke and Artby were talking.
" I bet they are having a great time " said Artby.
" I hope so " said Colouruke.
" Bakers want them having a great time " said Artby.
" Bakers ? " asked Colouruke.
" They do " said Artby.
Crayon and Colourea headed home together, Bear members then headed back to the hideout.
At the hideout, they showed the stolen stuff to Brett.
" So wallets, a necklace and a screen with shows what can be ordered in the restaurant? " asked Brett.
" Crayon was cockblocked at first but then they got away " said Easeion. " It felt good cockblocking him but I hope they went home in frustration "
" I hope there is tears "
" Me too, Easeion " said Brett.
" I am not happy about escaping but happy about cockblocking "
" We recorded it " said a Bear member.
" Good, all the members need to see this " said Flora.
" They sure do " said Jessica.
" The wallets have credit cards and gift cards " said Brett. " By now we have lots of credit cards, we will need Bear members to swipe "
" I will send in more of them for that "
" You are all dismissed "
They went to their areas of the hideout, Crayon and his friends were at home talking.
" How did it go ? " asked Colouruke.
" At first we ran into Easeion, Jessica and Flora and the Bear members beat up diners but we attacked and got away " said Crayon. " Easeion seemed happy to cockblock according to him "
" Luckily we found somewhere else to eat " said Colourea.
" Bakers are tired of Easeion " said Artby.
" He has hurt so many customers "
" Customers cannot be hurt like that "
" It makes the baker sadder "
" Well, he is a man who has gone very far " said Colouruke.
" That is true " said Colourea.
" Bread will stop him " said Artby.
" Bakers know how to bake bread that stops a man like him "
" We should continue training tomorrow " said Colourea.
" For sure " said Crayon.
Time passed through the day, Crayon kissed Colourea and they all went to bed.
In the Bear hideout, Whites and Melissa were talking.
" Good training " said Whites.
" Thank you " said Melissa.
" We are getting so great now " said Whites
" I am happy to be closer to you " said Melissa.
" Same here " said Whites.
" Good, glad you see it " said Melissa.
" It is wonderful "
Easeion was with Xax talking.
" Glad to see Crayon cockblocked " said Xax.
" I laughed a lot at the video "
" This is great "
" We are all laughing, we enjoy seeing stuff like that " said Easeion.
" Crayon is hurt, Crayon is hurt "
" Crayon will be done " said Xax.
" Hahahaha "
" Hahahahaha " said Easeion.
" The Bear will takeover Colourland " said Xax.
" The hideout will be even better " said Easeion.
" I love the idea of that "
" It sure will be great " said Xax.
" There is really is no stopping the Bear "
" The Bear is better than any organization " said Easeion.
Crayon and his friends got up.