Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 – Preparations

("That's right. You better behave. You know what's going to happen if you don't.")


Keyn's emotions were those of resignation and hopelessness. As for the boys, it was all about dominance, satisfaction, and feelings of power.

("Hey, blow me quickly.")

("Stop it. You can do that with the new girl. We need to train her anyway.")

Reyn's emotions, which had been relatively stable so far, went through a burst of absolute hatred. However, even that disappeared as soon as it came and she went back to her previous despair.

The boys left her there and I sprinted out of the building to be able to see them. A group of three boys were walking toward the main building, and I made sure to remember their faces.

'I won't forget about you, guys. I won't.'

The circumstances were slightly more obvious now but there were still a lot of weird parts. Who were these guys who could do something like this completely unpunished? Why did the girls not report them to the police? What sort of threats could they use against such a nice girl?

Reyn seemed like she had been in this situation for a long while and it was weird that no one noticed anything.

There was a need to get more information about the situation and I knew exactly how to do this. I wouldn't make the same mistakes as in the past, though, and I needed to prepare a few things first.

But before any of this, I checked on Reyn one last time, from afar. She was still standing at the same spot, looking at the ground. She was neither tall nor short, around 170 cm tall. With her black hair, black eyes, and soft expression, she was a girl that would give a good impression on most people. Her style was quite good too and I wondered if this was one of the reasons why she got herself in these circumstances.

Given my circumstances, I had long since chosen to never judge people by their looks. However, she was one of those rare humans whose external impression was close to reality. It was a bit too early to get a conclusion about her personality. Still, people tended not to hide anything in their thoughts, simply because this was the sole place they could be sure was completely safe. As such, they were all very truthful in their minds and there was very little chance her internal kindness was faked.

For now, it was time to prepare myself for what was coming. When I reached home, I immediately went online to order a few things by express delivery. The first item was a voice-changing mask that covered most of the face. The second item was something completely different, a nice present for whoever would be unlucky very soon. I had barely enough money left to survive until my parents sent more but that didn't matter. It was all worth it. As for my parents, after discarding me here, they had carefully chosen to send me the bare minimum amount of money for my needs along with the cheap rent for my studio apartment. As far as they were concerned, I didn't exist anymore in their lives and they hoped it would stay like this until the end.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about what I was planning to do about the current situation. The delivery was set to reach my place in the late morning of the next day. It was in times like these that I appreciated the commodities of the modern world.

When I had a good plan in mind, I went to bed early, looking forward to a great tomorrow.

Tuesday. I ran through my morning routine and was ready for school. I reached the place soon enough and attended the first few periods. Reyn was still the same as the previous day, anxious but trying hard to stay stoic externally. As for the other girl, whose name was Sapik, she was still enjoying herself very much. She was even growing slightly bolder. On top of what she was doing the previous day, she was also daydreaming about some crazy stories that seemed to excite her even more.

("She was a pure, very pure princess. One day while bathing, her maid touched her sensitive place by inadvertence and she felt like she received an electric shock in her whole body. Not understanding what was happening, she sought counsel from her maid. The maid, who loved the princess very much, resolved to teach her everything about sex. Astonished by this new knowledge, the princess decided to experiment with herself as soon as night came. She used her fingers to slowly touch her vagina and clitoris and was soon engulfed by the pleasure. She spent the whole night masturbating like crazy. Barely a few days later, the pure princess was nothing more than a sex addict. She thought it was time to up her game and resolved to visit the castle town to learn more about the wonders of sex…")

This was but a short excerpt of her fantasies. All her stories began with an innocent princess who would soon find herself corrupted by carnal pleasure. They would go to town, meet a first man, meet a few more, and it all always ended with very many people enjoying themselves together.

While running through these thoughts, she still played with whatever was always inserted into her, probably some sort of dildo. The most amazing thing was that she was discreet about it. Even while having fun, she never showed any change in expression and didn't let her voice out in any way.

She was also obviously paying zero attention to the lessons and I worried a little about how she would fare during exams. She was an amusing girl but I didn't have the leeway to care about her. When lunchtime came, I exited the school premises to head home.