Chapter 9 - Standing here before me.

Tuesday there was school, as always. At home, in the afternoon, Hikaru rushed through her homework. Rushed being a relative term, as it took all of the available time and she was still working on it as she ate.

Then she dressed. Black jeans with brass chains sewn like crossed laces down the sides that Risa had made for her. A decorated red silk top that had been made from a Chinese dress she'd had as a small child. At Hikaru's request, her mother had added black panels and long sleeves to it. Her ponytail was decorated with a red silk ribbon.

She grabbed her coat and she took her guitar. On Red Tuesdays she usually played the baby grand piano that was a permanent fixture at Night Owls, but she thought she might switch instruments when Ryu-sensei arrived.

… K to K

Kazuha messaged Kiri.

Kazuha: This place isn't a bar, it's a classy dive.

Kiri: ?

Kazuha: You'll see when you get here, btw the cover was 25, but a table was 35, so I paid for the table and gave them your name. They said tell them you're at a table and show your ID when you get here.

Kiri: OK ty

Kazuha: Thought you said your girlfriend would be playing, there's just a guy playing piano?

Kiri: Does the guy look like this? *picture of Hikaru in Sunday uniform attached*

Kazuha: Holy fuck!

Kiri: >:3


Hikaru played her usual solo piano jazz until eight. Then she took a short break. Ryuske hadn't arrived yet, but when she visited their website at the end of the set, it said "3/4 Mirage tonight at Night Owls, 8-11pm" on the events calendar. She had to admit that the phone was handy sometimes. She assumed that Ryuske and one other member were planning to arrive soon. She downed a bottle of water and returned to the stage.

It wasn't really a jazz song, but it was one that could easily be extended or shortened, and one of her favorites, so she played 'Rush Rush' next. About a third of the way through, Ryuske's violin joined in. He stepped out and stood beside her. He was wearing black jeans and a glitteringly sequinned red shirt she'd never seen before that was either purposefully snug, or a size too small. Rin stepped out next, and slid her headset on as she played. His token bit of red was limited to a dragon that covered one half of his T-shirt.

He and Ryuske were already wearing their headsets and the violin's slightly amplified sound showed that they were already connected to the sound system. Rin set up the little portable projector that put up Mirage's shimmering Mirage banner against whatever background it was pointed at, before he picked up his bass and joined in.

At the next phrase break in the song, they started singing the lyrics. There were a few whistles and cheers from the audience. Hikaru, Ryuske and Rin smiled.

Ryuske had devised a set list of songs that they were familiar with, that were descendants of jazz if not strictly jazz, and told them the next song over the internal line on their headsets between songs. For many of the songs he played the piano while Hikaru played her guitar. It was a little weird without their drummer, but they managed.

… K and K

Kiri showed up to find a line formed outside 'Night Owls'. The building was unprepossessing, and the entrance looked more like a utility entrance, except for the tuxedo wearing guard standing beside it.

There was no sign other than a small chalk board beside the entrance, that had Night Owls discretely emblazoned across the top of it's frame. The board said: Red Tuesday, Hikaru 6-8, Mirage 8-11.

Kiri asked someone from the line what the line was for and was told, "Dude, Mirage is playing an unscheduled 3/4 show here tonight!"

The person next to him said, "I don't know Mirage, but Red Tuesday's are often crowded."

Kiri approached the door guard rather than getting in line, recalling Kazuha's instructions. His ID was taken inside, and shortly he was invited in, to mutterings from those waiting.

It was indeed a classy dive. Though smoking was prohibited, wispy vapors trailed through the low lighting. Some sort of mist machine he deduced after a moment. Everything was decorated in polished wood and brass with imitation leather upholstery. There were three tiers of small tables and a long bar. Both tables and bar were fully occupied.

The stage was a raised platform above a small dance floor. The dance floor was crowded. Mirage was playing something that wailed in a minor key at the moment.

Hikaru was at the piano, while a bass and a violin were the other instruments.

He located Kazuha and made his way to the table. He raised an eyebrow at his friend when he got there. Kazuha had a small 3/4 full bottle and two shot glasses.

"A bit stiff for a teacher on a school night isn't it?" he asked.

Kazuha grimaced at him and replied, "Half is yours if you want it?"

Kiri said a little coolly, "I can't drink that, I'm driving tonight."

Kazuha nodded back, "OK."

"Why?" asked Kiri and listened to the explanation with one ear as he watched Hikaru.

Kazuha explained, "She left, with another guy, again."

Kiri replied with irritation, "I've told you to stop taking her back, she's not worth this."

Kazuha just grimaced at him again and poured another shot.

They watched Mirage performing in silence for a bit. Then Kazuha said, "The place really filled up after the rest of the band showed up. They are pretty good though."

Kiri nodded.

"Why a high-school girl?" Kazuha asked.

Kiri's mouth curved and he said, still gazing at Hikaru, "It was only supposed to be one kiss."

"Must've been a hell of a kiss?" Kazuha asked.

"It barely qualified as a kiss," Kiri answered and laughed quietly.

His friend stared at him in confusion.

"Nevermind," Kiri told him, still grinning.

"Thought you had a rule against dating musicians?" Kazuha asked curiously.

Kiri sobered and said, "Yeah, but I didn't think to ask if she were a musician before I started, and then I already liked her too much to quit."

They watched a bit more and then Kiri added, "I was hoping it was some teenage garage band."

Kazuha surveyed Mirage and offered, "They look like a small boy band, honestly. The leader with the eyeliner could belong to some visual kei group, and your girlfriend um..."

"Did you really take her for a guy?" Kiri asked.

"Yeah, she's completely flat." Kazuha said.

Kiri glanced at him with irritation, and replied, "There's more to women than big breasts."

Kazuha made no reply, but he gave Kiri a skeptical look.

After a few more songs Kiri said, "They have a pretty wide range for a cover band, and I've never heard this one."

Kazuha suggested, "Maybe they aren't just a cover band, earlier they played one that was pretty obviously their title song, 'Mirage'. Something about drowning in the sand, and not touching."

"Maybe," Kiri replied thoughtfully. "Does the one who keeps switching between piano and violin seem familiar? I recognize the bass player, Rin, I've worked with him before."

"No?" replied Kazuha.

"There's something about him..." Kiri trailed off.

They listened until Mirage finished, and then Kiri received a text.

"Can't come out into the bar due to age. Meet outside?" Hikaru sent.

"Let's go," said Kiri.


When they finished, the three members of Mirage were pleasantly surprised to be paid 200 each, on the spot, except for Hikaru who was assured by 'Night Owls' owner that she would receive the same plus the usual she got for playing the two hour warm up.

Ryuske asked "Why are we the only ones being paid immediately?"

Hikaru told him about the arrangement Yukito had set up, so that she was never carrying much cash when she worked alone.

"Well thought," complimented Rin. "Should we walk you to the bus, we came on my bike."

"I have a ride home," Hikaru replied with embarrassment.

Rin gave her a considering look and asked, "Boyfriend?"

Hikaru nodded.

"OK, see you Friday then," he replied.

Ryuske stood staring at Hikaru until Rin nudged him. Then he laughed and said, "Yeah. And it's the week for cancellations, our Saturday job cancelled too, so let's do an all day practice session."

Rin and Hikaru agreed, then Hikaru left by the side alley door and headed for the front of the bar.

Just outside the alley she spotted Kiri and ran up to him, but then, embarrassed, slid to a stop.

Kiri stepped forward, picked her up in a hug and spun around with her. "You were great," he said with a smile.

"Thanks," she replied, feeling shy.

They kissed for a moment.

Then Hikaru whispered, "Kiri, that guy is just standing there watching us."

Kiri turned and laughed, "Sorry, it's my friend Kazuha, the teacher who helped me with your homework. He invited me to go drinking tonight, I told him I was already planning to come here, so he met me here. He's a little drunk."

Hikaru looked surprised. "A teacher is drunk on a school night?"

Kiri grimaced. "There's a reason," he replied.

Hikaru darted forward and grabbed the man's arm, "Don't sit there Kazuha-sensei! People pee in this alley." She pulled him away from the wall.

"Gods," said Kazuha, "don't call me sensei, I'm not your teacher and having Kiri's girlfriend be high-school aged is creepy enough." He staggered a little and Kiri took his other arm.

They led him to Kiri's car, he started to climb into the front seat but Kiri said firmly, "Hikaru's in front with me."

"OK," Kazuha agreed. "You don't look like one of Kiri's girlfriends," he told Hikaru dubiously.

"Oh?" she asked.

"Nothing," Kazuha made a cupping gesture at his chest.

Kiri hit him lightly and pushed him into the backseat.

Hikaru blushed, and climbed carefully into the front seat with her guitar and buckled herself in.

Kiri got in and after checking that everyone was secure, started driving.

Kazuha asked from the back, "Have you told Chi-chan? I've got to tell Chi-chan you're dating a high-school aged musician." He fumbled for his phone.

"Kazu," Kiri scolded, "Don't drunk call other people's pregnant wives."

"Who's Chi-chan?" asked Hikaru

"Kiri dated her in college, for several years, they were engaged," Kazuha said helpfully.

Kiri grimaced and nodded when Hikaru looked at him. "We're still friends," he said. "We do much better as friends than we ever did as lovers. We used to fight all the time."

"I find that kind of reassuring," Hikaru said.

Kiri looked at her in surprise, then turned his gaze back to the road. "Why?"

"You've had at least one relationship longer than six months," she explained.

Kiri blushed.

Kazuha apologized for meeting Hikaru while drunk.

Hikaru asked why he was drunk on a school night.

Kazuha explained that his girlfriend had run off with another guy again.

Kiri said bitterly, "Stop taking her back."

Hikaru looked at them both and then suggested tentatively, "If you love her as she is, it shouldn't make you this miserable? You sound like this is something she's done more than once. But if you only love how you think she should be, maybe Kiri is right?"

Kazuha nodded miserably and said, "Yeah, I know."

When they arrived at Hikaru's, Kiri got out and walked her to the door as usual.

"Sorry," he said.

"Why?" she asked.

He gestured back at Kazuha.

Hikaru squeezed his hand and said, "It's all right."

Kiri kissed her softly at the door. "See you tomorrow afternoon?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, and kissed him again.

"Goodnight Hikaru," he said, smiling.

"Goodnight Kiri," she replied, and went in.

Kazuha had moved to the front seat when Kiri got back to the car.

"You are right," Kazuha said as they pulled away.

"Of course," Kiri said loftily.

"You're also a smug bastard and your own dating history isn't that great," his friend grumbled.

"Sorry," replied Kiri.

"Will you really be OK dating a high-school girl? If you get arrested, don't call me," Kazuha fretted.

"Some friend you are," Kiri laughed.

"I won't take her back again. And I will take all her stuff to her mother's and change the locks. But I do love her, and it hurts." Kazuha said.

Kiri looked at his friend in surprise. "I think it will hurt less in the end to stop repeating this," he offered.

"Yeah," Kazuha agreed.

… R to R

Rin said, "You may have waited too long." He unbuckled his helmet and pulled it off.

Ryuske fumbled with the helmet he wore and asked, "Waited too long for what?"

"To confess to Hikaru," Rin replied.

Ryuske stopped what he was doing and stared at Rin. "Why would I?" he asked after a moment.

"Because you love her," Rin replied matter of factly.

Ryuske frowned, pulled off the helmet, and though he didn't deny it he said, "Not enough. And I'm too old for her anyway."

"You'll lose her," warned Rin.

Ryuske gazed at Rin seriously. "When I think 'who do I love most', Hikaru is the second name I think of, she needs more than half a love. She deserves more." Ryuske said firmly and handed the spare helmet to Rin.