Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 – Slowly

("It's soft. And warm. I heard people saying kisses were nice and it's true.")

This was one of those cases where her thoughts were the same as mine. While kissing, I could feel her proximity and body warmth too. On top of that were her emotions. Just like me, she was excited and happy to experience her first kiss.

I backed away after a few seconds but wanted more.

("It was nice. I kind of want some more.")

Since we both agreed, I went back to it. Each kiss only lasted a short time, but whenever I stopped kissing her, I would return to it soon after. It was very enjoyable and I kept wanting more.

When we were comfortable enough with kissing like this, I moved to the next step. While kissing, I took my tongue out and ran it over her lips. She shivered in surprise.

("Oh! Right, we've only been doing normal kisses. Sexual kisses involve the tongue. This is so thrilling.")

She opened her mouth and took her tongue out too. At first, we only lightly probed one another, testing the waters. Her tongue was small, warm, and slimy. It was weird to have it touch mine but it wasn't bad. Plus, her saliva tasted sweet and was highly arousing.

After a bit more time like this, we entangled our tongues and tried to deepen our contact.

("They usually make their tongues turn around each other, right? Like this? Ugh, it's hard.")

Neither of us was used to such movements and it got slightly messy, with some saliva falling to the ground between us from time to time. It also didn't help that we would move from time to time, breaking the rhythm of our partner.

I decided to take hold of her head and glue myself as close to her as I could. I sent my tongue deep into her mouth and tried to explore her cavity.

("Wow, he's completely inside my mouth. This is so odd. And exciting."

She approved strongly of my move and sucked on my tongue whenever she could. I retaliated by licking any place I could reach, whether it was her gums, palate, cheeks, or teeth. Things were getting heated up. I never thought kisses could be so interesting, dynamic, and pleasant. At some point, she turned the tables around and sent her tongue into my mouth, attacking me like I did her.

("This is sooo nice. Kissing is amazing. I love it. Oh, I'm getting wet. What about him? Is he excited too?")

She stopped our kiss for a moment and glanced down. My penis was making a very noticeable bulge over my pants, answering her question without any possible doubt.

("To think I'm making him like this. If anyone had told me I'd do something like this two weeks ago, I'd have laughed it off.")

It was obvious that what we were doing had gotten me very hard. From there, we kept on kissing and trying different things with our positions and tongue work. It was both fun and arousing and we enjoyed ourselves a lot.

I wasn't sure exactly how long passed. My guess was it was between ten to twenty minutes when I completely separated from her. We were breathing hard and Sapik had a light color on her cheeks, which I guessed was the same for me. I could feel she wanted more. I agreed with her but I didn't want to rush things too much. Plus, we were at school and it was lunchtime. We never knew when someone could come here and we had to eat before classes resumed.

"Let's stop here for today, okay?"

She seemed quite surprised by this.

("What? Just kissing and that's it? Even though I'm so wet and he's so hard? What happened to him taking me strongly?")

"I want more but I don't want to rush things. I want us to enjoy ourselves slowly. Is that all right with you?"

("No way. He's a boy but he's able to hold back so much? Because he wants to earn my trust? Even though I'm totally fine with him pounding me hard on the spot? Is that how it's supposed to be? Or is he more of a gentleman than most? I don't know! Should I ask him for more? But what if he takes me for a horny girl?")

"Yes. You're right. It's good to take things slowly."

She was a bit disappointed but I wanted our relationship to last for a long time. I believed it was important to build trust. No matter how much we both wanted it, we only knew each other for a week. A week simply wasn't enough for two strangers to start believing in one another.

I smiled at her.

"Let's do more next time. Shall we have lunch now, princess?"

("Calling me princess again? Why?")

"Why do you call me princess?"

"Aren't you my beautiful princess? Do you know how happy I was when you agreed to do these things with me? My cute princess."

She looked at me with complete incomprehension.

("Beautiful? Cute? Me? Is he joking?")

"I know what I look like. There's no need to say those things when you don't mean them."

"Oh, but I'm perfectly serious. Your body, your face, your heart, and even your mind. Everything is beautiful about you. This is my sincere belief."

I gave her a peck on the forehead and she frowned a bit.

("I don't believe him but… It's still nice to hear something like this. How long has it been since anyone called me cute or beautiful? Since my parents did it when I was young?")

She kept a slight pout on but her emotions were the opposite. She was quite merry inside and I thought I should call her like this more often. Because she was so cute, I gave her one last peck on the forehead, which made her pout even more, and we headed to the cafeteria.