Hello! Author Silence here. Last week I had to delay my chapter release, unfortunately. On that post I put up a poll on royalroad.com asking all you readers what you wanted to hear more about between a few options. The one that won by a good margin was that you all wanted to hear about the world! Not like... world building, but, the geography and map. I didn't expect that to win, but here we are, so I shall reveal a few secrets about the world that I had planned to keep secret until the second or third book haha. Good job finding an easter egg, I guess?
As far as landmasses go, Chalice can be divided into roughly 5 primary body masses and around 20-30 small islands. There is a large super-continent in the “center” of the map that takes up roughly a third of the world's surface. On the east and west sides of that supercontinent are two “normal-sized” continents. Off the northwest coast there is “Obitus”, southwest coast has “Daemon”, northeast coast has “Angelous”, and the southeast coast has “Vita.”
There are several countries, tribes, etc that populate this massive world, however I'll keep those secret until the time comes because they have a lot to do with the plot in further books. What I CAN tell you is something else interesting, there is sentient water-based life forms that also have their own under-water countries and territories. I can ALSO tell you that there is NO salt-water on this world that is naturally occurring. The ocean is entirely fresh water. This is because the world's magic constantly purifies bodies of water, as well as many other things.
The last noteworthy thing that I can tell you all without spoiling anything is that the further you get from the primary super-continent, Sanctus, the more dangerous the monsters you'll encounter. With the exception of the Forest of Giants (Located near the southeastern central area of Sanctus), which is sort of like a “magic hotspot” that causes monsters to grow strong just by living there. So our adventurers in search for the world's secrets have QUITE the world to explore.\
If you're at all interested in seeing a MAP of this place, someone is actually working on a map for it right now for me to use in whatever book I choose to use it for. They gave me a rough sketch a while back and I have actually released it for my $3 patrons on patreon (https://www.patreon.com/pridefulsilence) to view. You don't have to become a patron though, eventually you will see it in the series as a finished work^^