Chapter 27 - Echo of the Past: The Ancient Forest. Act 3

Vigilant for any signs of the horned predator's return, the tiny traveler scanned the terrain below. As the shadows cast by the colossal branches deepened, the landscape below unfurled its secrets—a thick underbrush resembling a dense carpet and mysterious thickets dotted with playful, dancing shrubs beneath the fading sunlight, creating a labyrinth of shadows and light. Over a shimmering lake, she soared, its surface aglow with hues of sapphire and topaz, reflecting the sun’s final gleam.

At last, the winged voyager’s gaze locked onto a dense cluster of trees—a sanctuary of safety and solace amidst the wilderness. Immediately, the bird dove towards a towering oak and, with a sigh of relief, clutched its sturdy branch, surrendering to the cloak of sleep wrapping around her. However, the branch lashed out, striking the weary traveler, followed by a rustling whisper, almost like a stern warning: “Away.”

Startled into a desperate flurry, the bird darted through the forest's dense undergrowth, narrowly dodging the tall trees. Her frantic flight, however, was interrupted by the glistening web of a spider, intricately woven between two close-standing trees, a trap laid out with meticulous care. The bird veered sharply, wings beating furiously as she ascended swiftly, leaving the forest floor behind in a swirl of leaves and twigs.

The dense canopy—a labyrinth of intertwined branches and thick leaves—loomed above, an imposing barrier to the open sky. As she navigated this aerial maze, the rough bark and stubborn twigs battered against her small body. With each forceful beat to escape, twigs scraped her feathers, plucking them away, and branches whipped at her, marking her skin with stinging cuts.

Suddenly, the oppressive closeness of the foliage gave way, and she burst through the last clinging leaves into the open air. Directly ahead, towering and dominating the horizon, stood the silhouette of the colossal tree, believed to be the mother of all the living. Its branches stretched skyward, weaving a canopy so vast that from the small struggler’s view, it seemed to envelop the entire world in its shadow.

Beneath the tree's immense form lay a vast stone structure curving in a perfect ring around its base. Its stone walls, adorned with intricate carvings, seemed alien yet fascinating in their complexity. From within this stone carving, a warm, inviting glow emanated, as comforting as a mother's embrace.

With a graceful arc around the immense trunk, the bird made a decisive swoop into a broad hollow at the progenitor's base. Entering through a gap in the stone ceiling encircling the sacred plant, she found herself enveloped in a warmth unlike any other.

The light that enveloped her was unlike the familiar sunbeams that brushed her feathers outside. It was dense and warm, caressing her weary body with a healing touch that soothed wounds and eased fatigue. She spiraled joyously around the ancient tree, each beat of her wings a celebration of newfound freedom. Her aerial dance concluded as her claws found solid ground, unknowingly perching upon one of the most sacred relics in the Druidic lands—the head of a majestic statue dedicated to Celestial Borionyx, Bringer of the Sun.

Borionyx was depicted with a visage of wisdom and strength, his eyes gazing eastward toward the Sigrian lands he protected. Clasped in his hands was the sun itself, a radiant testament to his great deeds. Ancient legend spoke of a time when the Sigrian continent faced annihilation: weeks of endless rain had obscured the sun, transforming the land into a churning sea of mud. Crops perished, towns and villages submerged, and despair gripped the hearts of the Sigrians, who found themselves without sustenance and hope.

Then came a beacon of hope, Borionyx. He dispersed the oppressive clouds, allowing the sun to shine once more over the suffering continent. As the light returned, so did life; the lands responded to his touch, fields and forests springing back to life, new homes rising where ruins once stood, and shores fortified against the merciless floods that had ravaged them.

Besides Borionyx, encircling the majestic trunk of the colossal tree stood thirty-eight statues of his brothers and sisters, guardians of legends and keepers of secrets, crafted with such artistry they seemed poised to breathe. Across from each celestial effigy, a throne stood adorned with garlands of rare flowers, vibrancy of life against the stone. Now, however, one of these majestic statues merely served as a perch for the little bird.

As her pain and weariness faded, replaced by burgeoning curiosity, her eyes wandered over the temple's neatly hewn interior. Above, glowing stones embedded in the ceiling cast a benevolent light that bathed the trunk and statues below, ensuring shadows never dared to mar the sacred. This celestial illumination, however, dimmed towards the hall's periphery, reflecting the Druids' reverence and humility.

On the ground, at a respectful distance, a solemn congregation of Druids knelt, their knees pressed into the stone floor, hands clasped in humble supplication. Among them, the little explorer discerned the kindest face, belonging to a Druid whose shoulder appeared both spacious and inviting. With an agile leap from the statue, she fluttered into the dimmer corners of the temple and settled comfortably onto his shoulder. Just then, a nearby voice broke the silence, "Baruch, chaver, the bird should leave. It’s too disrespectful towards Adon Diurnix."

"You're right, Tabitha. Thank you," Baruch's voice, though humble, carried a note of disappointment. The kind-faced horned man gently cupped the small forest creature that now used him as an improvised perch. "You shouldn't be here. Not now."

With a soft, reluctant sigh, Baruch released the bird. Her wings flapped louder and more furiously than usual, her shrill chirps echoing through the temple as she flew away. If she could speak, her words would undoubtedly have been filled with curses and insults.

Leaving the warm, comforting radiance of the temple behind, the feathered explorer quickly found a small grove where the trees stood densely packed, their branches intertwining like old friends. She dove into the thicket, swiftly finding and reaching a stout oak whose thick branches promised sanctuary. Cautiously tapping on its bark, she heard only silence and, satisfied, perched on a branch. Yet, just as her eyes began to drift closed, a sudden rustle snapped her back to vigilance.

Through the dense foliage, a lightning-fast shadow darted between the tree trunks, followed by a pair of dangerous, bright red eyes.

The prey froze, panic tightening its grip on her. It was too late. The predator lunged, his powerful wings creating a gust of wind that nearly knocked her off course. With cruel precision, the hunter seized her, his strong claws sinking into her delicate body. Desperate cries and frantic chirping filled the air as she struggled for her freedom, writhing and trying to break free from the deadly grip. But the killer was relentless: devoid of mercy, his claws tore into the fragile flesh.

Life drained from the bird as quickly as blood dripped onto the moss, staining it with crimson droplets. Her cries ceased, followed by her futile attempts to escape. Satisfied with his victory, the horned raven released the torn carcass and soared upwards with a triumphant roar, leaving the bloodstained branch behind.

The Ancient Forest is a realm where nature's law reigns supreme, a place where fate prevails over freedom. The life and death of every being born here are determined by the unseen hands of causality.