Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Immovable French Defense

"Shit… alright just remember, center control, win material, win game."

Nervous sweat poured down Toki's neck as he came face to face with the opponent in front of him.

"He has to study for the Lake Tech match," Ms. Everstone explained when they had arrived back at the practice room.

"We're strong enough to beat Yorktown anyways, might as well get you some practice nooby."

"Shit…" Toki thought, "She says that, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to get wrecked especially against…"

Toki gulped as sitting across from him was a large muscular behemoth of a teenager. He had a buzz cut and angry looking face, so much so that Toki wondered whether he had accidentally stumbled upon a football tournament rather than a chess one.

"Okay students; please shake hands with your opponent,"

"Good luck," Toki's opponent said in a gruff voice extending his hand. As Toki reached his own hand, he felt a wave of pain as his opponent gripped his hand tightly.

"You… you too," Toki said as he pulled back his hand and waved it a bit to shake off the pain.

"Alright players with the black pieces," the announcer began.

"What kind of opening does a guy like him even play?" Toki pondered, "He probably attacks like Ian right? Shit... I didn't study the Sicilian yet."

"You may start your opponent's clocks!"

As soon as his sentence finished, Toki's opponent pressed down on his clock.

"Okay I got this," Toki thought as he reached for his e pawn moving it to the e4 square.

"So far so good, now how will he reply?"

Toki's opponent as well quickly grabbed his e pawn.

"Phew… he's just going to play standard." Toki thought, "Better prepare my knight to…"

Instead of the standard e5 response Toki expected however, his opponent instead moved his pawn 1 square short onto the e6 square.

"What…" Toki thought. He looked at his opponent who had the same angry expression as he did at the beginning of the match only this time looking fully at the board.

"Doesn't that block in his light square bishop? Okay… don't stray from the plan."

Toki quickly moved his knight to the usual f3 square. His opponent then moved his other center pawn, the d pawn, to the d5 square.

French Defense 1:

"Hmmm… is this just a way for him to trade center pawns?" Toki thought, "But then his bishop that was blocked will be free. Wait… what if I just advance the pawn?"

Grabbing his e pawn a second time, Toki moved it up another square to e5.

"There, now his bishop's locked out." Toki thought, "I'm so clever."

It would appear however, that Toki's opponent had very much anticipated this. Wasting almost no time on his clock, he grabbed his c pawn advancing it 2 squares. The next few moves Toki tried his best to attack into his opponent's position. But his opponent was too solid building around Toki's e pawn and creating a blockade so that none of Toki's pieces could pass. To Toki, it felt like playing against a brick wall as slowly but surely, his pieces were rendered ineffective in their movement.

French Defense 2:

"What the hell… I can't make any progress," Toki thought looking at his position. His opponent at this point had been blitzing out his moves and Toki was behind a good 15 minutes on the clock.

"Okay… if this is how it's going to be, then I have to follow Ian's advice," Toki thought, "Screw the king safety. I have to attack."

And like a vehicle going full speed without a driver, Toki flung his g pawn, the one directly in front of his castled king, up 2 squares to g4 attacking his opponent's Knight.

French Defense 3:

"Let's see how you deal with that one," Toki thought, "Be gone black knight,"

His opponent however, doing a bit of calculating after Toki's move, moved his attacked knight to the h4 square where it could no longer be attacked by any of Toki's pawns. For the next 10 or so moves Toki, with reckless abandon, continuously began chucking pieces towards his opponent's king side.

"Shit I hung my pawn, okay no worries I can get it back… shit now I have to give up my rook for a knight."

Try as he might to make a breakthrough into his opponent's formation, no breakthrough could be found as after a bit of piece maneuvering, his opponent calmly castled queen side away from Toki's pieces and away from danger. The two played around 30 moves when it became clear who the winner was, and it was not Toki.

"Shit what do I do?" Toki thought examining his board for any possible tactics.

French Defense 4:

At this point however, he was already down a full rook

"Okay… but his pawns are split; maybe if I can trade those off I can force a draw? No… but then it's just a rook and king left for him. There has to be a fork here somewhere. I just have to…"

"Your time."


Toki looked up at his opponent who spoke for the first time since the match began.

"Your time's up," his opponent said.

"What? No it's…"

But to Toki's horror as he turned his head to look at his clock, it read triple zeros. He had spent too much time trying to analyze his losing position that he completely lost track of his clock. He had lost.

"Good game," Toki's opponent said sticking out his hand.

It took Toki a minute to fully process what had happened. Slowly however, he reached out his hand to shake his opponent's.

"Good game."


"Meh… honestly you did better than I expected," Noah said as Toki returned to the practice room.

"I… I got crushed again." Toki said as he began rearranging the pieces replaying the game as best he can from memory.

"Well yeah… he's a rated opponent." Noah responded, "This is your first tournament, what'd you expect?"

"But everyone else won before my game even finished." Toki said examining the board, "I… I just don't know what I did wrong. His defenses, they were impenetrable."

"Who cares man," Noah said gathering up his set. He leaned in close to Toki and moved his eyes around to ensure that no one could hear him.

"Let's go to the cafeteria for more bughouse. I need to win that money match still."

"Huh? But…"


"And where do you think you're going with that packed up set?"

The two of them turned around to see Evelyn glaring angrily over Noah's shoulder. Next to her was Pierre still wearing his trademark beret .

"I uhh…" Noah began, "was about to set up somewhere to practice my openings!"

"And you can't do that here because…?"

"Because uhh… I'd distract Toki?"

At the response, Evelyn delivered another punch to Noah's head.

"Please ignore this idiot Toki, at this rate you'll pass him soon enough," Evelyn sighed.

"I don't know about that," Toki replied, "I… I can't even beat the lower boards of the lower rated schools. How can I possibly pass Noah?"

"Ahhh well, you know, it's the effort that counts."

"Hold on," Pierre said looking over at the position Toki had arranged on his board. As he examined the position a grin appeared on his face.

"Ahhh la défense française,"

"The what?"

"The French defense," Pierre said. "It's what I play on black as well against e4."

"What?! How do you even beat it?" Toki asked.

"It is not easy monsieur." Pierre said as he began rearranging the pawns.

"I bet here you thought of advancing your pawn did you not Monsieur Suzuki."

"I… I did," Toki admitted, "doesn't that block in your bishop?"

"Ahhh perhaps," Pierre said as he reached for the c pawn placing it on the c5 square, "But with the crippling of one bishop, your other increases in strength."

"But… what if I don't take?" Toki said moving his own c pawn up 1 square.

"Then I activate my knight."

"Okay… what if I do the same?"

"Then I add in my queen."

With every move Toki made, it appeared Pierre had the appropriate defensive tactic to counter. It was frustrating, just like the last game Toki had played. No matter what he tried, the French defense appeared seemingly impenetrable.

"So you see Monsier Suzuki," Pierre said advancing another pawn, "No matter what you try, you cannot break my wall. All the while slowly, I build behind the pawns with my forces."

"So… frustrating." Toki thought as he kept running in circles in his head trying to think of a solution.

"Don't bother; I know 20 moves of theory and whatever you come up with…"

"Just exchange the pawns."

The group turned to Evelyn who interrupted Pierre.


"On move 2, just exchange the pawns."

She reset the board back to the starting position. After the second move instead of pushing her e pawn forward to block in Pierre's light square bishop, she instead simply took Pierre's d pawn.

"Now he has to actually play chess instead of relying on theory."

"What! Sacreblue," Pierre said, "But you have now opened up my bishop."

"Great… my bishops are open as well." Evelyn said as she demonstrated by moving her bishop out, "You actually have to use your brain now instead of playing like a robot."

"What the… is it really that simple?" Toki thought.

"Pack up guys we're on in 10 minutes!"

The four of them turned to see Marcy along with the other River Park boards carrying their sets preparing to go back into the tournament gym. As they did, Ms. Everstone gathered everyone up in a circle.

"Now's the time," she said as they huddled, "I'm sure after last year you're all hungry for revenge."

"Not real… Owwwwww"

Before Noah could finish his snarky comment, Evelyn quickly stepped on his foot. The rest of the club outside of the two freshmen however, nodded their head in unison.

"We'll get our revenge," Marcy said, "Then we'll beat them again at state this time."

"You better," Ms. Everstone said. "Are you going to let the tears and struggles of your past seniors go to waste?"

"NO" the crowd collectively shouted in unison.

"Are you going to let those pompous rich kids at Lake Tech beat you again?"

"NO" they all shouted once again in unison.

"This… this is the chess club right?" Toki thought.

"Then let's show those spoiled brats what River Park's made of, En Passant on 3. 1, 2, 3."

"En Passant" everyone shouted as the circle broke and the group got ready to head back into the tournament room.

"The State Champions huh?" Toki thought as he carried his clipboard walking across the hall, "And a rich school no less. I wonder what they're li…"

"Well well well, if it isn't the chess silver medalists."

"Ronald…" Bobby said as the River Park students stopped when they came face to face to a group of students standing across from them also about to enter the gym.

"Back to get your ass whooped a second time?" the student with long dreadlocks wearing a blue button up said approaching Bobby.

"I had a winning a position…"

"Yeah, and so did Caruona against Magnus, you choked Bobby."


Looking as if he was about to lose his temper, Marcy quickly grabbed Bobby before he could be disqualified before the match even began for physical assault on his opponent.

"Calm down Bobby," Marcy said containing him, "Prove yourself over the board,"

"Hmphhh… his personality's like his chess play." Ronald said stepping away, "lack of control, and prone to blunders. You 3rd board this year Bob? I'll gladly kick your ass again if you are."

"I'm second." Bobby said.


Ronald stared at him, a look of disgust on his face.

"You? The certified choker, is 2nd?"

Bobby nodded.

"Well then," Ronald said laughing, "River Park must have fallen to hard times if a dog like you is their second best player. Sofia will surely kick your ass."

"Wh… who?"

"That's your freshmen prodigy right?" Ms. Everstone asked walking between the students.

"Oh Bob the dog didn't hear?" Ronald said laughing, "Last year was your best chance. You won't come within 3 points with her on our team now."

"Her?" Toki looked over at the Lake Tech students who all appeared to be male. "What is he talking about?"

"Come out Sofia, go ahead, introduce yourself to the dog you're about to beat down."

"I… I don't want to beat anyone down though."

Suddenly a soft voice came from the students at Lake Tech as all the other students parted ways to reveal a tiny girl about a whole head shorter than Toki who was already the shortest member of River Park's chess club with brown hair, violet scarf, glasses, and a bowl cut. Shyly, she walked up to the front next to Ronald.

"Ahhhh well aren't you the cutest!" Evelyn said going up to her and pinching Sofia on the cheek.

"And what opening doooo youuuu play?"

"The Italian Miss," Sofia said shying away from Evelyn and hiding behind Ronald. To Toki, she looked more like an 11 year old than high school freshmen.

"Hey, don't give the enemy info Sofia!"

"Soo… sorry Ronald," Sofia said quickly scurrying away to hide amongst the crowd of Lake Tech students.

"Where's your coach?" Ms. Everstone asked, "What's his name… Mr. Wilkins was it?"

"You mean the one you tried to hit on last year?" Marcy asked.

"Hey hey…" Ms. Everstone replied waving her off, "I just… wanted to know if he wanted to have some private games at home, nothing wrong with that."

"He's out today with a fever," Ronald said, "Or maybe just trying to avoid you, not sure."

"Oh, being coy is he?" Ms. Everstone said, "Not… not that I care about him anyway."

"You clearly do…" Toki heard Marcy and several of the other students whisper in unison under their breaths. The students began to walk into the gym room. One by one, each of the students sat down at their respective seats and true to Ronald's word, he sat down in the seat across from Ian and Sofia across from Bobby.

"Okay students!" the announcer said, "for the last round in today's state qualifier tournament, you may shake your opponent's hand."

"Let's… let's have a good game!" Sofia said in a soft voice and smile reaching her hand out for Bobby to shake.

"Yeah let's have a good one," Bobby said reaching his hand out. Sofia's soft timid nature appeared to have calmed Bobby down as Toki noticed he looked considerably more relaxed. But also, while Sofia's soft spoken presence could be felt, no presence could be felt however, from the first board of the Lake Tech team. And by no presence could be felt, that meant physical presence as well as the only thing across from Evelyn at the chess table currently was an empty seat.

"Ughhh… Oi, where's Edward?"

He looked over at his fellow classmates who all shrugged.

"He… he told me he was going to the rooftop," Sofia said softly.

"Oh, so he still does that does he?" Evelyn asked.

Ronald sighed, "Jesus Christ this dude, we start in 2 minutes! What the hell could he still be thinking ab…"

"Rook end games Ronald, Rook end games!"

All the students turned their heads as approaching the table wearing possibly the most expensive suit and tie Toki had ever seen, approached a very handsome student with brunette hair who spoke in a deep voice as he walked towards the table.

"There you are Ed!" Ronald said motioning at him to take his seat. "Hurry up, we're starting in minutes."

"Aye aye, whatever you say boss," Edward said slowly sitting down at his seat. As he did, he looked over at Evelyn and gave her an eyebrow raise.

"You're looking fine today, Miss Hann. Enjoying the event so far?"

"What the…" Toki felt a bolt of anger consume his body, "Who the hell is this guy? He pisses me off."

"You're looking fine yourself Ed," Evelyn said as she reached out her hand for a shake, "Rook endgames huh? Can't imagine you'd play the Berlin again would you?"

"Oh well, against you Miss Hann, I could bring out anything," Edward continued in his deep voice, "You might even get to see my dragon today. Sicilian Dragon that is"

"Oh how provocative." Evelyn replied giggling.

"I swear I will break his neck," Toki thought as fumes began steaming from his ears.

"Will you idiots shut the hell up?!" Ronald said from two seats over startling Sofia who covered herself in fear.

"Oh sorry, I'm sure it's too sophisticated for a man who can't even cross 2100," Edward said laughing as Evelyn laughed as well.

"Still… he is right though," Evelyn said suddenly changing her expression, "As much as I'd like to discuss the intricacies and play all these different positions with you Edward, this is war you know. Don't expect any easy tempos."

"Oh I'm sure, it wouldn't be you if that wasn't the case," Edward replied, "What are we now in classical? 5-3-18?"

"Oh… how precious, so you care about me." Evelyn said in a sarcastic tone.

"But of course, you are the most humble of losers after all Miss. Hann."

"Enjoy it while it lasts Edward," Evelyn said her expression suddenly changing to a dead serious one as she glared at Edward. Edward as well appeared to change his position and mood glaring back at Evelyn.

"You'll be drinking your own tears today from the beating."

"Yeah you show her queen!" Toki thought in a fanboy voice in his head.

"Okay students with the black pieces!" the announcer began, "when you are ready, you may now start your opponents clock!"