“Fucking damn it!”
The wall of a brothel cracked from the impact of someone’s fist. The punch was thrown by an 185 cm tall brawny man that had reddish-orange and white wolf ears and a fluffy tail. Standing next to him was a skinnier wolf man that glared at the brawny one.
“Lang Yu, don’t destroy other people’s property.”
Leng Yu scowled at the skinny wolf man. “I know, but we haven’t been able to locate Lang Yue for over a week now and the matriarch is getting angry.”
The skinny wolf man’s name was Lang Yuan. He started to talk again, “We should be getting closer since a tiny hooded figure was seen near here. Let’s get some food first and then continue our search.”
They headed towards a white rectangular prism shaped building. After reaching the entrance, Lang Yuan opened the door and the two wolf men were greeted by the Abyss 1.
“Welcome new guests, to the Abyss Bar & Restaurant. Are there only two of you?”
Lang Yuan nodded.
“Okay let me show you to your table.”
As the wolf men followed Abyss 1, they looked around and were impressed by the simple looking dining room that they recognized to be constructed with expensive materials. The lighting was warm and very calming.
“Here is your table. There’s a holographic device that displays the menu when you press the green button.”
Abyss 1 left and Abyss 2 appeared with Fu Lian following him.
“Dear guests, would you like some ice water?”
Lang Yu nodded, but Lang Yuan shook his head. Lang Yuan pressed the green button to display the menu.
Breakfast/Brunch Specific
Brown Butter Yeasted Waffles (50 Credits Per Waffle) *(Toppings are 10 Credits)
Seafood Noodle Soup: (100 Credits)
Spicy Beef Curry: (200 Credits)
“Excuse me, I would like to order two bowls of spicy beef curry.”
Abyss 2 nodded, “Right away sir.”
While waiting for their food, Lang Yu and Lang Yuan started hearing noises coming from the table next to them.
“Slurp, slurp, slurp”
“Munch, munch, munch”
They looked at the table next to them and saw a man in bright yellow clothes ravenously consuming a bowl of dark red curry and rice. There was also a really short woman that was loudly slurping a bowl of noodles. Next to her was a refined looking woman that elegantly ate a bowl of noodles. The smells wafting toward the two wolf men made them salivate and gulp. Trying to take his mind off of food, Lang Yu asked Lang Yuan a question, “Cousin, didn’t that masked waitress look similar to Lang Yue?”
Lang Yuan absentmindedly responded, “Uh huh. Wait a minute.” His eyes started to become focused again. “Oh shit! The owner might have taken her in and employed her.”
Lang Yuan was about to stand up, but the kitchen door opened revealing Abyss 1 carrying a tray with two bowls of mouth-watering, spicy, and fragrant curry filled with glistening chunks of beef covered in the red curry. The smell wafted towards the wolf men and reminded them of their hunger. Lang Yuan decided that he would ask questions after eating.
“Here is your food, enjoy.”
The two men started to devour the food as soon as the bowls reached them. The flavor and texture of the spicy beef curry did not disappoint the aroma. They couldn’t get enough of the spicy, beefy flavor. The potatoes were tender and there was a mound of fluffy white rice under the curry that had soaked up the sauce. Just like the other customers before them, they ordered another serving of the spicy beef curry and devoured it with vigor. Lang Yuan had decided to get a cup of ice water after finishing his meal and was surprised by the quality of the water. It was of similar quality to some of the most expensive waters available in the Azula Galactic Empire.
After they finished their satisfying dinner and paid the bill, they got down to business. (AN: To defeat the Huns)
They called Abyss 1 over and asked if they could talk to the owner.
“Apologies gentlemen, my master doesn’t like to talk to people until business hours are over so you’ll have to wait until the other table finishes their food.”
Frowning, they headed towards the waiting area and sat on the comfy couches. Su Zheng overheard their conversation with Abyss 1. “Let’s see if we can stick around to hear what they want to discuss with the owner. I bet that they want to talk about that wolf girl.” The other two were also curious and agreed.
Dinner service had ended, but all of the customers were still in the waiting area. The staff appeared in the waiting area and Lang Yuan stood up. He stared at the masked Fu Lian and then at Fu Chen.
“Are you the owner?”
Fu Chen nodded, “Yes. I hear that you have something to talk about with me.”
Lang Yuan started talking, “Your female employee resembles my missing cousin and your restaurant is in the same location where she was last seen. I would like to confirm if she is my missing cousin by having her take her mask off.”
Fu Chen tried to make a smile, but it just wasn’t working. “Fu Lian do you want to take off your mask?”
Fu Lian shook her head. Lang Yu suddenly stepped forward, “Sister, I know that it’s you. The matriarch wants you to come back and inherit your position.” He took several more steps forward and tried to grab Fu Lian’s mask, but then Fu Chen blocked him. With a terrible smile on his face, he tried to talk in a calm voice.
“Dear customer, I would appreciate it if you don’t try to harass my employees or else I might have to deal with you.”
The whole waiting area felt like it had suddenly dropped in temperature, none of the customers could move, and they started to tremble in fear. Lang Yuan struggled to open his mouth.
“Sir, apologies for my cousin’s misconduct. Please forgive us.”
The room turned back to normal and everyone could move again. Fu Chen clapped his hands and the doors opened.
“Well dear guests, I hope that you enjoyed your dinner and come visit us again.”
All of the staff bowed and the guests quickly left the building. Fu Chen started to create a plan and hummed a happy sounding tune.
‘Things are starting to get interesting.’