Chapter 7 - Just breathing.

Hikaru's phone rang while she was sitting at the table eating dinner with her mother and Izumi-san. She managed to accept the call after a couple of tries and then dropped the phone when Kiri waved at her.

"Sorry," she apologized and picked it up again.

Kiri laughed at her.

"How do you make a video call?" she asked.

"I'll show you next time we're together," Kiri promised.

"A video call?" Miri asked, and stood up to trot around the table and stare over Hikaru's shoulder. "Wow cool!" she exclaimed and waved.

Kiri waved back. "Hi," he said.

"Hi Takeshi-kun!" replied Hikaru's mother happily.

"You shouldn't use your phone at the dinner table," Izumi scolded.

Kiri overheard and asked, "Should I call you back in awhile?"

Hikaru replied with a grimace, "I'll call you when I'm done?"

Kiri nodded and said, "OK sweetheart, talk to you soon."

Hikaru said, "Yeah, sorry Kiri."

He replied, "It's fine," gave her a smile, and ended the call.

Later in her room, Hikaru called Kiri.

"Hi," he answered. "Shall I call you back with another video call?"

"If you want, but you don't need to," replied Hikaru.

"We can just talk," he agreed.

"What should we talk about?" she asked.

"When our next date is?" Kiri suggested.

Hikaru laughed.

He suggested, "I think I'll be finished about 7:30 tomorrow?"

"On school nights my curfew is 8pm, though my mother did help convince Izumi-san to let me work until 8, so when I'm working I just return as quickly as I can," she said apologetically.

"Oh," he replied.

She said, "And I've got a job on Tuesday, so maybe Wednesday?"

"I'm off all day Wednesday, so what if I pick you up from school and we spend the whole afternoon?" Kiri said hopefully.

"I'd like that... but Kiri my friends want to meet you, if you wouldn't mind then maybe I'll introduce you first?" Hikaru asked hesitantly.

"I don't mind," he replied.

"OK, thank you," she said.

"Where are you playing Tuesday?" he asked.

"I'm playing the warm up set for 'Red Tuesday' from 6 to 8, at a bar called 'Night Owls', they do 'Red Tuesdays' with jazz and 'Blue Thursdays' with blues music every week," Hikaru told him.

"You play jazz?" he asked.

"I play a little bit of lots of things?" she answered.

"I'd like to hear you play on stage sometime," he told her.

"I don't mind, but you'd still have to pay the cover, I can't get you in there," Hikaru warned.

Amused he asked, "So there are other places you could get me in?"

"If I were playing at Yukito-san's bar, 'Blue Moon', or if you came to my uncle's restaurant," she answered seriously.

"I see," he said cheerfully. "Well, I don't know if I can make it to see you play this Tuesday, but I might try."

"OK," she said.

A silence fell between them.

After a few moments Hikaru said, "I don't know what to talk about, and it feels wasteful to sit quietly on the phone."

Kiri laughed, "Sweetheart, I don't mind sitting quietly on the phone with you. It's not wasting anything. I'm not sure what to talk about either though, if it's making you uncomfortable, we can try talking again tomorrow?"

"Sure," she replied, "about 8pm then, so that you have a little time after you finish?"

"That sounds good," he said. Then added, "Hikaru you can call or message me anytime you want, if I'm working I'll just leave it until I have time, but when I have time I'll message or call you back?"

"OK," she agreed.

"Alright, we'll say goodnight now?" he asked.

"Yes, I think so, goodnight Kiri."

"Goodnight Hikaru," he replied and ended the call.