Chapter 59 - Star crossed.

Hikaru walked to Inline from the nearest bus station. She clenched her hands nervously, then took a deep breath and straightened. She climbed the steps and looked up at the tall building where Kiri worked. She laughed at herself and reminded herself that Takeda also worked here, and Ryuske had probably been here many times. It made the building seem less intimidating.

Inside she told the receptionist, "Takeshi Kiri called me for a meeting?"

The receptionist checked something on a computer and then made a quick call. When he hung up he politely directed Hikaru to a conference room on the third floor and said, "He's still in another consultation, but will be there soon."

Hikaru entered the room to find the actress she'd seen on the video the previous evening sitting on one of the low couches arranged around a wide oval table. No one else was present and Hikaru looked around curiously.

The little actress looked up and snapped, "Go away, this room is occupied."

Hikaru looked back at her and raised her brows. "I'm aware," she replied.

The actress looked at her as though she were stupid and said, "I'm busy, you can't have an autograph, and if a kid like you is here about being my next manager, you can just scram!" Her lip trembled and she looked away.

Hikaru looked at her calmly, surprised at herself, and thought Keito Kirari looked younger and smaller in person than she'd expected. Almost gently she said, "Takeshi Kiri asked me to come here and speak to you."

The girl's head whipped back to stare at Hikaru. Doubtfully she asked, "Are you Hitoshi-san?" Hikaru nodded.

The girl stared at her open mouthed.

Then she stood suddenly and declared angrily, "I knew he was lying! It was obvious after he gave in and admitted it was his fiancé instead of his wife."

Hikaru laughed, surprising herself again. When the little actress glared at her she asked with low voiced amusement, "So why do you think I'm here then?"

The actress stared at her and then blushed and turned away. Hikaru wondered what kind of answer she'd thought of until she said contritely, "I'm sorry, I don't have anything against that kind of relationship, you can call yourself his wife if you want to."

Hikaru gasped with laughter and Keito spun around and declared, "And that's the only apology you get from me! Takeshi-san behaved horribly, any real manager would have just gone with it!"

Hikaru sobered and replied firmly, "No, you went too far."

Keito said bitingly, "What would you know about it. Just because your lover is a manager in the industry, doesn't mean you have any idea what things are like!"

Hikaru looked at her seriously and replied, "True, I have absolutely no idea why you would claim someone you're supposed to have a professional relationship with is your lover, when they aren't."

Keito snapped, "What makes you so sure I'm not his lover?"

Hikaru replied crossly, "He's not your lover, and I never imagined such a famous actress would be so childish."

Keito burst into tears and Hikaru stared at her appalled. When she didn't stop crying Hikaru reluctantly walked over and patted her shoulder.

The little actress, between sobs, told Hikaru "You'll never understand how impossible dating is for people in the spotlight."

Hikaru replied wryly after a moment, "I don't know whether to hope you're wrong or not."

Keito just stared at her miserably and said, "My boyfriend cheated on me and then told me calmly that he was only meeting expectations and I should understand." And despite declaring that she wouldn't apologize again, she did apologize and said, "I just wanted to prevent him from using me to boost his career by making the rumors look false."

Hikaru said dryly, "If you'd trusted your manager, and talked to him before the interview, Kiri might have been able to come up with a plan that wouldn't have looked like a scandal."

"Funny you should say that Hikaru of Mirage, with this unscheduled private meeting," said Takeda from the doorway. Behind him were Kiri and an attractive middle aged man that Hikaru didn't recognize.

Hikaru gasped and apologized to Takeda, "Sorry, it never occurred to me that I should notify you of this?"

"I wouldn't have known if I hadn't bumped into these two in the hall," he replied a little grumpily.

The middle aged man chuckled and said cheerfully, "This meeting was my suggestion Hoshimaru."

Kiri went directly to Hikaru and said, "Sorry I didn't meet you at the entry, we were still busy when you arrived." He hugged her.

Keito snapped with annoyance, "Aren't you apologizing to the wrong person?"

Kiri's shoulders tightened, although his face was carefully bland when he turned around and asked quietly, "Sorry Keito-san, did you require anything during the twenty minutes you were left alone?"

The other man laughed and said, before Keito could reply, "Takeshi, enough." He walked over to Hikaru, shook her hand, and told her, "I've really wanted to meet you, Hikaru-kun."

Hikaru gave him a blank look and replied, "Hello?"

Kiri said, "This is my boss, Emri Enrico, Inline Productions owner."

Hikaru's mouth formed an o of surprise.

Emri grinned and said, "I thought that since Kirari-chan wouldn't believe that you existed, it would be the perfect opportunity to meet you."

Kiri leaned in and whispered, "I thought you were going to scold her."

Apparently Keito had really good ears because she stomped her little foot and exclaimed, "Scold me? You were going to let your lover scold me? I want a new manager!"

Kiri looked back at her with exasperation.

Takeda said calmly, "I see what this is about now."

Hikaru looked at him curiously and Kiri looked embarrassed.

Takeda suggested, "Why don't you just alter her contract and make her provide her own manager?"

Emri looked at him with surprise and said speculatively, "Maybe I should have come to you with this sooner."

Keito gasped and said angrily, "You can't be serious!"

Hikaru asked her, "Wouldn't that be really cool for you? Kiri said you haven't gotten along with any of the managers Inline provided."

Keito stared at her and said in a tone that implied Hikaru was even more stupid than she'd previously assumed, "That's what they're getting paid for, providing me with a manager."

"Really?" asked Hikaru dubiously, ignoring the little actresses tone. "Because Inline is mostly providing us with publication and legal work, although," she added a little guiltily glancing at Takeda, "I admit having the advice of an experienced manager has been comforting."

Takeda gave her a small smile.

Keito gaped at her disbelievingly. "Do you have any idea how busy my schedule is? I don't have the resources to deal with all that and remember all my lines and focus on work!"

Hikaru realized everyone was looking at her and replied with some embarrassment, "I don't, but our band leader does most of our scheduling, my father's childhood friend acts as my agent for solo work, and I know there are other people with the organizational capacity to do that kind of work who don't already work as managers. Don't you just need someone you can get along with who can learn to do that kind of thing?"

Kiri's boss stepped in and said smoothly, "Exactly, I think you need to take the time and participate in hiring your own manager. Kirari-chan, we can either keep your contract the same or you can pay them yourself and we can discuss giving you a higher percent. Takeshi can add interviews to your schedule, and if you know anyone you want to work with, we can start with them."

The little actress didn't give in right away, but eventually she was persuaded. Watching her interactions gave Hikaru an idea. But she didn't want to say anything in front of Keito-san.

Eventually they left the building in a group, Takeda and Emri bid them farewell at the doors. Hikaru looked at Kiri and asked quietly, "Do you need to see her home first?"

Kiri turned to her and grinned. "Does Takeda take you home after things?" he asked with amusement.

Hikaru shook her head, but then added, "When we were all so exhausted, he did pick us up and then lent us a van."

Keito snapped, "I've already got a cab."

One pulled up in front of her before Hikaru had time to ask. She yanked the door open and threw herself into the seat, and yelled back at them, "Takeshi you'd better not slack off because you think you're going to be able to get rid of me soon!"

Kiri pursed his lips and said hopefully, "Maybe I'll get lucky."

Hikaru poked him and he laughed.


On their way home, she said thoughtfully, "Look for older applicants if you can. She listened to Takeda the most, but I wouldn't wish her on him."

Kiri grinned and replied, "He'd retire so fast you'd be needing a new manager."


When they got home Kiri came out of the hall and asked, "What happened to the bed?"

Puzzled, Hikaru walked into the bedroom. She laughed. Almost all of the clothes she owned were still scattered across it. "Risa and Shizuoka helped me get dressed for the battle."

"Was there a battle?" he asked curiously, leaning in and kissing her neck lightly.

Hikaru thought about it and replied, "Just a skirmish."

They put away her clothes first.