Chapter 17 - Chapter 17 – Dark Burst

During the afternoon lessons, Sapik was restless. She was still horny from what we did before but she didn't have any way to release her frustration like she usually did. Instead, she kept glancing at me. I felt like no matter what happened, listening to the actual class content never crossed her mind. How she passed the previous year was a mystery.

("Come on, Kyr, you can't leave me like this.")

("Kyr, come and kiss me again.")

("It's okay to take me too.")


She couldn't have been more disruptive had she tried to. She would also sometimes go and fantasize about what we could do together. After two hours of this, I was seriously considering taking a break from my town search today and doing something more with her.

However, a few minutes before the end of the last class, I was hit by a sudden wave of extremely dark emotions. When I looked at the source, I noticed Reyn looking at her phone while trembling.

("I hate them. I want them to die. I hate them. I want them to die. I hate them. I want them to die.")

It was hard to understand what made her so upset but it must have been something terrible.

From what I got from her thoughts, which I checked from time to time, Reyn was usually left to her own devices. As long as she earned enough money, they didn't make too much trouble for her. They sometimes asked for time alone with her but since it didn't differ much from what she was doing usually, she was used to it, as bad as it sounded. Considering her mild personality, it was rare for her to be so obviously angry despite her horrible situation.

I changed my mind at this instant. It was already painful for me to leave her to do what she was forced to all the time and I didn't have the heart to ignore her today. When the bell rang to signal the end of the last lesson, I managed to learn her destination address when she thought about it.

If I hurried enough, I could go back home, prepare myself, and get there before she arrived.

'Sorry, Sapik. I guess I'll have to let you down.'

I hurriedly said goodbye to Sapik and rushed out of school. I felt her disappointment as I was leaving but there was no helping it. I ran home, only taking a fraction of my usual commuting time, and prepared the same things as the last confrontation. I put a bag different from my school bag on my back, just in case. I left home as fast as I came and ran toward the address.

It was a normal small street in a quiet residential area. The place was almost deserted when I reached it, with only a couple of people passing by. As I went up the street, I eventually "heard" what I was searching for. Two men were chatting in a small alley to the left, hidden from the street. They weren't completely unknown to me. After going around the gang's places so much, I thought I was at least vaguely familiar with the "voices" of most of their members by now. These two were random grunts of the group, usually doing the manual work as ordered by the higher-ups.

("…for the whole weekend.")

("That much?")

("Yeah. I guess those old dudes really wanted to enjoy some fresh flesh.")

("They must be loaded.")

("Yeah. I heard they're only here for a few days, on vacation.")

("Lucky old bastards. I could buy a car with that money.")

("In exchange, they asked for a lot of things. They want to be able to do anything they want to the girls and the girls should be ready to serve them during the whole time.")

("Isn't that going to be too much for high school kids?")

("Who cares? This is a precious opportunity to please a big client. We can always get more girls but earning the trust of these sorts of bigshots isn't that easy.")

("What about the car?")

("They want us to blindfold the girls so they won't know where their villa is located. After that, we'll get there using the car.")

("They don't care if we know about it?")

("Someone must know, anyway. They trust us more than the girls, obviously.")

I now had a better idea of what was happening. It was as dirty as always. I circled the building to enter their alley from the other side. Just before entering, I put my mask and gloves on. Since they were responsible for taking the girls to their destination, the event wouldn't happen if they ran into some kind of trouble.

I entered the alley and saw them at the other extremity. Both were focusing their attention on the street where the rendezvous point was. I discreetly approached them, trying hard not to make any noise. When I was only a few meters away from them, I readied myself. Considering they were gangsters, they were relatively muscular and menacing. For a normal person, that is. Their appearance didn't inspire any fear in me.

I suddenly rushed toward them and they turned my way with a startle. Without leaving the first one any chance to understand what was happening, I grabbed his head and banged it against the wall next to him. This was the basis of street fighting. It was crucial to use your surroundings to their best effect. One down.

'Sorry for dirtying you with that sort of waste, wall.'

While I was doing this, the second one had gotten the time to get ready. This was now a normal one-on-one. The grunt even took a knife out and suddenly looked much more confident about the situation. A knife was indeed menacing, on an instinctive level. No one wanted to get cut, after all. It was normal to try hard to avoid the knife's blade and thus give your opponent a serious advantage.