Hikaru said reluctantly, "I suppose if we sleep together it will still put you at risk until all the paperwork is finalized."
Kiri laughed softly. She looked at him uncertainly.
"I don't care about that," he said.
"Then I want to," she replied.
"OK," he agreed.
He stood first and offered her a hand up, then walked into the bedroom. Hikaru followed.
Kiri simply stripped off his clothes and climbed into the bed while she shyly undressed. She crawled under the covers with him without looking at his face.
He reached out and pulled her up against him. "I have you where I want you now," he whispered teasingly, and followed up with a question.
Their bodies touching skin to skin for the first time distracted her and she didn't hear what he asked at first. "What?" she asked, embarrassed. "I wasn't listening."
Kiri laughed. He laid his hand against her cheek and asked again, "Do you want me to turn out the light now, or later?"
She looked into his face, and examined his expression. He looked amused and excited and still tired despite that. His fingers were warm against her face and his body felt almost hot against hers. She kissed him. He returned her kiss with several long slow kisses.
She remembered the question and said, "Later. I think."
He nodded, and explored her body with his hands.
Shyly she began to do the same. He waited while she touched him. Though he distracted her once in awhile with warm kisses.
When she let her fingers wander to there, she said, surprised, "It's so soft."
Kiri laughed and murmured, "It isn't, it's very hard, I promise." He tilted his hips and pushed into her hands.
Hikaru giggled and said, "No I mean, it is, but to touch, I didn't expect it to feel like this."
Kiri grinned at her and slid his hand between her thighs. She gasped and froze as he explored. His grin faded and he stopped and kissed her again and asked, "Do you want to stop here?"
Hikaru shook her head, "No," she pulled him closer, "Kiri, don't stop."
He lowered his head to her breasts and sucked while he fondled her. She arched into him and her legs spread as the sensations intensified and she began to ache.
He stopped again and Hikaru protested, "Kiri!"
He grinned at her and kissed her deeply while getting to his knees. He rummaged in the drawer of his nightstand for a moment and came up with a condom.
"Are you certain?" he whispered as he put it on. He bit her ear lightly, then sucked on her piercing, spinning it with his tongue.
Hikaru gasped and nodded and said, "Yes."
He spread her legs wider with his hands and lowered himself into her.
She looked at him with puzzlement and asked, "Are you sure", something gave and he slid all the way into her, "Oh," she gasped. "You're in."
He laughed and gazed into her eyes. "I'm in," he agreed grinning. Then he sobered a little and asked, "Does it hurt?"
She shook her head, denying it. "It feels so good," she whispered with surprise.
He began to move then, in a far more intimate variation on their dancing. Withdrawing his warmth and then penetrating her again, while continuing to caress her and catch her mouth with interspersed kisses, until she came. And then he let himself come, and clung to her tightly.
Hikaru said, looking into his face, "You're so beautiful." She ran her fingers through his damp hair.
Kiri laughed and kissed her again and murmured against her skin, "That's my line."
He let his eyes close for a long moment, then crawled to his knees reluctantly and grabbed a few tissues to deal with the damp between her thighs and the mess of removing the condom. When he'd finished he collapsed beside her and pulled her up tight against him.
She cuddled into him happily.
"I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you too," she replied, and sighed contentedly.
He caressed her for a few moments and then slid into sleep. Hikaru lay cuddled in his arms, watching his face and listening to him breathe for awhile before she moved to turn out the light. She soon fell asleep as well.