Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 – Parallel

The next day, Thursday, passed similarly. The only main difference was that I went to check the locations in the industrial area and the harbor. Because there was a lot less traffic around the places, I had to be careful not to attract too much attention. Even so, I received a few frowns from vicious-looking men.

At the same time, those places were the ones where the most terrible acts were happening. Hard drugs and prostitution of minors weren't even the worst parts. I couldn't believe the rumors about them doing human trafficking were real. I knew this world was crap but it was still surreal that slaves were a thing in this day and age. They kidnapped kids and "trained" them to be obedient with drugs even worse than what they were selling around.

It was difficult for me to contain my rage and I almost rushed straight to those waste of humanity. I only managed to stop myself by persuading myself that doing this would accomplish nothing. Those things were so disgusting that I swore to fight them with all I had, even if that implied making deals with the devil. Namely, the Giusta gang.

To think the police were all right ignoring all this just because they received bribes was beyond my comprehension. I really hoped all those things would drop dead on the spot and make the world a better place.

I left early and took refuge at my apartment. My head was full of the horrors I witnessed. The worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it.

The night was spent in anguish and sleep didn't come to me easily. I kept turning around in bed, full of a mix of anger and hopelessness. I was evil but those things were simply monsters made of living matter. My little street fighting and smoking were barely a prank in comparison to what they were doing. And without any remorse, obviously. Is that what the character using a bat costume felt? I too wouldn't mind becoming a dark knight if it was to clean such waste. Some things brought so much pain to the world that they had to be removed from it as soon as possible, just like cancer. I almost regretted not killing the younger thing after I finished interrogating it last time. No doubt it would go back to doing similar crap right after getting better.

My stress levels were still high when I woke up on the last day of the week, Friday. For once, I was happy to go to school considering this was where my stress reduction device was: Sapik. The girl was simply unstoppable and she seemed to have a small vibrating dildo inside her today. I indulged myself in her stories once again and felt a little better, except for my lower body.

This is when I came across a great idea. Why stop at spying on her thoughts when I could directly talk to her? To be honest, I was becoming slightly fond of the girl. Her thoughts were all over the place but they were never mean, insulting, or mocking whenever she was thinking about other people. As far as I could tell, she was a nice girl. There were only two reasons why she was left alone. She didn't make any effort to socialize and her physique probably wasn't attractive to most people.

I knew well how folks tended to judge others by their appearance. I didn't care anymore when it was about me. However, I had enough trouble with my face that I knew exactly how she could feel about herself. If I had to choose between a nice girl like her and an extremely attractive but otherwise terrible girl, I would choose her every single time. On top of that, I knew what she liked so I thought I could at least manage to start a conversation with her.

When it was time for lunch, I went to her seat and talked to her before she could leave for the cafeteria.

"Hi, Sapik. I'm Kyr. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

I gave her my most friendly smile, which I knew wasn't much.


("It's him. He's even scarier from so close. What does he want from me?")

She was also close and right in front of me so I got a perfect view of her. She was around 170 cm tall, perhaps slightly less. Her semi-long blond hair was tied in a ponytail and her green eyes watched me with a bit of anxiety. Her traits were quite round, the same as her forms. Even though she gave an amicable impression, this was counterbalanced by rough facial features and an overweight body.

"Actually, I, um, I happened to see you write in your notebook and I was wondering if you were interested in writing and reading?"

("He saw that? He didn't see the actual content, right? If anyone finds out about it, my high school life will be done for.")

"Huh… Well, a little bit? Why do you ask?"

"I moved to this town recently and I can't do my old hobbies anymore. I thought I would try something else and that's when I saw you writing in your notebook."

'I don't know if fighting and smoking can be considered hobbies, though.'


("Why would he come to me in particular? If I was at least normal-looking, I'd think he was interested in me. But it's me we're talking about.")

As expected, she had quite low self-esteem. I had a period like this too. I knew how much it hurt to be physically different.

"Would you mind recommending me things to read? I'm also quite curious about writing."

("Darn. I'm mostly reading and writing erotic stuff, though. Wait. I've been a pervert for a long time but I was reading normal novels at the start. I can recommend some of those.")

"I think it'd be hard to write anything without having a good experience in reading first. Let me think for a moment and I'll recommend you a few good novels."