Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: The Hooded Figure

The cloaked figure looked at the Abyss Restaurant and seemed as if they wanted to enter, but they stopped themself.

"What is preventing you from entering my restaurant?"

The person staring at the restaurant jumped up and yelped when they heard someone behind them. They stared warily at Fu Chen with body tensed up preparing to run, but suddenly.


Surprised, the figure stared at their growling stomach.

"It appears that you haven't eaten in a while. Would you like to come into my restaurant for some food?"

Sighing, the person nodded their head.


Fu Chen tried to smile, but his face looked stiff and it frightened the cloaked figure.

"Ah, apologies for frightening you. It's just that I'm terrible at smiling."

He looked down towards his feet and appeared to be sad.

"Anyway, welcome to the Abyss Bar & Restaurant."

The masked host and waiter were nowhere to be found so Fu Chen decided to take on all of their roles.

"Let me show you to your table. Please wait a few minutes for me to bring you your food dear guest."

The scene inside the restaurant looked really odd. A person wearing a dirty and ripped cloak was sitting inside a pristine white room that was full of expensive furniture while a tall man in a chef uniform was serving them. Fu Chen placed down a steaming bowl that gave off a delicious fragrance onto the table.

“Here is a bowl of seafood noodle soup that we serve on the menu. I hope that you’ll enjoy it.”


The hooded figure audibly swallowed and started to ravenously devour the food. Slurping sounds filled the dining room. Several minutes later,


The bowl was clean and the person looked at Fu Chen. At that moment, a sound spread through the large dining room,


“Oh, it appears that you're still hungry. Let me get some more food for you.”

Fu Chen started humming and walked towards his kitchen.

“One bowl of spicy beef curry for you.”

“nom, nom, nom, nom”

The tiny figure was rapidly eating a bowl of spicy beef curry twice the size of their head. Fu Chen was amused at the sight.

‘Aw. What a cute little lifeform.’

He couldn’t resist and reached towards the figure’s head under to cloak.

“nom, nom, nom, ah”

The tiny figure was surprised, but felt comfortable and let Fu Chen continue petting their head. Fu Chen was addicted to stroking the head that had two fluffy, pointy ears.

‘So soft and fluffy. ahahaha.’


“Are you full?”

The little one nodded. Fu Chen cleared the table of the dishes and walked towards the kitchen. Meanwhile, the figure with the soft ears stared at Fu Chen’s back. He returned to the table.

“Dear guest, you technically owe 300 credits, but I can make this meal free for you since I was able to pet your head.”

The customer shook their head and words appeared above them.

[I would like to work for you.]

“Oh? Well I do have the need for another server.”

Several people had dined in the restaurant during lunch and became addicted to the food so the dining room would be less empty from now on. One server would not be enough for all of the different parties and Fu Chen wanted to have a real person as a second server instead of creating another puppet.

"Let's get you cleaned up for now. There's a bathroom in the private hallway that you can use. I'll also give you some clothes to wear."


Fu Chen was nodding while looking at a tiny person that was dressed in black pajama clothes.

“These clothes look great on you.”

With the filthy cloak discarded and having taken a thorough bath, the figure turned out to be a 155 cm tall female with reddish-orange and white wolf ears along with a fluffy, bushy tail coming out of the pajama pants. Fu Chen couldn’t resist any longer and started to pat the loli’s head until he remembered that he needed to ask an important question.

“Oh by the way, how old are you?”


‘YES! A legal loli wolf girl. The FBI can’t touch me!’

“What’s your name? Mine is Fu Chen.”

The loli looked down and more words appeared.

[.....I don’t have a name.]

“Oh let me come up with one for you. What about Fu Lian?”


Fu Lian smiled slightly and the words she conjured started moving around her.

“Alright, go to the room next to the bathroom. That will be where you live for now.”

She nodded and headed towards her room. The whole room was white and there was nothing except a large bed in there. Fu Lian’s eyes lit up and she jumped onto the bed and curled into a ball under the blankets. For the first time in a while, she slept comfortably in a bed.

Meanwhile Fu Chen headed towards the kitchen to create his first breakfast item. He started looking at the fridges and cabinets while thinking of what to make. Finally, he opened a cabinet which had several labeled glass containers. There was flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and instant dry yeast. Fu Chen opened a fridge and took out milk, heavy cream, eggs, and butter.

He melted the butter in a large metal saucepan on the stove and stirred it with a spatula as the butter changed colors. The smell of delicious browning butter spread through the kitchen.

Fu Chen removed the saucepan from the heat and poured the brown butter into a large metal bowl that contained sugar, salt, heavy cream, and milk. After thoroughly mixing, he added in the eggs. The egg yolks were a dark orange which meant that the eggs were of high quality. Fu Chen finished incorporating the eggs and started to sift in the flour little by little while he used a whisk to mix the flour in. He added in the yeast and sifted baking soda last. After mixing till everything was fully combined, Fu Chen ended up with a brown bowl of batter. The bowl was covered and placed into a fridge to rest overnight.

Finished, Fu Chen cleaned up the kitchen and couldn’t wait to watch Fu Lian eat the new breakfast item.