They arrived at Hikaru's house just before six. "Sundays used to be our family day, so my mother insists we all have dinner together at least on Sundays," Hikaru said suddenly.
"Used to be?" Kiri enquired.
"Sundays are the only day Izumi-san has off currently, so I leave them alone except for dinner," she replied.
Kiri's mouth compressed into a flat line, but then he gave himself a little shake and relaxed. "OK," he said.
They walked up to the door together as usual, but then Hikaru opened it and led Kiri inside.
Her mother clapped her hands and bounced up to them. "You really did it! And you're already matching! So cute!" she exclaimed happily.
Kiri grinned at her and Hikaru blushed.
Izumi sat at the table, which was already set, though no food was out yet.
Miri told them to sit and dashed off to the kitchen. Hikaru hesitated and said, "I should help."
"OK," Kiri said and they followed after Miri.
They helped carry the food out, and Hikaru said, "Wow, you cooked so much."
Miri laughed and told her daughter, "It's a special occasion! Maybe I should have made red bean rice?" She grinned up at her daughter.
Hikaru, embarrassed, shook her head violently in refusal. They all sat and began dishing up their plates.
After they'd had a few bites, Izumi frowned across the table at Hikaru then looked at Kiri and asked bluntly, "How old are you, what kind of job do you have, why are you playing around with Hikaru?"
"Izumi!" Miri protested.
Kiri answered the questions stiffly, but completely, and in reverse order, "I'm not playing, I love her. I'm the general manager at Inline Productions, I make enough to support a wife and children if I wish. My birthday is in March and I'm currently 27."
"27!?" exclaimed Izumi. "You're a freaking pedophile!"
"Izumi!" Miri protested again.
Kiri said firmly, "I'm not a pedophile, Hikaru is young, but she's not a child."
"She's only 17!" yelled Izumi.
"It's none of your business," Hikaru said coldly.
"Like hell it's not, it's my business if my 17 year old daughter is having sex with a 27 year old man," Izumi snapped.
Hikaru glared at him.
Miri said faintly, "Hikaru, Izumi?"
Hikaru said coolly, "You are not my father. We haven't had sex yet. And it's none of your fucking business."
Izumi stared at her and replied, "There's no point in lying about it, he had his hand up your skirt."
Kiri interrupted, "She's telling the truth."
Hikaru said coldly, "He did not."
Miri tugged at Izumi's sleeve and said, "It doesn't matter!"
Izumi looked at his wife and said, "She's lying to you."
Kiri snapped, "She's not lying! Why would you even think that? Will you stop treating her like this?!"
"You had your hand up her skirt!" yelled Izumi.
Kiri leapt to his feet and yelled back, "It shouldn't have mattered if I was fucking her in the street! You had no right to hit her! She's not lying! You just don't respect her at all!!" Everyone stared for a moment. He turned away from the table fists clenched and said more quietly, "I'm sorry Hikaru, I didn't realize I was still so angry, I don't think I can do this."
"Izumi," Miri said very quietly.
Hikaru crawled over to Kiri and took his hand as she stood up.
Izumi looked at his wife and began, "Miri, I"
Miri interrupted him and said grimly, "Don't say anything right now if you want to remain married to me."
Izumi shut up.
"I'm sorry, I think I should go," Kiri said quietly.
"Yes, I think you should," Miri replied.
"Mom!" Hikaru protested.
"And you should take Hikaru with you," Miri continued.
Hikaru stared at her mother in shock.
"Miri!" Izumi protested.
Miri glared at him and he shut up.
"Take your things for school tomorrow," she told her daughter.
Hikaru looked at her uncertainly and started to protest.
"Apparently Izumi and I are going to have our first big fight, and you don't need to be here for it," Miri said grimly, "and Izumi doesn't need you to be here to witness it either."
"OK," Hikaru replied unhappily and climbed the stairs, threw her uniform and some underwear into her small duffle, and picked up her school bag. When she came down the stairs she said worriedly, "But mom, Izumi-san makes you happy, and I'll graduate in a couple months, and it won't matter if I can't get along with him."
Miri gave her daughter a sorrowful look and said, "It will be OK Hikaru, unless he says something really stupid we're just going to fight, not divorce, just go and come back like normal after school tomorrow."
She looked at Kiri and said, "if you don't mind?"
Kiri grabbed Hikaru's hand and said, "I don't mind." He added, "I'm sorry."
Hikaru and Kiri left. Hikaru kept glancing back worriedly. Kiri held the door for her and she climbed into his car and buckled herself in. Kiri got in, but didn't start it immediately.
"Hikaru?" he asked uncertainly.
She looked at him.
"I'm sorry," he said again.
"I don't think it's your fault," she replied.
"Do you want to come home with me, or should I take you to your uncle, or a friend's house?" Kiri asked.
Hikaru looked at him and said reluctantly, "I don't want to impose."
Kiri laughed wryly and said, "I want to take you home with me, but I don't want you to come if you don't want to."
"Then I want to go home with you," she replied.
Kiri started the car and pulled out onto the street. After they'd driven for awhile he asked, "Should we go somewhere for dinner? Should I make something quick? We didn't eat much."
Hikaru said, "If you don't mind, I'd rather eat what you cook, but whatever you prefer."
Kiri offered her a wry grin. "I love cooking for you," he said.