Chapter 3 - Three

Chapter 3

The Journey to the Tournament

Everyone got up and they made their breakfast which they enjoyed and they then got their stuff ready and they exited the door.

" Man, this is going to be great " said Crayon.

" It sure will " said Colouruke.

" This tournament will be a great challenge " said Colourea.

" Bakers will love this journey, bakers there will remember our purchases " said Artby.

" New bakers will get to see me, my mouth will get treated by their baking it will be so good "

" Unfortunately the bakers here will have to do without my purchases "

" Uh, yeah " said Colourea.

" I am getting pumped " said Artby.

They then headed to the airport where King Bobby, his advisors, Warbler and Allie were there.

" Well, look who it is " said King Bobby.

" My victory will be something special "

" I look forward to being able to see Bird's Isle enjoy my victory "

" You haven't won, the tournament hasn't started " said Crayon.

" I am winning, me and Colour King will be the allies that we must be " said King Bobby.

" Warbler will never hang out with any of you again "

" This is true " said Curtis.

" Warbler must be in the castle again "

" We'll see about that " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you have not been the friend that is needed " said Blackburnian.

" We believe that Crayon has influenced him poorly "

" That is true, Crayon is not what he needs " said Diana.

" How so ? " asked Colourea.

" He has not done that at all "

" Crayon's a good friend " said Artby.

" Crayon has done that, he has sucked as a friend " said Diana.

" He refused to support Bird's Isle, Warbler is eating so good now "

So you want to buy his friendship ? " asked Artby.

" We are just making sure he eats great, we know that he can do wonders on the battlefield " said King Bobby.

" I am using money to make Warbler the man he must be "

" You must think of the battlefields and what Warbler can do "

" His skill will become unstoppable "

" He is strong, but does he want to fight ? " asked Crayon.

" Warbler enjoys hanging out with us "

" He enjoys being with us more to be honest " said Curtis.

" He is a complex man "

" You can all make these claims but King Bobby does not believe them "

" He truly believes in Warbler and understands the truth within him "

" It is true, I care about Warbler " said King Bobby.

" I will not forget to do so "

" Yes, you have never forgotten to do so " said Queen Starling.

" I am not sure what to think " said Warbler.

" All of these gestures are very nice "

" Ours are brilliant " said King Bobby. " You loved staying in that hotel, you looked so happy there "

" I see someone else coming in "

" Challenger " said Crayon.

" Good morning " said Challenger.

" Challenger, Crayon and his friends are not influencing Warbler well" said Queen Starling.

" I don't see that " said Challenger.

" Warbler seems to enjoy all of us "

" Warbler wants to be a nice guy, I believe " said Blackburnian.

" I know him very well "

" Warbler is not a person known for cruelty "

" Warbler is such a great guy " said Diana.

" Bird's Isle will win this tournament " said Lord Grackle.

" There are so many resources around the universe we want "

" We know of Warbler's power and he and his girlfriend Allie can help us "

" You plan to use him just for wars, but we are the bad friends? " asked Colouruke.

" Colouruke, it does not make sense " said Artby.

" Baking is what Warbler needs "

" He doesn't need war "

" Bakers like him in the bakery "

" Artby, you don't realize his power " said King Bobby.

" He is a capable of so much "

" We understand that he is strong, but these wars are not wars that we need right now " said Challenger.

" These wars are great " said King Bobby.

" Warriors love them "

" They love fighting "

" Fighting is everything to them "

" We should get on the plane "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" You will see us again very soon "

They all got into the plane which left. Another flight with Bear members and Colour King's people was at 11 am.

" So, the Bear is here " said Colour King.

" You will not stop me "

" My power is extremely strong "

" My love for Blackina is so strong " said Blackin.

" Nobody can love like I can "

" Yes, they can " said Colour Dictator.

" Colour King is going to win this tournament "

" You may love Blackina a lot, but Colour King's power is too good " said Colour Queen.

" My desire for Blackina makes me stronger than ever " said Blackin.

" He desires me so much " said Blackina.

" Colour King, you are outmatched " said Easeion.

" Hahahahahaha "

" We are too much "

" By a man who loses to Crayon more than once " said Colour King.

Crayon is weak compared to Challenger, Colour Queen, myself and King Bobby "

" You will look like a fool against me "

" Easeion will not stop Colour King " said Colour Queen.

" I have to agree, he will not " said Colour Administrator.

" I will do great " said Easeion.

" I am incredibly skilled "

" I have gotten stronger "

" I am not seeing this " said Colour King.

" I just do not believe what you are saying "

" You do not have the skill to back up what you are claiming "

" I'll make you look sad out there " said Easeion.

" I've got talent "

" I am extremely talented "

" There is a reason I am here "

" Really ? " asked Colourclever.

" Don't be ridiculous "

" You aren't going to make us sad "

" Yes, he will fail to do so " said Colour King.

" I am not, I am just talented " said Easeion.

" This will be a great tournament " said Whites.

" The Bear are going to win "

" Well, I really don't see that " said Electro.

" Challenger's a dick, but only Colour King and his officials are going to stop him "

" Yes, the battles for Colourland will be great " said Colour Administrator.

" It will be nice winning against Crayon and his friends " said Colour Dictator.

" The Bear are going to be living it up here " said Xax.

" We'll get rid of anyone who messes with us "

" That's right " said Whites.

" I love the Bear "

" We shall see " said Colour King.

" We should get on the plane "

The flight then took off and they left the airport.

At around 2pm, the first flight landed in Colour Island where they were greeted by a man.

" I am part of the tournament staff " said the man.

" Follow me "

They then followed him and they saw this giant stadium.

" This is where fighting will happen " said the man.

" The round of 32 is the preliminaries, the official tournament is the round of 16 "

" These fights are single knockout fights, if you lose you will be defeated "

" The other fighters can view the fights and there will be fans here to watch "

" Fans will get to watch King Bobby " said King Bobby.

" When fans watch King Bobby it is good for Bird's Isle "

" Well, there is also where you will all be staying " said the man.

" We set up who you are with based on who we feel you would get along with the most "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" Blackin will stay with Blackina, Whites with Melissa, Xax with Easeion, King Bobby with Queen Starling, Colour King with Colour Queen, Colourclever with Colour Dictator, Warbler with Allie, Blackburnian with Diana, Curtis with Lord Grackle, Grackle with Dove, Paula with Salvador, Challenger with Colouruke, Crayon with Colourea and Artby, Electro with Oceanoke and Colour Administrator.

" Also Draco and Rourke will be together as well "

" The rooms with three are because of who is there, those rooms will be larger "

They all then were together and they headed around the island. King Bobby's group and Challenger's group split apart.

" We should see where there is a bakery " said Artby.

" Bakers need my purchases "

" Well, let's go " said Colouruke.

" Baking will help our mouths a lot, we need our mouths treated by a baker "

They then saw a bakery which they went inside.

Glad to see bakers " said Artby.

" There is so much good bread, my purchases must continue for the sake of my mouth "

" My mouth means a lot to a baker "

" Um, okay " said a baker.

" I will buy bread, my mouth depends on me doing so for it to remain the great mouth it has been " said Artby. " I am proud of the improvements that have been made "

" I am so thankful for baking, I cannot ever stop loving baking "

They got their bread and then headed into the hotel they were staying in and they took the bread to their rooms.

They then headed to the hotel where they checked into their rooms.

Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking.

" The Bear is too good for this to fail " said Easeion.

" We will make these fighters so sad, they will never punch again "

" Yes, our victories in this round are certain " said Xax.

" Colour King will be taken down "

" He wants to make this about Challenger " said Easeion.

" I will make this about winning "

" I will make it about the Bear "

" We will make him a sad motherfucker "

" That's the spirit, bro " said Xax.

" I am not scared of these Colourlandish leaders at all "

" They got lucky, we are just too strong "

" Our abilities are great "

" Yeah, Blackin and Blackina are going to rip through everyone " said Easeion.

" Their love for each other knows no bound, I loved Alice in the way that she was the villainess I need but they are able to show each other a special kind of desire "

" The others will wake up in the hideout confused " said Xax.

" We have a TV there, they can watch us " said Easeion.

" They will get to watch Crayon being sad, I know they will like that "

" Seeing Crayon lose on the TV is great "

" Yes, it will be great for Bear members to see " said Xax.

" This will be a great tournament "

King Bobby was in Warbler's room with Allie.

" Well, now you know what is at stake here " said King Bobby. " They will feed us good here "

" Glad to see " said Warbler.

" With Crayon you won't eat as good " said King Bobby.

" You will get to witness Bird's Isle dominating literally everything which is great

" You two will join us advisors "

" You will report to all the advisors "

" We're going to be advisors ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, but they will have more seniority " said King Bobby. " You will be staying in the castle "

" Trust me, it is going to be amazing "

" Well, I must head back to Queen Starling "

" She is a great queen and women of Bird's Isle have loved the queen "

King Bobby headed to his room with the queen.

Meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were kissing each other and they were very happy with each other.

" Our love will never die " said Blackin. " My desire for you is so good, there is no chance it could end "

" I love hearing that " said Blackina. " I have this same desire and it is truly beautiful "

" Blackina, your body is so beautiful " said Blackin.

" I cannot stop looking "

" It is such an amazing body to look at "

" Nobody has been with a body that looks that way and nobody has loved your body in the way that I have "

" I love your body as well " said Blackina.

" We will be the final match "

" If that is the outcome, we will have to figure something out " said Blackin.

" We will " said Blackina.

" I love you, Blackin "

" I love you, Blackina " said Blackin.

After that was talking with Colour Queen.

" My power is too much, I will defeat Challenger " said Colour King.

" Yes, we will use this tournament for great purposes for Colourland " said Colour Queen.

" I love the people " said Colour King.

" The Colourlandish people think about what it means to have Colour King rule them instead of Challenger "

" They are sick of him "

" He is a joke "

" They sure are tired of him " said Colour Queen.

" We will take Colourland to new heights for sure "

" Hahahahaha "

" Challenger has not been as Colourlandish as myself " said Colour King.

" I am too Colourlandish to not obtain my victory "

" Challenger is going down "

" He most certainly is " said Colour Queen.

More time passed, everyone ate their supper. Later on the Bear members were all downstairs in the lobby.

" We are meeting here for a reason " said Blackin.

" Crayon and his friends are on a particular floor, we must find out the floor " said Blackina.

" You want us to rob them ? " asked Whites.

" We need you to mess with them in some way " said Blackin.

" We need them off their game "

" We can damage the door " said Easeion.

" I will just charge a small amount of energy and strike "

" We will strike in the middle of the night " said Melissa.

" Yes, we cannot be seen " said Blackin.

" If we are caught tampering it will be disasterous " said Blackina.

" We know that the organization still needs this "

" We are on the third floor so they may be on the fourth " said Whites.

" You will be able to do it " said Blackin.

" I do believe in all of you "

" Yes, same here " said Blackina.

" Now, we will head to our rooms " said Blackin.

" Yes, let's go " said Melissa.

" We will get to Crayon by doing this " said Easeion.

They then headed to their rooms, more time continued to pass. Grackle and Dove were talking.

" Glad to make it here " said Grackle.

" It is great " said Dove.

" We will give it our all " said Grackle.

" Now, it is time to head for bed " said Dove.

They went to bed, soon everyone outside of the four Bear members.

" We are going to piss Crayon off " said Easeion.

" I want this anger within him "

" It will distract him good " said Xax.

" It will be good to see him angrier "

" It sure will " said Easeion.

" Hopefully Crayon will be blamed for the door if the anger doesn't happen "

" Yeah, I would love that " said Xax. " We are going to enjoy this "

" That is so true " said Easeion.

" I am going to enjoy Crayon being blamed and forced to take responsibility for something he didn't do "

" It will be great "

" Yeah, it will be " said Xax.

" We need to truly get to Crayon "

Xax and Easeion then were with Melissa and Whites and they entered the elevator.

" The thing is we don't really know their number " said Whites. " We know they have special rooms "

" We will look for larger rooms " said Melissa.

" I am looking forward to their reaction "

" Yes, we need Crayon extremely angry " said Easeion.

" We need that "

They then saw one larger room, they charged very tiny bits of energy towards the door and they left.

They then saw another room that was larger, they did the same again and they quickly left. They then got to the elevator and they headed back to their rooms and they messaged Blackin and Blackina.

Blackin and Blackina were happy to see that and they then all went to bed.

Morning came, they all woke up.

Crayon and his friends then got ready and they noticed the doors.

" What happened ? " asked Colourea.

" Someone must have attacked " said Crayon. " I don't really understand why they would do an attack like this "

" They could have damaged the door a lot more " said Artby.

" Yeah, I don't really understand this " said Colourea.

" Well, it really could be any Bear member, any of Colour King's people or King Bobby's "

Colouruke and Challenger had the same marking and saw them. Everyone then went downstairs for breakfast. The doors being damaged were discussed.

" Wow, I am shocked " said Grackle.

" It does not make sense " said Dove.

" I wonder who would do this " said Challenger.

" We were not attacked, I don't think anyone else was to be honest " said Dove.

Yeah, nobody has said anything " said Grackle.

" I really don't know what to expect for the future " said Colouruke.

They all enjoyed their breakfast, they then heard an announcement about the tournament.

" The first match is today, we have set up a bracket for the 32 fighters "

" The match will be at 11:00 am, make sure to be there and ready "

" Individuals who fail to do so will be disqualified "

" Other fighters can watch the fights "

" The first match is going to be the first seed against the 32nd seed "

" Colour King will fight Salvador "

" We will reseed everyone for the next round based on how much the fights are won by "

" See you all there and good fighting all "

The announcement stopped.

" Colour King vs Salvador " said King Bobby.

" Well that is going to be a difficult one "

" This is a bad matchup for Salvador "

" I will fight hard " said Salvador.

" I was hoping that Salvador would be fighting someone that is not Colour King but that is the way it must be I guess " said Blackburnian.

" Yeah, it is unfortunate but we must support Salvador now " said Curtis.

" Yes, we will do so " said Diana.

" The advisors will always be supported by our other advisors " said Paula.

" These fights are going to be exciting " said Artby.

" Knowing all of us, tons of bread must be eaten "

" Baking will lead to victory "

" Bread is something winners truly eat "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

More time passed, they then all headed to the stadium.

" Salvador, be prepared for my intense power " said Colour King. " You are with King Bobby, a good ally of mine so give it everything "

" When Challenger goes, our partnership will be great for our countries "

" Well, we both want the demise of Challenger " said Salvador.

" King Bobby will stop him "

" Yes, I believe that King Bobby will fight me in the finals " said Colour King. " That being said, all of our groups have gotten a lot better "

" Crayon and his friends will fall down " said Salvador.

" Warbler must not hang out with them "

" King Bobby will not stand for it, he is sick of it "

" Yes, that is true " said Colour King.

" I have heard of what Warbler is dealing with "

" King Bobby has told me "

" Warbler is a good person " said Salvador.

" I know the king is looking out for him "

The two of them then headed to the stadium and they were in there special areas for fighting. Everyone else was talking.

" Well, this will be an interesting one " said Easeion.

" I don't know who Salvador is but Colour King is very strong "

" Salvador will give it his all " said King Bobby.

" Our advisors are the best "

" Warbler will see that Salvador has had enough of Crayon hanging out with him "

" Again with this ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, we are not going to allow any of that " said Blackburnian.

" I have been there for Warbler, when you were not "

" Warbler deserves the best in the world " said Curtis.

" He is eating better and will be able to be himself, which you have ruined "

How so ? " asked Crayon.

" He is getting to see his potential for Bird's Isle " said Lord Grackle.

" His potential will do so much for Bird's Isle "

" So you are going to just use him for war, how is that any different than us supposedly using him " said Colouruke.

" Not to mention our doors " said Artby.

" That was not us " said Rourke.

" We have no idea who did that " said Draco.

" It could be anyone " said King Bobby.

" I did not do that myself "

" Well, you will get go see Salvador fight " said Curtis.

" Yes, it will be great to see him fight " said Paula.