Chapter 12 - A thousand little fingertip touches.

Hikaru showered and dressed in her new outfit. Miri insisted on adding a wide filmy black scarf with red sakura flowers printed on it. This she draped over Hikaru's elbows like a shawl. Hikaru had to agree that the effect was nice.

"But where did you get it?" Hikaru asked.

"Your father gave it to me, but I don't wear black very often," her mother replied.

Hikaru added silently, 'Or anything that makes you remember too much.'

"Keep it," her mother suggested.

Hikaru nodded.

She carried the pretty black-back, tapestry-fronted fan shaped clutch that she'd had for several years but had only used at a couple of summer festivals.

She felt a little embarrassed climbing onto the bus. She sat gingerly on the seat and rode to the downtown station. Kiri was waiting at the platform.

He was dressed in all black, a dressy suit with a black silk shirt, and no tie. Hikaru couldn't decide exactly how it was different from his business suits, but it was. He said "Wow," and took her hands as she stepped up onto the platform. He kissed her lightly.

She withdrew her hands and twirled for him, and grinned. He laughed and grabbed her and hugged her close.

"I should take you dancing," he said softly against her ear.

Hikaru hesitated and asked, "Where could we go dancing? We can't go to a bar while I'm still under age. I've never really danced," she added.

Kiri frowned and thought a bit. "Umm," he said.

"Does it matter what kind of music?" Hikaru asked.

Kiri shook his head and looked at her inquisitively.

"We could go to my uncle Kaoru's restaurant, it has a tiny dance floor that doesn't get used much, but Friday's and Saturday's there's usually live music. It's all instrumental though," Hikaru suggested.

"That works," he replied. "And I can teach you to dance," he added and grinned at her. She blushed and nodded.

Hikaru led him. They walked hand in hand downtown and up the stairs near where they'd bought the cell phone. When they arrived, Kiri said with surprise, "This is your uncle's place? I wouldn't have imagined the owner of this place would have to live so conservatively to pay half your brother's tuition. It seems really successful."

"It is being really successful. He's still paying it off though, one year left on a five year loan," Hikaru replied.

Kiri gave a soft whistle and nodded, then led Hikaru inside.

When they entered the restaurant the maître d' smiled at them but said, "I'm sorry Takeshi-san, but we are full tonight, and I don't have a reservation for you."

Hikaru blinked in surprise, but stepped up beside Kiri and said, "We don't really need a table, we came to try dancing a little."

The maître d' dropped his pen and said with alarm, "I'll get the owner!" He made a hasty exit toward the kitchen.

"So," Hikaru said to Kiri, "you come here too?"

Kiri nodded and said, "I like it, I probably come here at least a couple times a month."

"Wow," Hikaru replied. "But you haven't been on Sundays?"

Kiri shook his head and said, "I don't think so, certainly not in the morning."

Hikaru's uncle Kaoru bustled toward them trailing the worried looking maître d'. He frowned as he approached, wiping his hands on a corner of the white apron he wore.

When he got close enough he said, "Kai said my niece is dressed to the nines and arrived here with an unsuitably older man."

"Kao-ji-chan!" Hikaru protested, and stepped in front of Kiri defensively.

Kiri looked at Hikaru's uncle uncertainly. Kaoru was a little taller than Hikaru, but had the same hair and eyes as Miri.

Kaoru looked Hikaru over and said, "Wow. Why don't I know about this date, or even that you're dating? How long have you been dating?"

"About a week and a half. You did know I'm dating, you didn't know we were coming here because we just decided it," Hikaru said.

Kaoru raised an eyebrow at her. "No I didn't," he denied.

Hikaru blushed and said, "Last Sunday you asked if I were in a hurry because I had a hot date, and I said yes."

Kiri laughed and Kaoru gaped at his niece. Then Kaoru looked at Kiri and said knowingly, "You aren't his usual type though, and isn't he a little old for you?"

Hikaru answered firmly, "He's not too old for me." She put her hands at her hips and added, "And I know I'm not. His dates are usually older, better dressed, shorter and more voluptuously beautiful."

"Hikaru!" Kiri protested in shock, "What the hell? Where did that come from? And you have no idea how good you look tonight!"

Kaoru looked at his niece.

Hikaru blushed and said, "Well, I'm guessing from things that were said."

"What things? Who said?" Kiri demanded.

"Kazuha-san indicated that they're more," Hikaru gestured, "and you said that you hadn't dated a high-school girl since you were in high school."

"OK," he acknowledged, "but when did I ever claim to date shorter women?" he asked.

"You said I was unusually tall when we met, so usually is shorter?" Hikaru replied.

Kiri sighed and nodded, but reached out and laid his hand against her cheek. "But none more beautiful or better dressed," he said firmly.

"More expensively dressed?" Hikaru asked.

Kiri leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers and laughed. "Knowing you, that is probably true, but only means you are more stylish."

Kaoru who had watched this exchange in silence turned to his maître d', and said, "We can't be that full, show me."

The man did so, and Kaoru said, "Give this large party the banquet room when they arrive, and shuffle tables as needed." To his niece he said, "You ARE staying to dinner, and I will eat with you on my break, and we WILL talk. But as amusing as watching this is, I must get back to my kitchen."

Hikaru swallowed and nodded.

Kaoru left them.

They were told they'd need to wait a bit for a table. Hikaru asked if they could try dancing a bit while they waited. The maître d' collected Hikaru's things and Kiri's jacket and led them to the small floor before the quartet that was playing tonight.

Kiri led her into the small floor and grinned at her. He took her by the waist and said, "The thing to remember about nearly all dancing is that it's a form of flirtation. Keep eye contact as much as possible, and remember it's a chase."

Hikaru looked at him in puzzlement.

"When I step back, you chase," he explained and pulled her after him. "When I chase," he stepped forward against her and she stepped back, "you run," he said with a grin.

Hikaru laughed and nodded.

"Don't worry too much about where your feet are, just try to mirror the movement, to start with," he smiled at her.

"OK," she replied.

"We'll start out touching a little, to make it easier," he reassured her. He pulled her hand up onto his shoulder, took her other hand, and placed his other hand at her waist. He stood so that they were slightly offset and their calves touched where they overlapped.

"OK," he said, and stepped back.

She followed belatedly and he smiled and stepped forward, pressing her back. Then he stepped back again, but she managed to step with him.

Like when they'd kissed, he led her slowly and soon they were moving in time to the music. When she'd kept up for a little bit he'd add a little more complexity, and wait until she was keeping up easily again.

"Kiri," Hikaru questioned, "it seems unusual for a guy to be good at this kind of dancing these days?"

He grinned at her and said, "All dancing is similar. My grandmother taught me though, she demanded that I learn. She'd always say that a man should know how to dance with the woman he loves." He looked at Hikaru and said lightly, "She was right."

"She sounds cool," Hikaru commented.

"She is, would you like to meet her?" Kiri asked.

"She's still alive?" Hikaru asked. She was surprised because Kiri had told her during their phone conversation how much older his parents were, especially his father. Kiri's father had been 16 years older than his mother, and quite scandalously, her high-school teacher. Although they hadn't married until she was 20, he'd explained.

"She's my mother's mother," he said. "She and grandpa are both 88 this year. But so far both are still in good health. I try to visit once or twice a year at least. I lived with them when I went to college."

"I'd like to meet her," Hikaru said.

Kiri laughed and quietly asked teasingly, "You don't want me to take your shirt off, but you're fine with a multi-day trip up north?"

Hikaru nodded.

"Really?" he asked a little incredulously. He flushed a little and cautioned, "I'm not sure I'd be able to resist doing more."

"Kiri, you won't hurt me," Hikaru replied.

"Why are you so sure, I'm not sure?" he asked.

Hikaru stopped dancing and he stopped with her. "You always wait for me," she explained.

He looked at her, confused.

"Ever since the first kiss," she said blushing, "you always wait for me to be ready. And if you think I'm scared or don't like something you always stop, or ask. And," she added, "even if you do do more than I'm really ready for, I'm pretty sure it will feel pretty good." She dropped her eyes.

Kiri drew her close and kissed her gently. "I love you Hikaru," he said quietly. They stood cheek to cheek for a moment and then he asked lightly, "Shall we continue dancing?"

Hikaru nodded.

An elderly couple joined them on the little dance floor.

"Kiri look," Hikaru exclaimed when the pair executed a twirl.

Kiri laughed and asked, "Do you want to try?"

Hikaru nodded.

"OK, when I step back, stand on one toe," he said. She did and he spun her under his arm in time to the music then caught her up again and they continued. Hikaru laughed happily.

"Want to try a dip?" he asked after a little bit.

"Sure," Hikaru replied with a smile.

Kiri tried dropping her, but she stiffened up too much.

He laughed and said, "Hikaru, you already know I can hold you up, do you think I'll let you fall? You have to fall in my arms." He grinned at her.

"OK," she said and nodded.

He tried again and she fell back into his arms, he kissed her before lifting her back into the dance. "Good," he said, grinning.

The elderly couple on the floor with them broke out into a complicated pattern of dance. And Hikaru laughed and said, "There's no way I could manage that."

"Not yet," agreed Kiri.

"Kiri?" Hikaru asked hesitantly after they'd danced a bit more.

"Yes?" he enquired.

Hikaru said, "I'm not saying it's fate or anything, that we met, but I'm glad, that there were always other chances for us to have met, by you coming here. It just seemed so random, meeting you on the street one day?"

Kiri laughed and said, "How can you claim that's not fate? What if I'd met you too early, I started coming here shortly after this place opened. What if you'd been barely 14? If I'd dated you then I'd have totally felt like a pedophile, and worse, what if I'd just thought you a cute child and ignored you?"

Hikaru looked at him. He leaned in and kissed her. "Fate is being able to meet at the right time, instead I met you when I wasn't dating anyone, and when you wanted me," he said. "It was fate."

Hikaru leaned into him, and he pulled her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist as they danced cheek to cheek for awhile.

When the music changed again a waiter dressed in charcoal grey with a bolero that matched Hikaru's Sunday uniform came to collect them, saying, "Your booth and your food are ready."

They left the little dance floor and followed him around to the booths in front of the kitchen. Hikaru surveyed the food ruefully. "I think Kao-ji-chan is mad."

"Is that what your food says? I think mine says 'I know who you are and your habits'," Kiri said laughingly.

"Why?" asked Hikaru.

"It's something I order fairly often," he replied. "What's yours?"

"Everything I don't like to eat," Hikaru answered. "Nothing that I won't eat," she added, "just things I don't enjoy."

Kiri frowned and said, "We should trade then."

"Why? If you order it a lot, then it's something you like?" Hikaru replied.

Kiri nodded and said, "But I don't dislike anything you have."

Hikaru frowned and offered, "Shall we share half of everything?"

Kiri nodded agreeably.

They shifted the food around and started eating.

Kaoru joined them, carrying a plate of food for himself a little while later. He slid into the other side of the booth and asked, "What are your intentions toward my niece?"

"I want to marry her of course," Kiri said seriously.

"Kiri!" Hikaru stared open mouthed and panicked. She kicked him in the shin. He winced and she apologized, "I'm sorry!" She reached out and put her hand on his arm. "But how can you say that, you, Kiri you idiot!" she said with alarm.

"I'm sorry, that was supposed to come out jokingly," he told her apologetically, turning toward her. "That sounds even worse, I'm sorry Hikaru, I mean it though," he added quickly.

Hikaru protested, "You can't say that to my uncle! You've never even asked me!"

Kiri opened his mouth and Hikaru clapped her hands over his mouth. "And you can't ask me until we've been dating for at least 6 months, given your dating history!" She said firmly.

He nodded and she removed her hands.

"OK Hikaru. There's nothing I can say to that. Six months," he agreed.

Hikaru stared at him and her uncle coughed and said, "Hikaru, go powder your nose or something for a few minutes."

Hikaru stared at her uncle, and Kiri slid out of the booth to let her out. Hikaru looked up at him, he held his hand out to her. "It's OK Hikaru, let us talk for a few minutes. I didn't mean to distress you, it just slipped out," he added.

Hikaru took his hand and climbed out of the booth. "OK," she said, and walked off to visit the restroom.

Kiri watched her go with a rueful expression, and then slid into the spot she'd left.

Kaoru looked at him consideringly. "You aren't much like I thought you were," he said after a moment.

Kiri blushed and asked, "Oh?"

"Isn't it a little fast? Did you really mean it?" Kaoru asked him.

Kiri nodded, "Yes, to both questions."

Kaoru lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

Kiri looked at him and said, "She's... she says everything I... I really... she's your niece, do I really have to tell you how amazing she is?"

Kaoru asked dryly, "And if it were your niece?"

Kiri winced and said, "Honestly, I can't believe that Hikaru is barely older than my niece, I can't imagine my niece dating a grown man."

Kaoru looked at him in surprise.

"My niece is a spoiled, childish brat. Hikaru is a talented, hardworking, freaking gorgeous young woman," Kiri said resolutely. Wryly he added, "And I doubt you'll believe me after I said I already want to marry her and I'm already head over heels, but I'm trying very hard not to push her into things."

"I believe you, which surprises me too," Kaoru replied with a short laugh. "Hikaru knows something of your dating history?" he asked.

Kiri nodded slowly and said, "I told her a little when we started dating, but from what she said earlier, she's probably picked up more." He blushed again and looked away. And saw Hikaru approaching.

Hikaru reached them and her uncle said, "That was fast."

Hikaru frowned at him and said, "I did everything it's possible to do during one visit to the restroom. I even checked my makeup."

"You're wearing makeup?" Kaoru asked her in surprise.

"Just a little," she replied.

"And perfume," Kiri added. Hikaru looked at him uncertainly and he questioned, "Unless it's a soap fragrance?"

She shook her head and said, "No." She blushed, and continued, "It's perfume but I thought I barely used any."

Kiri laughed and said, "It's not much, I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't had my nose right against your ear. It's nice."

Hikaru slid back into the booth beside him and he slid his arm around her waist and hugged her for a moment. She looked at her uncle a little defiantly.

"Isn't he a little old for you?" he asked again.

"No," she said.

"How old?" Kaoru asked.

"27," Kiri answered ruefully.

"He's almost my age," Kaoru, who was 29, said while frowning at Hikaru.

"You're not that old, I can remember your middle school graduation," Hikaru protested.

"You mean you can remember stories about it," Kaoru replied.

"That too, with the button and everything, but I have my own memories too! After it, you carried me on your shoulders, and I dropped my blue shaved ice on your head," she told him.

Kaoru looked at her in surprise. "But you were only three!"

"Anyway, it doesn't matter, " Hikaru said. "I know 10 years sounds like a lot now, when it's 17 and 27, but when it's 18 and 28 people will only raise an eyebrow, and when it's past that, no one will even care anymore."

Kaoru said wryly, "I wasn't worrying about what people think. Just, well, because of your age you probably want different things from dating?"

Hikaru stared at her uncle dubiously. "If you mean he acts like sex isn't all he's hoping for, unlike 90% of the guys at all those group dates Shizuoka and Risa have dragged me to, then yeah?"

Kaoru asked coolly, "And you don't think he wants sex?"

Hikaru blushed and replied without looking at Kiri, "I know he does, but he's waiting for me, and trying not to push me into it."

Kaoru nodded thoughtfully at this agreement with what her boyfriend had said earlier.

Kiri rubbed her waist reassuringly with the fingers of the hand he had settled above her hip. She looked at him. "You've dated a little before already?" he asked.

Hikaru nodded.

Kiri asked hesitantly, "And no one ever kissed you?"

Hikaru said, "I'd been kissed before," and hesitated before adding, "I didn't like it very much then."

Kiri hugged her and said, "I'm glad."

"Why?" Hikaru asked a little anxiously.

Kiri kissed her nose and told her, "Because even if it's only a little, I'm glad that you have had some previous experience to judge from. Sorry, it's selfish of me."

Hikaru stared at him with puzzlement. "OK?" she replied dubiously.

Kiri laughed. "Nevermind," he said.

Kaoru said, "I have to get back to the kitchen, stand up and I'll take a picture of the two of you."

They all scooted out of the booth. Kiri wrapped around Hikaru for the photo, so they were posed like an affectionate prom photo. He asked Hikaru's uncle, "Give me a copy?"

Kaoru said dryly, "Sure, just give me your contact number."

Kiri grinned and rattled it off for him.

Kaoru raised an eyebrow and entered it into his phone.

"Thank-you," Kiri said, smiling.

"You can order dessert if you like, I'll cover it," Kaoru told them.

"I have a reservation elsewhere," Kiri interrupted before Hikaru could respond. "Unless you'd rather stay here," he offered to her.

She shook her head.

They said goodbye and Kaoru returned to work and Kiri and Hikaru reclaimed their things and left the restaurant.

"Did you also have a dinner reservation somewhere?" Hikaru asked.

Kiri laughed and said lightly, "I didn't know what you'd like, but I wanted to make our first formal date memorable, so I made reservations at several places."

Hikaru said, "Oh, I'm sorry." Then she asked, "will there be fees?"

He caressed her and said, "It's fine, I sent cancellation messages to the earlier things when we turned our stuff over before dancing."

"Oh," she replied.

"Should we walk or take the car?" he asked.

"Where are we going?" she returned.

"To the tea gardens, I have a 3 hour reservation, we can have dessert first or walk the garden first, whichever you prefer," he answered.

"We can't walk the gardens, it's after sunset and they close," Hikaru reminded him.

He grinned at her and replied, "They're not closed to private reservations."

She stared at him, and then asked, "Isn't that really expensive?"

"Hikaru," he said, and she winced.

"Nevermind," she replied quickly.

"I don't mind, and I don't want you to mind, and it's not that expensive. No worse than going to a movie, really," he said.

She looked at him uncertainly, "Are you sure?"

He nodded. She smiled at him. He grinned back and gave her a squeeze.

"Walk or drive?" he asked again.

"Walk?" she suggested.

"How are your shoes and your feet so far?" he asked.

Hikaru said wryly holding her toes out to display her somewhat worn sandals, "I'm fine, this is a comfortable old pair."

Kiri laughed and said, "I'm glad. We'll walk then. Gardens or dessert first?"

"Gardens?" Hikaru replied, "Since we just ate a lot."

Kiri nodded.

They strolled across the downtown area in a leisurely fashion.


When they entered the gardens Hikaru was surprised to find that all the stone garden lanterns that she'd thought were purely decorative were lit. "Wow," she said, "this is beautiful.

Kiri nodded and asked, "Haven't you been here before?"

"Only once, a few years ago, during the day." She bit her lip and added, "I know it doesn't seem like much, but the usual entry fee seems like a lot when you're spending all your money on other things?"

Kiri nodded.

They came to a reflecting pool that was sending shimmering ripples of light up the plantings that leaned over it, and paused there.

"Shall we sit awhile?" Kiri asked.

Hikaru looked at the stone bench dubiously, "It looks wet," she said.

Kiri grinned and laid his jacket down and sat on it. He held his arms open to her. Hikaru gingerly perched on his lap. Kiri laughed and cuddled her until she relaxed against him.

"This is nice," she said.

"Yes," he agreed.

After a little bit Kiri asked, "Can I buy you a ring?" Hikaru shifted uncomfortably. "Would you wear a couple's ring with me?" he asked quickly, before she replied.

Hikaru said, "Um."

Kiri said lightly, "If it's too soon, it's OK."

Hikaru turned away from the pond and wrapped her arm over his shoulder. "It's embarrassing to ask this," she said, and stopped.

"Ask anyway?" he suggested.

"I don't like to wear jewelry, it bugs me and I usually fiddle with it until I lose it. But I've always thought it would be kind of cool to share a pair of earrings instead of a ring, and you already have these piercings?" she said, shyly touching the three small earrings he wore in one ear.

"Hikaru, your ears aren't pierced though are they?" he asked.

She shook her head and said, "No." She swallowed and added, "Because I hate needles."

Kiri hugged her tightly and said softly, "I only selfishly wanted you to wear a marker, if you're willing to make a permanent mark on your body to wear it, I'm thrilled. I'd love to share a pair of earrings with you instead."

She nodded. They kissed for awhile.

"Should we go shopping tomorrow after you get off work?" he asked. "And can I hope that this is exempted from your prohibition on me buying you things?"

Hikaru laughed. "Yes, and I guess so." She stuck her tongue out at him. He bit it lightly and teased her a little with his own tongue as they kissed.

After a while they continued through the gardens. Eventually they came to a bridge that arched over a wide waterway covered in what appeared to be dozens of candle lit paper flowers. "Wow," Hikaru breathed. "Even if those are plastic instead of paper, do they do this every night?"

"I think so," Kiri replied, "because this is the view from the teahouse." He gestured toward the row of large round windows across the water.

The windows only dimly showed the tables and diners behind them. Hikaru blushed and asked, "Then everyone can see us?"

Kiri laughed and pulled her close and whispered, "Why? Want to do something embarrassing?"

Hikaru wriggled in his grasp, and replied, "Not where people are watching."

He kissed her lightly and said, "I'm pretty sure we're only dim figures with all the lights between. "What did you want to do?"

"Just this," Hikaru replied while cuddling against him.

He held her for a little bit.

When they went inside they were seated at opposite sides of a small table.

A dessert cart full of dozens of types of miniature cakes and confections was rolled up to them. Hikaru waffled between the choices.

Kiri laughed and said, "Choose three."

Hikaru looked at him dubiously.

"Then we'll have four and we can share them all," he explained.

She chose two different types of strawberry desserts and asked Kiri to choose the last. Both of his choices were chocolate types. They were all delicious.

Kiri walked her back to the bus station and kissed her goodnight when her bus arrived.

Hikaru stayed up a little past midnight and did about half her homework.