Chapter 5 - Five

Chapter 17

Blackin vs Crayon, Part One

Fighters were talking.

"Blackina lost" said Blackin confused.

"She has so much strength, how the fuck could this happen?"

"She is so strong"

"Facing a man like me" said King Bobby.

"I am fighting for Bird's Isle and the partnership"

" Nobody's love, Crayon or Challenger will stop that "

"My ability is extremely dangerous"

" Blackina could have taken down Colorea "

"Our partnership is too important for us to lose," said Color King.

" Colourlandish people demand it to happen "

"While I understand that you care about Blackina a lot, we must bring the partnership back"

"I will take down Crayon" said Blackin.

" I will still marry Blackina and win this tournament "

" I am so in love with her, our love will last forever "

" We believe you can beat him " said King Bobby.

" We know what Crayon has done to Warbler and what he wants to do to the Bear "

" Crayon must be out of the way, he cannot ruin Colourland anymore " said Colour King.

" He has been a fake hero and a complete fraud to the Colourlandish "

" What do you plan to do to him ? " asked Colourea.

" We will defeat him and then that decision will be made, when I win " said Colour King.

" The people have grown sick of him and the fakeness he has brought "

" The fakeness has infuriated Colourland "

" Fakeness ? " asked Challenger.

" That sounds odd to me "

" It does " said Colouruke.

" Bakers say there is none " said Artby.

" Baking prevents this, his taste buds have been improved by baking "

" This improvement stops anything like that "

" Crayon loves bread, bakers love his mouth "

" They use baking to show that love for his mouth "

" Uh, what ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bakers love all our mouths and use baking to show affection " said Artby.

" Bakers use bread that falls in love with my mouth "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" I am so lost " said Crayon.

" Bread has found your mouth " said Artby.

" Bread does so much "

A few minutes later Colour King and King Bobby were with each other talking.

" Now, we will want the downfall of Crayon " said King Bobby.

" Warbler deserves the best "

" Warbler is a great guy "

" He will fight in the war " said Colour King.

" Colourclever wants to fight as well, I am happy for him "

" Our nations will be so much better thanks to these wars "

" Colourlandish people and people from Bird's Isle will thank us for the resources "

" Challenger never understood "

" He never will, I remember him from the past " said King Bobby.

" Our warriors want to go to war and they will get that chance and no friend of Crayon will ever stop that at all "

" The powerful warriors will crush anyone "

" We have been the best leaders for our nations in history and they will be no surpassing us " said Colour King.

" After the first islands, we will attack others later on "

" Yes, then our nations will take over almost everywhere "

" We will have to make a decision about Numeria, knowing them they may try the same " said King Bobby.

" Numeria is our biggest competition, so we must be careful " said Colour King.

" Yes, Numerians have talent with their warriors " said King Bobby.

" I know of how strong their leader is "

" Vasco ? " asked Colour King.

" He is said to be insanely powerful "

" Yes, he is " said King Bobby.

" That being said, we have a lot for us to use "

" That is for sure " said Colour King.

" Our nations are so proud of our warriors, Challenger not so much "

" Challenger is not as good as us when it comes to being leaders "

Time passed, Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Crayon has this " said Artby.

" I will fight very hard " said Crayon.

" Crayon beat Blackin before he can do it again " said Colouruke.

" Do it for every baker ever and every customer " said Artby.

" Bakers love Crayon, they want him fighting for their baking "

" We all fight for baking "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Crayon will take down Blackin "

" Blackin will not be easy but Crayon can win " said Challenger.

" I do have confidence in all the training that has happened "

" This is the time for it to pay off "

" Yeah, we trained very hard " said Crayon.

" That is for sure, bakers have wanted stronger customers " said Artby.

" I am proud of all of us as customers "

" Customers will continue to save bakers by giving great asskickings "

" Uh, yeah " said Colouruke.

" Well, we should head to the stadium, it is not too far away from time to fight "

" Good idea " said Colourea.

More time continued passing, it was 10 minutes away from the fight where Crayon and Blackin were talking.

" My love for Blackina is a powerhouse love " said Blackin.

" Our hearts are always connected and our relationship will never end "

" There is no chance of that "

" I will demolish you and stop you from interfering in our wedding "

" I don't want to do that " said Crayon.

" I will stop Colour King and King Bobby "

" From their partnership ? " asked Blackin.

" I have heard about it "

" Yes, it has gone too far " said Crayon.

" They want to invade so many places which will hurt so many innocent people "

" Well, they want me to defeat you " said Blackin.

" Yes, but what will happen to the Bear ? " asked Crayon.

" You are aware that they won't want you and the Bear committing crimes in Colourland ? "

" They will turn against you if you try anything "

" They say they will make a decision involving us " said Blackin.

" I will let you know one thing "

" What is that ? " asked Crayon.

" Brett is alive and he is training with Bill and Tara " said Blackin.

" So you and him may have to fight against Colour King and King Bobby later on " said Crayon.

" That is, if they want the Bear shut down "

" The Bear will not be shut down, I fight for all Bear members " said Blackin.

" The organization will last forever just like my romance with Blackina "

" Our love is insanely powerful "

" Well, we will just see what King Bobby and Colour King plan to do in the future "

" Well, I will fight for such a beautiful woman like Blackina "

" Her beauty shines so bright that we are all blinded "

" Blinded ? " asked Crayon somewhat confused.

" Yes, she is that beautiful " said Blackin.

" She is as hot as it gets "

" I love every part of her body and I will never stop, not ever "

" There's no way I would stop "

Fighters were talking.

" This will be an interesting fight, Blackin will win hopefully " said Colour King.

" If Blackin fails, one of us will get to eliminate Crayon ourselves " said King Bobby.

" Colourlandish people want him to lose, I love the people " said Colour King.

" Crayon being eliminated is something Colourland wants "

" I don't think so " said Challenger.

" I don't believe that Crayon's elimination makes the people that happy "

" They do, he is a fake hero and a fraud to them " said Colour King.

" Colourland needs order and my opinion "

" The way I think is so Colourlandish, I am the most Colourlandish person ever "

" Challenger cannot say that, he never will be able to "

" Colourland and Bird's Isle will have the perfect partnership " said King Bobby.

" There is nothing that we cannot do for our nations when that happens "

" We will be loved by the people in our respective countries "

" Warbler will live better as well, I care about him a lot "

" Warbler is such a good person "

" Crayon has not cared about him like we have "

" Crayon has failed him how ? " asked Colourea.

" Crayon has done nothing wrong to Warbler " said Colouruke.

" He hasn't, bakers know this " said Artby.

" Bakers know him well in the bakery "

" Baking has nothing to do with this, this is about Crayon influencing him poorly " said King Bobby.

" Blackin will win "

" I will take down Blackin next round, it will not be an issue " said Colour King.

" Crayon has failed the country and the people that live in it "

" I am too Colourlandish for this to continue this way "

" Way too Colourlandish "

The fight started.

Crayon and Blackin aimed punches at each other which landed.

Crayon and Blackin aimed kicks at each other which landed.

Blackin rushed Crayon with the Tenfold Bear Strike while Crayon used the Tenfold Bird Strike to counter.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Crayon started to charge the Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks collided and they both were hit.

Blackin started rushing Crayon with the Tenfold Bear Strike while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts collided and they both took damage.

Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs hit each other and they were both hit.

" Not bad, but my desire for Blackina is too strong " said Blackin.

" Our love is so strong, we will never breakup "

Hahahahahaha "

" I have a lot more " said Crayon.

" There is a lot more fighting "

" I will win for Blackina " said Blackin.

" My feelings for her are so strong, nobody has loved as much as me "

" Our wedding will be brilliant, Bear members will have a great time "

" Well, let's continue our battle " said Crayon.

Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast, the attacks collided and they were both hit.

Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion while Blackin started charging up the Bear Implosion, the implosions hit with power and they both were knocked to the ground.

Fighters were talking.

" Crayon is showing some serious power right now " said Warbler.

" That is for sure " said Allie.

" Crayon's the man, bakers love him a lot " said Artby.

" Baking has changed his mouth especially his taste buds "

" Taste buds ? " asked Allie.

" Crayon tastes better now thanks to baking, baking is that wonderful " said Artby.

" Bakers baking is something I dream about a lot, I tell bakers "

" I keep bakers happier which changes the kind of baking "

" The kind of baking ? " asked Warbler.

" Yes, it is a better kind of baking now " said Artby.

" When you are that kind to a baker, this is what happens "

The fight continued.

Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast, the blasts collided and they both took damage.

Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Bomb, the bombs collided and they were both hit.

Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage while Blackin started charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage, the attacks then hit each other and their opponents were directly hit.

Crayon rushed Blackin with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike while Blackin countered with the Tenfold Bear Strike and they both took damage.

" There is something about Brett " said Blackin.

" What about him and being back ? " asked Crayon.

" He will be at the wedding and now all the Bear members have returned right now " said Blackin.

" They will all go, I fight for every Bear member "

" We will keep getting stronger "

" I must stop Colour King " said Crayon.

" These wars that he wants are not good "

" Well, that is something that the Bear will not be involved in unless a Bear member is attacked " said Blackin.

" What happens with Colourland is not our business "

" I will focus on loving Blackina's beauty, her and the organization "

" Well, we should continue " said Crayon.

" Yes, I believe all the Bear members would want that " said Blackin.

" My feelings for Blackina are very strong "

" I love her so much "

Blackin then stated charging up the Ultimate Bear Barrage while Crayon rushed him with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, the attacks collided with each other and they both took damage.

Blackin started charging up the Bear Implosion while Crayon charged up the Heatwave Implosion, the implosions collided and they both took damage.