Chapter 16 - Chapter 16 – Making Friends

Our seats at the back from the day before were available and we sat there. This position was good. Aginaci only had me as a neighbor and the two of us could see everyone else. One by one, the other students arrived. One minute before the bell rang, a teacher came in and started class.

One could think I would be called out for rushing out of class and not coming back yesterday. Not in this case. I knew that our homeroom teacher couldn't care less about what I did and would never go out of his way to do anything about it. That was how passionate he was about his job.

During the lesson, I scanned the history teacher and found out that he was a normal person. When I extended my power all over the building, everyone was completely normal. The only exceptions were the members of this class and our homeroom teacher. This was obviously not a coincidence.

'But who could do something like this? Are they having fun watching me almost pissing my pants every second that goes by?'

Some of the teenagers in this class had a valid reason to be there. However, some others could have been anywhere else. Whoever it was that arranged this insanity, I definitely didn't want to meet them in this life.

Because the teacher was normal, the content of the class was also very standard. The first trimester would be about the industrial revolution and I could see Aginaci listening to him with voracious attention. This was still skipping a lot from the Middle Ages she lived in but it explained content that was highly important to understand the modern world. It would be beneficial to her to learn about all of this. I just hoped her brain wouldn't get an overdose of information.

On the first recess, I carefully watched what my classmates would do. I had checked them all once more during the previous hour to be sure my plans were correct. This also allowed me to learn what happened the previous day when I was absent. The answer to that was: nothing much. Perhaps because they weren't used to the new environment, most of them kept to themselves and there wasn't much trouble either.

Today wasn't the same. An overweight black-haired boy approached a black-haired skinny boy, who had his eyes closed.

"Hey man, what are you doing? Are you sleeping?"

The boy opened his eyes and made and terrible grimace. It was as if he was looking at something dirty.

"Fuck off, trash."


The overweight boy could only look at the other one dejectedly and go back to his seat. This small event puts a damper on everyone's mood in the class. I leaned toward Aginaci to whisper in her ears.

"See that one? Try not to associate with him if possible."

She nodded at my words. Our little exchange didn't go unnoticed. The same chubby boy came our way this time.

"Hi, you two. Do you know each other?"

'It's good that you came to us on your own, my future friend.'

"We only met so it hasn't been that long. Oh, I'm Wren Tamtri."

I looked at Aginaci and she introduced herself.

"I'm Aginaci."

"I'm Kit Hval. Nice to meet you two!"

"Nice to meet you."


He smiled at us, happy that his second try at making contact went much better than the first one. This guy wasn't faking his attitude. He was one of the few friendly people in this class. Still as lethal as the others, of course.

("This girl fits my taste perfectly.")

"Aginaci. Would you be interested in a relationship with someone as great as me?"

'Here we go…'

Aginaci was surprised but then looked at me, unsure about what she should do in this situation.

("We've only talked for a few seconds and he's already proposing to me? Is this normal? I don't know!")

I went to her rescue. This guy was generally harmless so it didn't matter how she responded to him.

"You can answer him the way you want. Ah, sorry for the interruption, Kit. Aginaci's not used to these sorts of things."

"Hahaha, it's fine, I don't mind."

Aginaci thought for a moment before answering.

"I'm sorry. I prefer not to start a relationship at the moment."

Kit sighed, looking slightly sad.

"I see. That's a shame. Tell me if you change your mind. I'm a great prospect."

I noted.

"Perhaps you should get the people you're interested in to get to know you first before you ask for a relationship."

"Hmm, really? Am I not naturally attractive?"

'Not in this neighborhood, my friend.'

"Everyone had different tastes, after all."

"You're right. There's bound to be a few girls unable to see my greatness."

At this moment, the bell signaling the end of recess rang and he went back to his seat. The next lesson was physics, something that would be troublesome for Aginaci in her current state. She probably wouldn't gain much from the content but there was no helping it.

On the following recess, Kit came to us again to chat some more. This time, two other boys followed his movements. The first one had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi. Can I join your discussion? I'm Jeon Juin."

The second one had long red hair together with green eyes.

"Ah, me too. I'm Dukun Phapsu. Nice to meet you all."

We welcomed them and re-introduced ourselves. We four boys were all around the same height, around 175 cm tall, which gave a harmonious feeling. These two newcomers were my special targets. It was good that we could get to know each other before I asked them for personal favors.

A few of the other students stared at our group with very different kinds of feelings. There was one girl in particular who was scrutinizing us very closely.

("Look at this group. The gender ratio is very unbalanced, right? I think I need to join them. Plus, he's there. Hehehe.")