Chapter 1 - One

Chapter 18

Xax's Threats

Time was passing and nighttime was about to happen. Xax and Whites then were with Brett again.

" You two are ready to head to Warbler's place ? " asked Brett.

" Yes " said Whites.

" I will write so many threatening things there " said Xax.

" We must scare the shit out of Warbler "

" Yeah, scaring him is a good idea " said Whites.

" We have to assume that none of them are dead " said Xax.

" Yeah, that would be a smart idea "

" See you later " said Brett.

" You two will be in the same room now for your bedroom arrangement "

" Sounds good to me " said Whites.

" Same here " said Xax.

Xax and Whites headed into a van.

" Warbler is going to tremble with so much fear " said Xax.

" Yes, he will crumble into dust " said Whites.

" For sure " said Xax.

They then arrived at Warbler's house and they then charged up some energy and broke in.

" Time to take what we can " said Xax.

" We will spook him "

" He has no idea what is going on "

" I like that he doesn't "

" Same here " said Whites.

" It is good "

Xax then found money which he stole, he then took a small laptop and he put it inside the knapsack.

Xax then wrote tons of threatening messages through the house.

" He will be so scared " said Xax.

" We need him that way " said Whites.

" True " said Xax.

Xax then stole an USB cable, he stole a phone charger as well. He then stole some hair products, razor and some soap as well.

Whites then started writing some messages in the house, they found paper and then they wrote more messages.

Whites and Xax then left the place, they rushed a man around the area and then used their Bear Blasts to knock him out.

They took his wallet and they left, they then headed into the van and headed back to the hideout.

" Warbler will be so scared " said Xax.

" Yes, it will be great " said Whites.

" Hahahahaha " said Xax.

" He will not expect it, which I love "

They then were greeted by Brett.

" So let's see what was stolen ? " asked Brett.

" A laptop, USB cord, money, phone charger, razor, hair products and soap "

" Good, very good "

Good, very good "

" We wrote so many threatening messages " said Xax.

" That is what we want " said Brett.

" Warbler will crumble " said Whites.

" He sure will " said Xax.

" I know it "

" We will enjoy the intense fear within him " said Whites.

" He refused the deal, so this is only fair " said Xax.

" This is what he must have happen to him "

" You two are our last elite warriors left " said Brett.

" The organization needs you two more than they ever had before "

" Thanks, we will not let you down " said Whites.

" Melissa and Easeion being gone makes this more difficult but Crayon will still fall though " said Brett.

" You two are now dismissed "

Xax and Whites headed to their area.

More days passed, Xax and Whites then sent texts to Warbler's phone. They also left messages as well.

Xax and Whites were training their abilities and they were getting stronger.

" Crayon and his friends are still hurt " said Whites.

" That is awesome " said Xax.

" Easeion fought very hard "

" I do miss him "

" He sure did, just like Melissa " said Whites.

" We will keep scaring Warbler with all this and there is nothing that can be done " said Xax.

" Hahahahaha "

" Yeah, he is screwed " said Whites.

More time passed, Colourea then woke up.

" Colourea, so happy to see that you are here " said Crayon.

" Thanks, I am glad to see this " said Colourea.

" Awesome " said Challenger.

" This really is a good thing "

Bear members were in the hideout training their punches and kicks with each other, more time continued passing till the next day where Colouruke woke up.

" Glad to be back " said Colouruke.

" It is great " said Crayon.

" It sure is " said Colourea.

More time continued passing again, all of them were ready to check out of the hospital.

" Glad to be back " said Artby.

" Bakers want that so much "

" There is something I am wondering " said Warbler.

" Warbler, about what in particular ? " asked Allie.

" They have our address now, they have snuck in before " said Warbler.

" The Bear are very dangerous, but bakers know that we are getting into danger for them " said Artby.

" Danger for them ? " asked Allie.

" Bakers respect us " said Artby. " They respect our mouths with bread "

" Bread ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby.

" Bakers cannot stand the Bear "

" I imagine they would not like the attacks " said Colourea.

" Bakers want us to risk our lives " said Artby. " They bake for that "

" Risk our lives ? " asked Crayon.

" They know that we love their bread when we do that " said Artby.

" They can tell that from us just buying it " said Challenger.

" Bakers have a strong love for our mouths, when we risk our lives they know that we care about them " said Artby. " We care for the baker "

" Strong love for our mouths ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, bakers have truly loved them when others have not done so " said Artby.

" Our mouths need this love, bread has saved them from terrible things " said Artby.

" What terrible things ? " asked Challenger.

" Well, the lack of bread " said Artby.

" Bakers had enough of the lack of bread going inside and they stepped up "

" Bakers know when to step up "

" Had enough ? " asked Crayon.

" Bakers could accept us eating other things " said Colourea. " They enjoy us buying bread but they can understand "

" Bakers know that we are not always eating bread for supper " said Colouruke.

" Bakers will be concerned about our mouths especially Crayon's mouth " said Artby.

" Why his mouth ? " asked Warbler.

" His taste buds " said Artby. " Bakers have a ton of respect for Crayon's taste buds "

" Bakers use baking to truly get Crayon's taste buds, Crayon's taste buds are truly thought highly of "

" I am so confused, maybe even more than I have been this year " said Crayon.

Crayon, bakers are thinking of your taste buds " said Artby. " The way they taste bread, bakers care so much for them "

" Bakers love your taste buds, Crayon "

" Dude, what in the fuck " said Crayon.

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke. " We are all so lost "

" That is where bread comes in and saves the day " said Artby.

" We should head to the bakery "

They all then headed to the bakery where Artby was talking about Crayon's taste buds.

" You have understood Crayon's taste buds and understood them with your baking " said Artby.

" My mouth is a better mouth thanks to baking "

" A better mouth ? " asked a baker.

" I'm glad you like the bread here, I'm not sure about understanding the taste buds of Crayon though "

" Yeah, it is delicious bread " said Artby. " When you see Crayon put the bread in his mouth there truly is something special "

" Special ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, there is something very special going on " said Artby. " I will thank all you bakers for what you have done for my mouth and the taste buds of Crayon "

They got their bread and left.

" This bread looks great " said Warbler.

" It sure does " said Allie.

" The two of us should head off now " said Warbler.

" Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.

" Bye " the other five said.

The other five began to talk.

" I should get going " said Challenger.

" Xax and Whites are very dangerous "

" We will resume training tomorrow" said Colouruke.

" I will join you all there " said Challenger.

" Awesome " said Colourea.

" See you four later " said Challenger.

Warbler and Allie were at their place and noticed something.

" What happened " said Allie.

" This is terrible "

" This is so bad, I wonder who did this " said Warbler.

" I think the Bear are involved " said Allie.

Warbler and Allie went inside and they noticed things were stolen.

" Our laptop is gone " said Allie. " I bet Bear members did this "

" Xax and Whites " said Warbler. " I see so many things written.

The first thing said this:

" Warbler, we have taken your laptop "

" Your failure to accept our deal was not acceptable "

" We know you will crumble to dust, and be scared shitless "

" It is me Xax, you will face the end very soon "

" I know you are hurt "

" Hahahahaha "

The second thing said this:

" I have taken soap, USB cable, phone charger, hair products and a razor "

" You have less money now, the Bear wants you with less "

" Lucky for you, we did not take any credit cards or phones but we already have your number "

" Warbler, we will enjoy sending messages that will freak you out "

" Whites was here, he took stuff you need for a reason "

" Your failure to accept our great deal cannot be forgotten "

" Whites and Xax together will bring your end soon "

" We are too much "

Warbler and Allie were talking with each other.

" I cannot believe this " said Allie.

" Yeah, those Bear guys really have gotten out of hand " said Warbler.

" We will talk to Crayon "

" We will make sure that they can no longer do this " said Allie.

" We will train so hard "

" Tomorrow, we will be training " said Warbler.

" Yes " said Allie.

Warbler called Crayon.

" Crayon, Bear members attacked our house " said Warbler.

" Man, these guys are going so far now " said Crayon.

" Xax and Whites " said Warbler.

" We will train very hard " said Crayon.

" We must stop the Bear "

" Sounds good to me " said Warbler.

" It sure does, we need our moves stronger " said Crayon.

" See you later "

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking at the house.

" Warbler was robbed and part of the house was damaged " said Crayon.

" It is unfortunate to see that " said Artby.

" The Bear must be stopped " said Colouruke.

" I wonder how they found their place " said Colourea.

" They must have broken into places till they found Warbler's place " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, sounds about right " said Crayon.

" Bakers will be disgusted,Warbler eats too much bread to be treated like this " said Artby.

" Allie as well "

" Well, I imagine bakers would not like that " said Colourea.

" Bakers love Warbler and Allie, bakers want us to fight " said Artby.

" Bakers will want us to do so "

Time passed, they enjoyed their supper. More time continued to pass, Crayon then started kissing Colourea.

While that was going on, Xax and Whites were talking with Brett.

" I need you two stealing again " said Brett.

" You will have access to Bear members "

" I bet Warbler as spooked as shit " said Xax.

" Yeah, he probably is " said Whites.

" Bear members will assist you two, they will fight " said Brett.

Now time to head off "

Xax and Whites joined Bear members and they got into two different vans and the vans headed towards Colourland.

Meanwhile Colouruke and Artby were talking.

" Crayon is so happy , bread has made Crayon happier than ever " said Artby.

" Bread ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yeah when he eats it, it helps " said Artby.Bakers have loved that and they show it with their baking "

" I am lost " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you know bakers want this to happen " said Artby.

" They do ? " asked Colouruke.

" They sure do, they know by making tastier bread that Crayon's happinesswill keep growing higher and higher "

" Bakers are such good people "

" I don't think that bakers are responsible for that but I am glad you enjoy eating their bread " said Colouruke. " We should get a good sleep tonight, we have training "

" Good idea " said Artby.

Artby and Colouruke went to bed.

Xax and Whites arrived in Colourland, they then saw two people.

" You two " yelled Xax.

" You know where Crayon lives, we need his place "

" No " said the first man.

" We will keep searching " said Whites.

The two men left, Xax and Whites then found a store, they used their Bear Blasts to break open the door which was severely damaged.

Xax and Whites took candy bars, protein bars, smokes, gum, money, lighters, lottery tickets and some beer. They then saw a man who they hit with their Bear Bombs which defeated him.

They took his necklace, wallet and phone.

Other Bear members were roughing up people, they took wallets and a few phones.

Xax then used the Bird Blast which broke open a door of a store. They took lipstick, gift cards, money, hair products, deodorant and razors.

" Good " said Xax. " We have taken a lot of stuff here, we will look for more "

Xax then saw a man, Whites then blasted him with the Frostbite Blast. Whites then took his wallet and a phone.

Xax and Whites then met up with the Bear members, they all headed into the van.

" Glad to take so many phones " said a Bear member.

" Hahaha " said another Bear member.

" The Bear will take over " said Whites. " It is something my cousin Blackin tried to do, but it will happen this time "

They arrived back at the hideout where they were greeted by Brett.

" Glad to see you all, let's see what was stolen " said Brett.

" Phones, money, lipstick, gum, candy bars, protein bars, beer, lottery tickets, deodorant, razors, hair products, gift cards, smokes, lighters and necklace "

" This is great to see "

" It sure is " said Xax.

" The Bear will have a great takeover " said Whites.

" It will be amazing, hahahaha " said Xax.

" Hahahahaha " said Brett and Whites.

" You two are now dismissed " said Brett.