Chapter 14 - Chapter 14 – A Small Issue

The other people in our class didn't care much about us. At most, they thought that two of the class outcasts had come together. Our two lone selves were transformed into a group of loners and that was it. In our class and the school in general, guys and girls kept themselves mostly separated. The only exceptions were the most outgoing and sociable ones who usually formed a large mixed group of boys and girls. This was the case in our class too and except for this group, separate genders didn't mingle much.

Most couples were part of these large groups of mixed genders and it was rare to see them acting as an item in class. That was why our duo wasn't that much of a common sight. However, considering who we were, no one was very interested anyway.

There was only one person who had slightly different thoughts about it. Reyn sometimes looked at us with envy. She wondered if this was how a couple having a normal relationship would behave. Her thoughts mostly ended with her regretting her hateful situation and were quite dark.

I was working hard to help her even though she didn't know about it. It was difficult to ignore her problems when I could hear her gloomy thoughts all the time. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get any results in the week of search I did.

Sapik was getting brighter and more assured with me. Even though she sometimes worried about if anything would suddenly change in our relationship, this also became less frequent as we spent time together. She often smiled and opened herself to me more than at the start.

However, there was one problem. My girl Sapik was simply way too erotic. On Monday, she had something inside her because she wasn't sure if I would still talk with her. When she realized I did, she stopped wearing and doing anything in class, thinking that she might get caught because we were together so much. But even that didn't last more than a couple of days. She very quickly missed it and on Thursday, she was back to her good habits.

It was fine and all but this was without considering I was next to her all the time. I was also a very normal teenage boy and just like any of my kind, I was a pervert. It was easy to get me aroused. With a horny and lustful Sapik right in front of me continuously doing all kinds of things by herself, I soon reached my limits.

I hadn't thought much about our relationship so far but there was no helping it anymore. Since we were both perverts, I thought it might work out to talk to her about it. She was the one at fault, after all.

That very Thursday, at lunchtime, I went to her desk. She welcomed me with an innocent smile, still unaware of my thoughts.

"There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Can we move to a more private place?"

She seemed surprised since it was the first time I asked for something like this.

("A private place? Something that shouldn't be heard by others? What could it be? It can't be that, right?")


I took her to the spot I called the "Giusta talking spot", where I had a conversation with the two daughters of gangsters previously. It was void of anyone today too and was perfect to have the talk I had planned. I turned toward Sapik as I thought about what I should say.

"So, you see, Sapik… Don't take it wrongly, okay?"

("He's making me so anxious now. Please not something like having enough of me.")

"The thing is… I've been feeling that you're very…, um, very erotic."



"Monday was like this. Yesterday and the day before were a bit less but today is very much so."

("Nooooooo! Why is he so accurate with this!?")

Her expression was matching her thoughts and she looked quite panicked now, even taking a few steps back from me. She ended up having her back to the secondary building's wall and couldn't retreat any further. I walked up to her.

"And you see, it's been pretty hard for me to ignore it."

("Nooooooo! Why do you have to say it like that!?")

"H-huh. I'm not sure what you mean?"

"I know it sounds crazy but that's just how it is."

("It's not crazy! It's way too accurate! I know I shouldn't have started doing it again!")

"A-and? That's quite rude to say to a girl, you know. I'll forgive you since it's you but you shouldn't say stuff like that, okay?"

"Wait, I'm not done. I have a proposition."

("What now? It can't be something erotic, right?")


"Don't take it the wrong way. If possible, I'd like us to, well, explore our sexuality together."

("What the hell!?")

"What the hell!?"

At this point, I gave her a few seconds so she could calm herself down. She was the one to ask next.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. Well, if you want to use a more common term, I'd like us to become sex friends."

("Sex friends!")

"Sex friends!"

("No way, he wants to become sex friends with me? With me, Sapik, and not anyone else? This can't be true, right? But he said it himself. Is this a dream?")

"I know it's very sudden and you're probably shocked but I had to say it. I don't expect an answer right now. You can take your time to think about it."

To conclude things, I took her hand and gave a quick peck on its back, as they did in the past for nobles and royalty. She was so surprised that she let me do it without reacting, her mouth slightly agape.

"Whatever you choose, I'll still be your friend, princess."


Her mind's shout was so loud that it felt like this line startled her even more than anything that came before combined. I left to give her some space to compose herself and went back to the main building.