Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: I Need To Know

Tyler stared at the wall-mounted glass. The display had changed. A minus sign (-) now preceded the "G". Charles exclaimed, "He's actually a -G!," his voice laced with surprise. Grone was speechless, his shock evident. Tyler removed his hand from the orb. "I told you I was G-rank," he stated calmly. The man sputtered, his surprise turning to disbelief. "No, that's impossible."

"Charles," the man said, "when was the last time you cleaned this orb with purified water?" Charles scratched his head. "I think… two days ago?" The man groaned. "Damn it, I told you to clean this orb with purified water every day!" Charles mumbled, "I know, we just ran out two days ago." The man adjusted his glasses. "That explains it. This thing must be malfunctioning. Otherwise, I don't think he'd be registering like that." "Right," Grone agreed. "Wait, but this boy clearly stated he was G-rank, so he knows he is, right?" Charles said. The man shook his head. "But that's impossible! A grown man can't be G-rank. He'd be too weak to even stand!" "That's what I said," Grone added. "Then how does he know he's G-rank?" Charles asked. Before Tyler could answer, Grone interrupted, "We checked with the other base…"

Tyler's heart skipped a beat. This was the second lie he'd heard Grone tell a lie. They hadn't checked with another base; Grone had explicitly told him about his "uncover" skill. He didn't understand the reason for the lie and, while he intended to ask Grone about it later, he decided against a confrontation here. He didn't want to embarrass Grone or arouse suspicion. Grone continued smoothly, "We checked at the other base. We thought something was wrong there as well." The man nodded grimly. "There clearly was something wrong."

"If it's malfunctioning," Charles said, "does that mean it was malfunctioning when Grone used it too?" The man considered this. "I'll check myself." He placed his hand on the orb. The display changed: Level 74." Tyler was surprised. The man was actually Level 74, and his rank was C-rank. "It's working just fine," the man said, dismissing the malfunction theory. "Maybe it's the output of this boy's mana. Perhaps he didn't pour enough into it." Tyler scratched his head. "I don't really know how to pour mana into things," he admitted. The man sighed in relief. "That explains it. That explains the wrong readings at both bases." He turned to Grone. "You really need to teach the boy how to properly channel mana."

"Yeah," Grone agreed. The man said, "Well then, I'll have to confirm your rank." He returned to his desk, sifted through the neatly arranged files, and pulled one out. He wrote something on it, then looked at Grone. "You are level 49, correct?" Grone confirmed, "Yes." The man dipped a stamp into a small container of black liquid—not quite a flask—and stamped the file. The symbol was unusual to Tyler; The stamp depicted concentric circles, and at the very center, a large "H"—but not quite. It had a single wing extending from its left side, somehow both familiar and alien. It felt like a letter from another language, yet undeniably an "H" to Tyler. The strangeness of it hung in the air, but he remained silent. Finally, he spoke, "What about my rank?"

"You're supposed to know how to channel your mana first. Otherwise, we can't really know your rank for sure," the man explained. "Anyways, since we're all done here, I think it's best the two of you take your leave." Grone replied, "Of course." The man instructed Charles, "You may show them the exit." Tyler followed Grone and Charles down the stairs. Grone thought to himself, "Tyler really is G-rank. He has the Uncover skill. Why did I think he was lying?" It didn't make sense.

As they walked, Charles bid goodbye to Grone and Tyler. Emerging from the building, they found a bustling scene of hunters going about their day. Tyler followed Grone, unsure of their destination. He questioned himself, "Why am I following Grone? He saved me in the forest, but I can't rely on him."

He realized he knew almost nothing about this world, and felt adrift. If he stopped following Grone, who would he rely on? Then a new resolve hardened within him. He was old enough; he couldn't keep depending on others, not even in this strange new world. He needed to learn everything—the information, the workings of this place—and from there, figure things out for himself. After all, his family's words echoed in his mind: Man up and face reality.

Grone suddenly stopped, a smile spreading across his face. He chuckled, then laughed outright. Tyler was taken aback. "You really are G-rank," Grone said, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is literally impossible, but you are. You're telling the truth; you're not confused." He leaned closer, his expression serious. "Is it true? Everything you're saying? You really are from… another place?" Tyler nodded, confirming his earlier statements. "Yes, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I was in a different place, almost like a different world."

"Interesting," Grone mused. "Well, I know one thing's for sure: you're quite abnormal."

Tyler tilted his head, questioning the statement. "Huh?"

Grone explained, "You're G-rank, and yet you're as strong as... close to an E or F. More of an E, actually. You're more like an E-rank."

"E-rank?" Tyler repeated, surprised.

Grone nodded. "Yes. Anyway, I'm going to take on some more quests. You should probably go to the inn and rest. I'll be back, and we'll leave for town tomorrow morning."

"Wait," Tyler said, "why are you helping me?"

Grone looked momentarily confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Tyler explained, "you don't really know me, yet you're going to all this trouble. I just want to know why."

Grone studied him for a moment. "Do you not want me to help you?"

Tyler held up his hands defensively. "No, no, it's just… I'm confused."

Grone nodded slowly. "Just don't think about it too much. I was in a similar situation once… well, not exactly like yours, but…"

"What kind of situation?" Tyler pressed.

"It's a long story," Grone replied. "Anyway, you need to go. I'll take you to the inn."

Grone led Tyler back to the inn. Entering, they found a woman at the counter to the left and a man to the right. The woman appeared to be reading a stack of papers, much like a book without a cover. The man greeted Grone, who returned the greeting. Tyler and Grone walked down a hallway, passing two doors before entering a room. Tyler saw a single bed. Grone said, "This is where you'll be staying tonight. I'll be back." He started to close the door, then paused, reopening it. "Oh, and here's some money." He handed Tyler two copper coins.

Tyler received the coins and groaned softly, close to the door. Copper coins? He wasn't sure what he could even use them for. He examined the symbol stamped on the coin: a cross, almost, but not quite. The cross divided the coin into four quadrants, each containing a small dot. He sighed, then went to sit on the small bed tucked in the corner of the room. It was clearly only big enough for one person. He wondered where he was going to sleep.

He wondered if he'd ever return home, how he'd even manage to escape this place. But first, he needed to understand this world. He lay back on the bed, finding it surprisingly uncomfortable. The blankets felt oddly thin and poorly made, somehow both familiar and strangely cheap at the same time. Resting his head, a new thought took root: he had to find a way back to his own world.

Lost in thought, a strange, dreamlike weariness settled over Tyler, and he drifted into a surprisingly deep sleep. He awoke with a gasp, sitting upright in his bed. The familiar, soft cotton sheets were a welcome contrast to the unsettling memory of his earlier experience. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet landing on the cool, smooth tiles of his bedroom floor. The floral pattern of his wallpaper, the slightly chipped paint on the ceiling—all were comforting and undeniably familiar. He ran a hand over the worn wood of his bedside table, the familiar grain a grounding presence. He was home. He wasn't in some dimly lit inn; he was back in his own room, safe and sound. The relief was so profound, it almost brought him to his knees.

"Tyler. Tyler." A familiar voice called his name. It was Mike. He turned, and there, standing in his room, was Grone. What? Grone? In his room? Confusion warred with a dawning realization as his eyes fluttered open. He wasn't home. He wasn't in his apartment with Mike. He'd been dreaming. Grone was shaking him gently. "Come on. Wake up. I brought some food." Tyler sat up straight, blinking the sleep from his eyes, a wave of disappointment washing over him.

He slowly sat upright, his eyes adjusting to the dim light of two candles flickering in the corners of the small room. The room was starkly empty; just a bed and the candles. The inn was unsettlingly bare, almost unnervingly so. Then he saw Grone holding something wrapped in cloth; a savory aroma wafted towards him, instantly familiar. It was the same food they'd had at the restaurant, wasn't it? As Grone unwrapped the bundle, revealing three plates piled high with food, Tyler's mouth began to water.

"Okay, kid, dig in," Grone said, gesturing towards the food. Tyler quickly sat down and began to eat, sharing the meal with Grone. While eating, he stole glances at Grone. He noticed Grone only had one eye; the other socket was marred by a jagged scar that looked almost like two claw marks, or perhaps knife wounds—Tyler couldn't quite tell. He kept staring, until Grone's one good eye met his. Tyler quickly looked down, resuming his meal. After swallowing a mouthful, he finally asked, "What is this world called?"

"This place—or should I say, this world—is called Aldoria."

Tyler tilted his head, questioning. "Aldoria?"

Grone nodded. "Yes, Aldoria. This entire world, with all its countries and people—it's all Aldoria." Tyler considered the name. Grone continued, his expression serious. "I guess since you're technically from another world, I'll have to tell you everything about this one, shouldn't I?"