Hikaru woke up early, to make sure Kazuha got up in time to go home and change. His hangover was so bad though that she wondered if it mightn't have been better for him to call in sick. Her own school day passed in a tired haze. Somehow the long week was getting to her all of a sudden. She even napped during the lunch break instead of talking with Risa and Shizuoka.
After school Hikaru joined the rest of Mirage in a deserted parking lot, where Seoshi wanted to record them driving in a convertible he'd acquired for the evening somehow. Rin showed up on his bike and Seoshi had him ride around the lot with and without the car, and sometimes with Hikaru or Ryuske riding pillion.
Seoshi was disappointed when Rin and the rest of Mirage agreed that footage without helmets on would give a poor safety message, and refused to go helmetless even at walking speeds.
Hikaru asked what they were going to do with a lot of footage of them driving around and around a parking lot.
Ryuske grinned and explained, "Nezumi agreed to do more effects work, and Seoshi has recordings from vehicles driving through town and on the freeway that will be compiledwith these to make the actual videos."
They continued until well after dark. And although Hikaru didn't really understand what was being collected, Seoshi obviously had very specific plans, as he had them go around again and again until they were moving in and out of the overhead lights to the count he wanted.
When they finally finished, they went home after arranging where to meet in the morning. Hikaru called Kiri from the bus, since it was already quite late. He answered right away, but they didn't talk long.
"Only two more days," Kiri said.
"In some ways it feels like you've been gone for ages, but in other ways I feel like I've been so busy I would hardly have seen you if you'd been here," Hikaru replied with a sigh.
"Yeah," Kiri agreed and reluctantly added, "and now I have to say goodnight early. Talk to you again tomorrow."
"Love you," Hikaru said quickly.
"Love you too," Kiri replied and ended the call.
Saturday they recorded on a roof top instead of rehearsing. Seoshi had them filming in front of the local airport flight path. They took still photos as well and Hikaru had to admit it was kind of impressive when a plane would pass so close overhead. Saturday night they played a six hour session at a party.
Sunday Hikaru played the piano at her uncle Kaoru's restaurant. When she sat down to lunch with her mother and uncle afterward, they both commented on the exhausted sigh that escaped her.
Hikaru laid her chin on her hands and admitted, "I am feeling tired. And I really want to see Kiri."
"Isn't he supposed to be home today?" Miri inquired with concern.
Hikaru smiled and agreed, "Yes, but not until late." She added a little unhappily, "He told me not to try to meet him this time, in case there are delays."
Her mother frowned at her and asked worriedly, "Are you pregnant?"
Hikaru gasped with shock and sat up quickly. "Of course not!" she protested vigorously.
"But you've been tired all week, every time I've talked to you," Miri said anxiously.
Hikaru waved her hands and said vaguely, "There've just been various things going on every day, and I've been a little short on sleep."
Kaoru smirked at her and said, "I bet you'll be even shorter on sleep tomorrow."
Miri thumped her little brother's shoulder and asked Hikaru a little disapprovingly, "Is it because Mirage signed that contract?"
Hikaru shrugged and replied honestly, "The weekend stuff is. We've been really busy with recording stuff for videos. Tonight we're meeting to go over what we've got so far."
They talked awhile more, and then Hikaru went to meet with the rest of Mirage.
When she entered Ryuske's place, she was a little surprised to see Nezumi there, chatting with Hatsuharu and Rin. Ryuske was glaring at his computer and taking notes of some sort.
Rin looked up and waved. "You have got to see what Nezumi-san did with the video we took the other night to use with 'Hotter Than The Sun'."
Ryuske looked up and laughed at that. He stretched and beckoned her over to view the screen. He minimized the rooftop footage he'd been viewing and pulled up the other video.
Everyone except Nezumi crowded around to watch it again over her shoulder. Nezumi smirked with satisfaction. The video played, and she saw that only a single camera view of the band playing had been used. Rain lashed the windows behind them, and slowly the focus changed so that the reflections in the windows were more visible than the rain.
The reflections weren't of Mirage performing. Instead, the sun shimmered over the dunes. A heat mirage glistened into existence, and even though Hikaru knew those shots had been taken on a cold beach, the impression of a blazing hot desert was perfect.
Mirage reappeared, like a mirage, then vanished again and the camera focus drew out until the shimmering red sunrise washed out of the reflections in the windows and lit the band in the hotel room, even though no such light had poured over them at the time. It faded and left only the dark rain behind them as the song ended.
It was amazing work. Miles beyond the pirated video that had already been published. Hikaru thought Nezumi was justified in his smug satisfaction, and that maybe Seoshi really was as good at video as he was portraits.
That video was judged to be ready by all of the band members. The other three still needed work, although enough of the one using vehicle footage had been combined to give some idea of what it was going to be like when set to the music. Ryuske said he'd deliver the finished one to Takeda in the morning, to undergo the company's evaluation before publication.
Rin asked, "Are we really putting it out already?"
Ryuske looked startled and replied, "I thought that was our plan?"
Hatsuharu and Hikaru gazed over at the pair of them curiously.
Rin scratched his head and then folded his arms and nodded. "Yes," he agreed, "I just can't believe things are really moving this fast. I thought we were waiting for Hikaru to graduate before we actually put out our first album and that we'd just been laying ground work."
Nezumi spoke up suddenly, "I'm not a member of the band, should I leave?" Everyone turned to stare at him and he fidgeted under their gazes.
"Aren't you?" Hikaru asked. When he looked at her with a shocked expression, she added, "You've even got your own chibi on the website."
Hatsuharu chuckled and Ryuske replied to both Rin and Nezumi, "Actually, I've been discussing it with Takeda, and we should talk about both our publishing schedule plans and Nezumi's status with the band."
Everyone focused on Ryuske and he stood up and began to pace back and forth. After a moment he stopped and looked at Nezumi and asked, "What do you think, are you willing to be a permanent member of the band and earn a percentage with the rest of us or do you want to continue being employed by contract?"
Nezumi answered with shock, "I am not performing on stage! Ever!"
Ryuske laughed and replied, "Staff member, not performing member."
Nezumi frowned and scrunched up his thin face in thought. Ryuske resumed pacing. After a minute Nezumi asked, "An equal percentage?"
Ryuske looked at the other members of Mirage and Hatsuharu answered first, "I think that's reasonable at this point. As busy as we've been this week, and as much as our fan club has expanded, if things are going to continue like this, we'll need full time support on our website soon not even counting these special effects projects and our stage equipment."
Nezumi answered, "I'm already screening applications for more moderators on the fan club, don't worry about that."
Rin laughed and said, "I'm for giving Nezumi an equal share."
Nezumi frowned and said, "But you guys are the ones creating the music."
Hikaru laughed and asked, "Why does it sound like you're the only one voting against being a full member. Will you make more money on your current contract position?"
Ryuske grinned at her and Nezumi blinked and replied thoughtfully, "Only if you don't sell at least," he paused and calculated, "about thirty five thousand copies of your album in the first two years."
Hikaru stared. Rin whistled and said for them both, "That's a lot," he continued, "I didn't realize we were paying you that well."
Hatsuharu said practically, "We haven't had any trouble paying his current rates."
Ryuske laughed and said, "We make our money now off of live performances, you weren't expecting to stop playing live as soon as we publish were you?"
Everyone looked at Ryuske and shook their heads and Nezumi said quietly, "I'll join. What will it change?"
Ryuske answered, "Not much, only you'll have a vote on our contracts and you won't get paid extra for 18 hour projects, he replied pointing at the video screen."
"OK," Nezumi agreed.
Then Ryuske sat back down in front of his computer and hooked his phone to it. He gestured everyone over and placed a video call to Takeda.
Takeda answered promptly and looked at them all in surprise. Ryuske said, "Nezumi agreed to become official, and we're ready to talk about the publishing schedule."
Takeda smiled and said, "Good. I'll email you a contract Nezumi-san." Then he talked to them about the plan he'd formulated for taking advantage of the pirated publication.
He outlined a release schedule of one official music video every two weeks, until Hikaru's graduation. Each song would become available digitally as it's video was released, and Inline would add it to their radio broadcast contracts. After Hikaru graduated, their full album would be published. He admitted that this wasn't a usual marketing strategy, but said, "If the songs do well, then people who heard them will want an album that has both those songs plus 6 more."
Rysuke frowned and said, "I wanted to publish Mirage's Mirage first."
Takeda shook his head in negation. "Your other song is already out there. I think it will be more effective if Mirage is the last video before the album release, since we can't make it the first one published."
Takeda also told them a little about the legal actions that were in progress regarding that song. A little hesitantly he told Ryuske, "What I suggested, about you treating it as a competition prize, that's official now. And I've got a couple of places that already really want an interview."
Ryuske nodded calmly. "OK, set it up," he replied. Rin looked at him in surprise but didn't ask anything until the call was finished.
Takeda covered a few more details, and then suggested, "I'd like to have you do a real concert about the same time your album comes out. If we can't do one of just you, maybe as the warm up for a..."
Ryuske held up his hand and replied, "We're already scheduled as the supporting band for a concert during spring break."
"That's not on your public schedule," Takeda replied frowning.
Ryuske laughed and replied, to the curious stares of his band mates, "That's because it was supposed to be a surprise for Hikaru. Um, surprise!" He declared, turning to look at her.
She looked back at him in confusion. "What?" she asked.
He said, "Takahashi is going to thump me on the head again," and Hikaru's mouth formed an O, while Rin laughed outright.
"Night Dreams is performing here during spring break?!" Hikaru asked excitedly.
Ryuske nodded and replied, "And we're their warm up and intermission band."
Hikaru was too excited to reply coherently and Ryuske laughed and told Takeda that he'd send the details, then closed the call.
…H to T
When she calmed down a little, Hikaru messaged Taka-ji.
Hikaru: You're coming for spring break?
Takahashi: Surprise! Ryu-chan told?
Hikaru: Our manager was going over our schedule, so he had to.
Takahashi: *sigh* D: I wanted to surprise you in person love.
Hikaru: I'm so happy!
Takahashi: I'm glad. Love you, got to go. Don't tell your mom and brother until I get there unless you have to?
Hikaru: OK
Rin cornered Ryuske and asked seriously, "Are you really going to be OK doing an interview alone?"
Ryuske looked at him in surprise.
Rin said quietly, "They are going to ask things about Edge. As far as I know you haven't appeared in public outside of Mirage's performances since I met you Ryu. They are going to ask."
Hikaru and Hatsuharu looked at them with concern.
Ryuske swallowed and nodded. "I know," he replied.
Rin pulled his hair back and thought, then said seriously, "Talk about it with Takeda, maybe he can get them to submit their questions to Inline in advance?"
Ryuske shrugged and replied, "I will, but I think I'll be OK. Don't worry."
Nezumi spoke up suddenly, "Do you want to pre-release the fact that you were with Edge before that to the fan club?"
Everyone looked at him and he flinched.
Ryuske considered the question seriously. "I don't know, why?"
Nezumi said, "If the rumors start with Mirage, it's less," he hesitated.
Hatsuharu said thoughtfully, "Then Ryuske will have support from our fans if anyone tries to attack him claiming he was hiding it."
Nezumi added, "That and you can control what gets leaked to your interviewer before you go, somewhat."
Ryuske looked at Nezumi and asked a little shocked, "By our fans?"
Nezumi shrugged and replied, "People stole sound and video files from the fan club to create that release, you don't have to love Mirage to join, you just have to pay the fee."