Chapter 65 - Fantasy interrupted.

The rest of spring break passed too quickly. Mirage played somewhere every night. Sunday Hikaru only saw Kiri for a few minutes in the morning as they were getting dressed.

She pouted, but then grinned at him. He arched his eyebrow at her and straightened his tie. She said, "This is what I imagine being an old married couple will be like, it's almost a routine and we haven't really had sex in over a week."

Kiri laughed and pulled her closer, then nibbled at her ear and whispered, "What makes you think we're not having sex when we're older hmm?"

She blushed and shrugged helplessly. "I don't know, it just seems like people don't."

"Maybe," he agreed. "But don't count on it," he teased, and kissed her. Then he sighed and said, "Let's go."


Monday after school, which was somehow both chaotic and dead boring on the first day back, Hikaru went to her checkup appointment. Risa went with her, when she found out that Kiri was still working and Hikaru was going alone.

Hikaru laughed and said, "You don't have to come, it's just a checkup."

Risa looked at her seriously and said, "A checkup for a surgery, for something that could have killed you Hikaru. What if they tell you something awful like you won't be able to have kids?"

Hikaru stopped and looked at her in shock.

Risa backpedaled and said reassuringly, "I doubt they will, I just don't want you to be alone, in case."

Hikaru nodded and then said quietly, "Kiri said it will be fine if we can't for some reason. But we'd like to have a couple later."

Risa asked, "You've already discussed it?"

Hikaru blushed and said, "Well, they said that it probably hadn't been functional for awhile, and I wasn't pregnant when they took it out."

Risa stared at her and asked in a horrified tone, "You've been having unprotected sex with him?"

Hikaru gazed back at her in surprise and admitted with embarrassment, "We did once."

Risa heaved a sigh of relief and quizzed Hikaru about how close to her cycle that had been and after they'd discussed it for awhile, she told Hikaru, "You probably wouldn't have caught then anyway, but what were you thinking? We're still in school!"

Hikaru shrugged and didn't meet Risa's eyes as she admitted, "Neither of us was thinking about that at all."

Risa snorted and replied, "Well if you don't start thinking about it everytime now, you'll be pregnant pretty soon. Since you don't have an implant anymore."

Hikaru told her seriously, "Kiri is usually very careful with me, I never even have to ask. It was just that one time."

"One time is enough Hikaru!" Risa declared laughingly. "Just look at our parents."

Hikaru grinned and replied, "I know right, such good examples of what not to do?"

They both laughed, but Risa told her quietly while they were waiting at the doctor's office, "Actually, I'm not sure I ever want to have kids. Sometimes I feel like I'm already raising five, even though my parents really do work hard not to leave them to me more than they can help."

Hikaru asked uncomfortably, "What if Makoto wants to?"

Risa thought for awhile and then replied, "If he can persuade me that we can afford them comfortably, and he's really determined, I wouldn't hate having one or two. I just don't think maybe I'll want to have them, just to have them, you know?"

Hikaru nodded.

Fortunately the doctor had no alarming news for her. She said, when asked, that the scar tissue might very slightly reduce Hikaru's future fertility, but nothing major. She cheerfully informed them that Hikaru looked to have healed up very well, and could even consider getting a new implant in a few months if she wanted to.

Hikaru messaged Kiri the good news, to Risa's amusement.


When Kiri got home, he walked over and knelt behind her, leaned his chin on her shoulder and whispered into her ear, "I really want to do you right now."

Hikaru laughed, laid down her homework and said, "OK".

They kissed for awhile and Kiri unbuttoned her shirt and ran kisses down her collarbone. She gasped as he slid his hands up her skirt and cupped her bottom. He grinned at her and lifted her onto the table.

She laughed and protested, "Kiri, we eat here!"

He got to his knees and pushed her back, leaned over her and licked her nipple making her quiver. "I'm going to eat you," he promised. He sucked on her nipple as he slid her underwear off and spread her legs, then he ran his tongue down her belly and pushed her skirt up.

She gasped as he bent and licked her there. Then he sucked and her whole body quivered. He withdrew and looked at her and groaned. "God Hikaru," he whispered, "you look like every man's pornographic fantasy of a high school girl right now. I really want to take a picture."

She looked at him searchingly and then hesitantly replied, "OK?"

He stared at her with disbelief so plain that she laughed and he grabbed her hips and demanded, "Don't move!"

She couldn't help laughing again as he fumbled his phone out and dropped it. He held it up and then hesitated. He reached out and adjusted her shirt so it just covered her nipples and pulled her skirt down a little.

When she looked at him with surprise, he reached out and caressed her cheek and said, "I just want a memory of how unbelievably sexy you looked."

He took the picture and she blushed and looked at him, his hair was mussed by her fingers, his pants were unfastened, and his lips reddened with desire. She replied shyly, "Kiri, you are my fantasy too."

He dropped his phone and pulled her into his kiss. He somehow managed to get the condom open without ever letting her up for air, and when he entered her, he pushed her back against the table so he could look at her as he moved.

She cried out as the first wave of orgasm shook her and from the front doorway someone said, "Oh my god, that's disgusting!"

Hikaru and Kiri froze. The view was upside down and it took Hikaru a moment to register that Kiri's niece and sister stood in their open door. She felt paralyzed, she couldn't even breathe. Kiri looked down at her and then somehow he pulled her up against his chest and stood in one quick motion.

He carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. He groaned and said, "I feel like such a horny jerk right now."

Startled she looked into his face. He reached up and cupped her jaw and explained, "You look so embarrassed you could die, and I just want to come," he explained in a raw voice.

"Come," she whispered, and pulled him closer.

He thrust into her again and moaned when she kissed him. He moaned when she kissed him and thrust into her again. He finished quickly. After he dealt with the mess he started to button up her shirt, she just laid there unmoving.

He looked at her with concern. "Hikaru," he said softly, and when her eyes moved to his face he said as lightly as he could, "You're never going to let me do you on the table again are you?"

A choked laugh escaped her and then tears started to drip down her cheeks. He pulled her back into his arms and held her. "What can I do?" he asked softly.

Someone pounded on the bedroom door and Kiri's sister called through it, "Kiri, get out here!"

"Go home!" he yelled back a little angrily.

Hikaru let out another choked laugh that sounded like half sob. Kiri hugged and caressed her.

"Kiri!" demanded his sister from the other side of the door, and then they heard her husband's voice murmuring something and it went quiet.

Kiri frowned at the door and Hikaru said haltingly, "I guess we should go out."

He looked back at her and said firmly, "You don't have to, you can stay here if you want."

She grabbed his arm and he looked at her searchingly. She said, a little more normally, "Just let me put on pants."

He nodded and hugged her and said quietly, "I love you like crazy."

She laughed for real this time and said, "I should certainly hope so after all that."

He blushed. She leaned in and kissed him, then stood and pulled out a pair of jeans. She removed her skirt and pulled them on quickly, and then nodded when he stood and looked at her.

He took her hand and they walked out to confront his sister.

He paused when he saw his sister and brother in law seated at his table, with their three youngest. Hikaru clung to his hand tightly and looked at him questioningly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kiri's sister demanded.

His gaze snapped back to her and his jaw tensed. "I thought I was making love to my fiancé in the privacy of our own home," he replied with cooly suppressed anger.

"A high-school aged fiancé? When is the baby due?" his sister demanded incredulously.

"That's enough Rei," her husband said quietly but firmly.

Kiri looked ready to explode and Hikaru squeezed and pulled his hand back until he looked at her. She shook her head.

"Why are you here?" Kiri asked the family instead.

Kiri's brother in law said simply, "My mother is dying."

A deep sigh escaped him and Kiri replied unhappily, "I'm sorry."

He took his wife's hand and said quietly, "We've known it's coming." She nodded and laid her other hand over his. He looked up at Kiri and said wryly, "We were hoping we could leave the kids with you and go tonight."

Kiri ran his hand through his hair and said, "Of course you can."