Chapter 5 - Short Rest

-'We have several things to do. First, we need to join the Adventurer's Guild to earn money and hopefully secure a recommendation letter for the Academy. Next, we'll use that money to travel to the outskirts of the human territory, eventually reaching the capital of the Bright territory—the city of White Paradise, also known as the Land of Dreams. Once there, we'll find have to Ethan to gain his support and receive a recommendation letter for the Academy. Finally, we get into the Academy as a first year cadet'

Mary groaned, rubbing her temples. "Can you make that shorter?"

-'We need to collect recommendation letters to get into the Academy'

"Wait! Aren't we a little too old for that? Plus, I don't even know this world's culture or language!"

-'Then how did you just speak with the party just now? And as for the culture, I'll fill in the blanks for you'

"I… uh… they were using magic?" Mary hesitated "Also what do you mean by 'fill in' the blanks?"

-'No. The Akasha system includes a basic skill for communication'

"It had that? Since when? And don't just ignore my questions! You always do this—answering what you want and brushing off the rest like it doesn't even matter"

-'Did you even read the tutorial? It was on the first page. And I'm not ignoring you. I'm just saving us time'

"S-saving time? Even a child wouldn't believe that excuse! Also, why didn't I get to read the tutorial, huh? Who was the one that skipped over it and started ordering around others?"


"Uhh, Mary, is everything okay?" Kiel's voice broke through the conversation, his concern evident in his voice

Mary blinked, quickly hurrying to gather herself when a voice interrupted her

-"Everything's fine. But can you gather the others for me? I think i'll be ready to answer your questions shortly after"

Kiel nodded, though a little confused. "Sure, I'll get them"

As he left, the voice in her head continued

-'This is what i mean when i say 'fill in''

Mary shot a look toward the door, her brow furrowed. 'Wait, you can talk outside my head? How does that even work? I didn't open my mouth'

-'It's not exactly talking. I'm using mana to convey thoughts and intentions'

'I don't get it'

-'On Earth, sound travels through air. But here, sound can also travel through mana. You can speak by imbuing mana with your thoughts, without moving your lips'

'Can you just make it shorter?'

-'I made mana carry my words'

'I still don't get it'

-'You'll have to'

While they conversed, the rest of the party gathered infront of the room, curious about what Mary had to say

As the party gathered infront of the room, Yuria knocked lightly before coming in. "Can we come in?"

-"Yes, you can come in" They answered

'Hey! It's my body, I want to speak'

-'It's 'Our' body, not just yours. And remember, 'We' are one'

"Pardon our intrusion" Hans said as he entered, with Yuria and Kiel following close behind

Mary watched them with great curiousity, marveling at how unique, different each of their appearances were compared to the people in her previous world. Since each of them carried an aura that made them stand apart in ways she couldn't quite place

While Mary was marveling at their appearance Hans entered first and Mary found herself focusing on his unusual features. Strangely, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't clearly make out the details of his face. Even when she squinted and focused her mana on her eyes, it was as if his face resisted definition, slipping from her grasp like sand through her fingers. The harder she tried, the more an odd thought came to mind—that he had a "dumb face". Frustrated and confused, she decided to give up on deciphering his features and instead noted the more discernible aspects of his appearance

Like his hair which was split into two sides with one being pure white and the other pure black. His eyes were also very unique the right one was pitch black while the left one featured a golden core encircled by a bright red

Then behind him was Kiel who had a face that could only be described as handsome with his golden brown hair and green eyes along with a well trained body that makes you doubt if he was actually 18 years old

Finally the last person who entered the room was Yuria, her appearance was as ethereal as it was enigmatic. Her luminous golden hair shimmered with a soft glow, while her cloudy silver eyes gave her an otherworldly air. Mary couldn't help but wonder if she was blind, yet Yuria's steady and deliberate movements said otherwise

Each of these three people was a puzzle in their own way, and Mary found herself both fascinated and intrigued of their presence. But she couldn't admire for long as Hans spoke

"Alright, Mary, will you answer our questions truthfully?" Hans asked, his voice steady

-"I will" They replied quickly filling in for Mary since she seemed too fascinated, though internally they felt a little nudge

'It's my turn' Mary nudged

-'Fine, but don't make us sound awkward' They replied

"First question: What were you doing in that forest?" Hans asked, his expression unreadable

"I was hunting and training" Mary answered simply

Hans glanced towards Yuria, who nodded in confirmation

"Next question: Why were you hunting during the night of a Blood Moon?" Kiel asked, his tone curious yet cautious

"I didn't know it was a Blood Moon" Mary replied honestly

"You… didn't know?" Kiel repeated, incredulity creeping into his voice. The whole group stared at her in disbelief before looking towards Yuria again, who gave another confirming nod

"And why did you choose that forest? Were there any dangerous monsters?" Kiel continued, still processing her previous answers

"I didn't choose it. Someone told me to go there. And yeah, there was a Shadow Lycanthrope—a really strong one" Mary added

Now both Hans and Kiel exchanged uneasy glances, clearly puzzled. But as always, Yuria nodded solemnly, confirming the truth

"Last question" Yuria said, stepping forward, her voice calm but serious. "Why didn't you run away when you encountered that monster?"

"They said they wouldn't let me eat unless I killed it" Mary answered, nonchalantly

"They? Who's they?" Yuria asked, tilting her head

"Future… version of me?" Mary said, her own confusion leaking through

Silence fell over the room as everyone, even Mary, appeared baffled. It was Yuria who eventually stepped forward again. "Thank you for answering truthfully. You've clearly had a hard time, so we won't disturb your rest any longer"

-'I was wondering if i can join your party temporarily until i earn enough money for my destination?'

"I was wondering if i can join your party temporarily... until i earn enough money for my destination?"

'What did you just do?'

-'You said it was your turn' the voice replied innocently

'Yeah, my turn to speak, not for you to make me repeat everything like a parrot!'

-'We're the same. And besides, it's faster this way'

'Whatever…' Mary grumbled inwardly

Kiel broke the awkward silence. "Uh, sure, but why insist on joining us?"

'Hey! They are asking us a question. How do i dodge this fastball?'

-'Just say whatever comes to mind'



"Uh… all of you seem nice, and… I don't have any money?" Mary said, uncertainty creeping into her voice as heavy silence enveloped the room




-'Anything but that obviously' the voice groaned

'How am i supposed to know? You told me to just say anything' Mary mentally snapped back

-'Just… stay calm and be quiet' the voice urged

As the silence dragged on, Mary noticed everyone staring at Yuria, who once again gave a slow nod for some reason

'Why do they keep looking at her? And why are they nodding?'

-'I didn't get the chance to explain earlier, but Yuria is the Saintess of innocence. They look to her to confirm truths, which she can see'

"Oh! Wait, wait—it's a misunderstanding!" Mary blurted out, panicking as she didn't listen to the end

"A misunderstanding?" Yuria asked, looking a bit puzzled

"Yes! I didn't mean it that way" Mary quickly explained before she was cut off by Hans as he stared into her eyes

"Then… what did you mean?" Hans asked, folding his arms. "Care to explain? I'm sure Yuria would love to hear what you really meant"

'What is he talking about? Why does it feel like i'm in trouble?'

-'I'm a little busy right now. You're on your own on this one'

'What do you mean you're busy. You have nothing to do'

"You seem lost for words" Kiel smirked. "Cat got your tongue?"

'Oh no, I'm so dead if I don't fix this…' Mary thought, panicking even further

"I meant I just need temporary party members in case I enter the Academy!" she blurted out

"Academy? Now you're changing the topic without answering my previous questions" Hans said, his hand slowly drifting toward the black katana at his waist as he stared into her eyes once again to check again

"No! That's not what I meant!" Mary raised her hands defensively

"You have ten seconds to answer my questions before something happens that you'll regret"

Saying that Hans eyes became sharper as he continued trying to read her thoughts

"Ten" Then Hans began counting

"Wait, what happens?" Mary asked, her eyes wide with confusion and panic


"What am i going to regret?!"


"Wait—you just skipped numbers! That's not fair"


"Wait, wait! I'll tell you, so stop!"


"Stop! I'm not some shady merchant trying to sell Yuria for money!" Mary yelled in desperation

Immediately Hans stopped, his hand frozen "What did you just say?"

"I-I'm not some merchant trying to sell young people for cash!" Mary stammered, realizing what she had said

Kiel burst out laughing. "Hans, you're going to miss out on your chance with those interrogation skills. At this rate, you'll stay single forever while everyone else gets together without inviting you to the party!"

Hans shot him a deadly glare "..."

"What's wrong, Mr.Interrogator? Speechless?" Kiel teased further

Yuria giggled. "Oh Mary, you really are something"

Mary blinked. "So… you're not going to kill me?"

"Why would we kill you?" Kiel asked, baffled

"I don't know? Maybe you were bored?" Mary shrugged

"Is that how people look to you?" Hans frowned displeasure visible on his face

"It's your fault for being so scary, Hans" Kiel chimed in. "At this rate, no girl will ever approach you, and you'll stay single for all of eternity"

"Say that again, and I'll rip that smirk off of your face" Hans growled

"Save it for when you can actually beat me" Kiel grinned

"Oh? You wanna bet?" Hans challenged, his eyes narrowing

"Bet!" Kiel laughed as he accpeted his challenge

Yuria rolled her eyes. "Please, just ignore these two idiots"

Mary relaxed, but still asked, "So… you didn't misunderstand?"

Yuria smiled. "Why would we? Though I see why you'd think that—sometimes we nod at each other without realizing how weird it will look to others"

Mary let out a sigh of relief. "So… can I join the party?"

"We were already planning on inviting you. We just weren't sure how to ask," Yuria replied

"Really?" Mary asked, surprised

"Of course" Yuria grinned. "I mean, after what we saw, how could we not?"

"What did you see?" Mary asked, confused

'Do you know what she's talking about right now?'

-'I guess i'll fill in the blanks' they spoke again, as memories began to surge into Mary's mind like a floodgate opening

In an instant, she was pulled into a nightmarish vision—a scene so vivid it could have been real. The sky above her was drenched in crimson, the Blood Moon hanging ominously overhead. Around her, two small mountains of corpses stood piled high. Her hands gripped a blood-red dagger that pulsed with a sinister glow, and her body was covered in blood—both her own and that of countless enemies. Wounds crisscrossed her skin, but she felt no pain, only numbness

As the vision unfolded, Mary remained rooted in place, her mana leaking uncontrollably into the room. Unbeknownst to her, the others in the room stiffened, sensing the overwhelming flood of mana that poured out of her. It was only a fraction of her magic power, but it was enough to leave a lasting impression

Kiel, Hans, and Yuria exchanged glances, their eyes widening in realization. They had suspected Mary had immense power when they first encountered her, but the extent of it was hidden, masked by exhaustion and something else entirely. Now, with this slight leak, they understood the depth of her potential. Her mana reserves were far beyond what someone at her level should possess. It was monstrous—otherworldly. Yet Mary remained oblivious to their reactions, lost in the vision that plagued her

She stood there, staring at the distant memory unfolding in her mind

In the vision, Mary stood tall, drenched in blood. Her silver hair, matted and clinging to her face, was soaked in crimson. Her eyes gleamed with a wild, hateful light, and a savage grin twisted her features, making her almost unrecognizable. She moved with merciless precision, cutting down creatures in a frenzied dance of violence. They fell before her, one after another, their lifeless bodies piling at her feet like discarded toys

"Is this... me?" she thought, horror tightening around her heart. Her eyes remained fixed on the scene unfolding before her—a version of herself reveling in slaughter, enjoying the thrill of the kill. The longer she watched, the deeper her repulsion grew, yet a twisted fascination held her captive. Her stomach churned, a storm of conflicting emotions threatening to overwhelm her

"I didn't want this... I didn't ask for this" she told herself, clinging to shreds of reason. "I didn't start this... I had no choice. I wanted to survive. I had to live" Her thoughts spiraled, scrambling for justification, a desperate attempt to make her seem less monstrous. "They attacked me first; they were dangerous creatures—monsters that would have hurt others. Swinging my blade was an act of mercy for those who would have suffered. I didn't do anything wrong..."

But even as she whispered these words, her heart twisted painfully. Her attempts to convince herself felt fragile, hollow

A cold, mocking voice rose from the depths of her mind, cutting through her fragile reasoning

-'No matter how much you justify it, you still killed them' it whispered, cruel and relentless. -'You bathed in their blood. No amount of reasoning will wash away that truth'

It's words were like a blade, slicing through her thoughts, forcing her to confront the ugly truth she'd been denying. Her mind reeled, struggling to hold onto the comforting lie that she'd been fighting to protect others. But the inner voice's words echoed, merciless and unyielding, like a mirror reflecting a reality she didn't want to see

"No" she muttered, her voice wavering, even to herself. "They were suffering from the Blood Moon's influence. I... I freed them from their torment. It wasn't murder; it was mercy" Yet, even as she spoke, the justification sounded feeble, every word growing weaker

-'How long will you continue lying to yourself in the future?' the voice snapped, colder than ice. -'You felt it, didn't you? The hatred, the rage burning in your veins as you cut them down. You wanted them gone. You wished for their destruction'

Mary's body trembled, cold sweat forming on her brow. The voice's accusation struck deep, clawing at the truths she had tried so hard to bury. It was undeniable. She had felt it—the fury, the loathing, the twisted satisfaction. She hadn't been fighting just to survive. No, it was more than that. She had hated them for what they were... and for what they had revealed about herself. Now, that hatred, that darkness she thought she had buried, stared back at her—unblinking and unapologetic

The voice cut through her spiraling thoughts like a blade. -'How are you going to face the future if you can't even accept the death of a mere monster?'

Mary's heart ached as she recoiled from the voice's cold words, feeling as though she'd been struck

-'Do you remember how you felt when you killed that man?' the voice taunted, reminding her of a forgotten memory 'The director. Do you remember how you killed him infront of the others after tormenting him so much?'

The memory surged forward, despite her mind burying it deeply. She could see it as clearly as if it were happening all over again—her first kill. That disgusting man who calls himself an adult. She still remembered his wide, terrified eyes, him desperately clinging to life even begging a child to save him despite everything he's done. It was ugly and she hated it. She could've just sent him off without pain but she didn't like that. So she made sure to cause him as much pain as possible while also revealing his true face to the kids

-'Did you feel remorse for what you showed those children? No' The voice sneered, an almost pitying edge creeping in. 'You didn't hate yourself for forever traumatizing and mentally scaring your friends. You only hated yourself for what it revealed about you to the others only after they started isolating you. Even then, you lied to yourself, saying it was a choice forced upon you, that you had no other option'

Mary's fists clenched until her nails bit into her palms. She wanted to scream, to deny it, but the truth was clawing its way to the surface, raw and relentless. She had tried to forget—tried to bury those memories deep enough that they would never resurface. But here they were, as vivid as the day they happened, a brutal reminder of what lay hidden beneath the mask she wore

-Admit it' the voice pressed, mercilessly. 'Stop lying. Stop pretending to be something you're not. You killed others for your sake because you wanted to survive. It's ugly, yes, but pretending it's anything else? That's even uglier'

Tears welled up in Mary's eyes, blurring the vision of herself bathed in blood. She wasn't sure if they were born from guilt or frustration, but they burned just the same. She didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to be this person. But no matter how much she tried to deny it, the truth was inescapable. She had killed, and while part of her hated the necessity of it... another part had thrived on the power it brought

-'You know what you did, Mary' the voice whispered, softer now, almost sad. 'You can't lie to yourself. We all know that you did it. You have done it before and you will do it again. So stop pretending to be a saint, it doesn't suit you. You're no hero. You're not here for the sake of humanity or some noble cause. You're here because you happened to survive. There's no one to judge you here, so you don't need to try to fit in with the others for survival'

Mary's heart clenched, a cold finality settling over her. The voice was right. She wasn't a hero. She wasn't on a crusade to save the world. She was fighting because she had no choice, because survival demanded it

-'You're selfish' the voice continued, cold and blunt 'Everything you do is for yourself—your own desires, your own goals, your own survival. You've always been willing to sacrifice anything, or anyone, to get what you want'

"No" she whispered, struggling to hold on to something—anything—that would prove she wasn't beyond redemption just yet. "I'm different. I can be better..."

The voice's cold, mocking laugh echoed through her mind. -'Better? You really believe that? You think you're better than us?'

"Yes!" she thought desperately, clinging to that sliver of hope. "I'm not like you. I'll change. We aren't the same person"

The voice laughed again, a hollow sound that resonated with her deepest fears. -'Then I pity you. We can never change, we can only pretend to be better. For in the end, you'll find that the person you despise most… is the one staring back at you'

The voice's final words hung in the air, and then, with cruel finality, it faded, leaving Mary standing alone in the silence of her own mind. A crushing weight settled in her chest as she stared at her trembling hands, cold and stained with blood in the vision. She wasn't sure what felt worse—the knowledge that she had killed before, or the hollow emptiness of realizing how easily she had dismissed it now that her justifications lay shattered at her feet. Her hands trembled as she reached up to touch her face, her fingertips brushing the cold streaks of tears that had slipped down her cheeks. For a moment, she stared at the tear-stained skin of her palms, feeling a strange ache, like a hollow chasm widening in her soul

The weight of what she had become pressed down on her, suffocating in its intensity. She had always thought of herself as a survivor, fighting because there was no other choice left for her. But now… was that still true? Or was she murderer who sought power, who thrived in the thrill of blood?

"Mary?" A soft voice cut through the darkness, pulling her back "Is everything alright?" Yuria asked, concern evident in her voice

Mary flinched, snapping back to reality. Yuria was standing nearby, her brow furrowed with worry that Mary felt undeserving of. For a brief moment, she wondered if Yuria had heard the echoes of that inner conflict—if she could see the darkness Mary was struggling to suppress

Realizing she had been silent for too long, Mary quickly forced a calm expression, smoothing away the tension in her features. "Yes, it's okay" she replied, her voice steady, though each word felt like it was spoken from a distance. She mustered a reassuring smile, though it felt brittle, like a thin mask barely concealing something she couldn't quite remember. "I was just… lost in thought"

Yuria's voice softened. "It's fine. Everyone has those moments of spacing out" Yuria said, offering a gentle smile

But as Mary tried to shake off the darkness, an inexplicable wave of emptiness swept over her, clearing away the torment like a tide retreating from the shore. Her mind went blank, the pain and guilt vanishing like a forgotten dream. She frowned, trying to remember what had unsettled her, but found nothing—only an aching sense of loss, like a puzzle missing its central piece. The memory was gone, leaving behind a hollow ache she couldn't explain

Maybe it was nothing... just one of those strange, fleeting moods that occasionally gripped her. She shrugged it off with a sigh, the feeling of emptiness already fading into the fog of forgotten thoughts. She didn't notice how easily her mind had erased the uncomfortable truth—how her own subconscious had quietly buried what she didn't want to remember

Another voice, softer and kinder, replaced the darkness in her mind

-'In case you've forgotten, the topic was about joining their party' The voice in Mary's head nudged her


"What were we talking about?" Mary asked out loud, momentarily distracted

-'I just said wha—' the voice began, but before it could finish, Yuria chimed in with an enthusiastic voice "Welcome to the party!"

Mary blinked, caught off guard by the abruptness before remembering something urgent when her stomach growled "Do you have any food? I'm starving" she asked bluntly, the hunger fully hitting her now that the mental haze was lifting

"Sorry, we'd love to throw a party to celebrate, but it's the middle of the night, so most people are asleep. And we have a job to do tomorrow. And we will be out of the city for a few days" Kiel said, scratching his cheek awkwardly

"Why don't you just admit to wanting to eat Yuria's cake" Hans teased as he prepared to stir the pot for Yuria

"That's not what I—" Kiel began defensively, only to be cut off

"Then what did you mean, Kiel? And how did my words lead to that?" Hans asked, eyes burning with pettiness as he set the stage for a roasting session for Yuria featuring Kiel

"Hans, please shu—" Kiel tried to stop him, but it was already too late

"Oh my, Kiel, don't you like me?" Yuria interjected with faux innocence, her tone dripping with mock sweetness

"Wha—?" Kiel sputtered, clearly unprepared for the sudden shift

"I'm sorry, but this Holy Maiden can't be yours" Yuria said dramatically, wrapping her arms around her body to emphasize her curves. "This body belongs only to the hero"

Seeing that shameful sight someone clicked their tongue inside Mary's head. -'Why was someone like her chosen as the Saintess of Innocence is beyond me'

"She's got you there" Hans added, seasoning the roasting with a final dash of humor, ensuring Kiel was fully cooked and smoked ready for Yuria

"What is wrong with you people?" Kiel groaned, his voice strained as he covered his face with both hands, clearly overwhelmed

"What do you mean, Kiel? Do you not like me? Am I the only one who has fantasies about us?" Yuria asked with a coy smile, her face turning pink, though her teasing remained relentless

"Huh!?" Kiel, now thoroughly flustered, grabbed his head as though it might split from the embarrassment

Had he been more collected, he might have noticed the light blush dusting Yuria's cheeks, or the red tips of her ears. But there was no time for clarity as Yuria's onslaught continued, leaving him no room to defend himself

Meanwhile, Hans, the petty culprit behind this situation, had safely retreated to the background, standing beside Mary with a satisfied look as he watched his handiwork unfold

"Welcome to the party" Hans said casually, his good mood hard to miss

"Thanks" Mary replied, amused by the show. "Though, it feels a little underwhelming, given the current situation"

"Sorry about that. Just ignore them. And about what Kiel said—it's true," Hans replied, now a bit calmer

Mary shrugged. "I don't have time for that kind of thing anyway"

"I figured as much" Hans nodded, understanding. "We'll most likely be out tomorrow morning, so you'll have time to explore the city and get familiar with everything"

"Thanks" Mary said simply

"We won't disturb you anymore tonight. It's late, so you should rest while you can. I'll drag these two out" Hans said, giving Yuria and Kiel a pointed look

Then before he could drag the lovebirds by their ears, Mary suddenly spoke up

-"What's today's date?" she asked, her question seemingly coming out of nowhere

"Date? Oh, right! It's the Year 497, Caedris 12th" Kiel answered quickly, happy to switch topics

-"Thanks" Mary responded, before Yuria added, "There's plenty of food downstairs, so help yourself as much as you need"

"Thanks again" Mary replied. However, confusion tugged at her mind, nagging at her as she echoed the date over in her thoughts

'What the hell is Caedris? What is he talking about?' Mary asked wondering what even Caedris meant

-'September' They answered giving an unclear answer

'Wait... how is it September already?' she mused internally, trying to piece together the time lapse

-'It means July' they chimed in helpfully which only confused Mary even further

Mary blinked in bewilderment trying to make sense of things 'July? But you just said September. Also why would he get the months mixed up? And how is it July already anyway?'

-'Did you really think interdimensional travel wouldn't take time? Also for your information this World isn't like Earth. They have their own calender system and the months are named differently too' the voice responded sarcastically

Mary's confusion only deepened. 'That doesn't explain why they would call it Caedris here? Plus why did you say September?'

-'Well' the voice began with a hint of sarcasm, 'you do realize that "September" just means "seven" in Latin, right? That's the month's origin back on earth'

'Seven? But... September is the ninth month!' Mary's mind scrambled to make sense of it, feeling like she was trying to solve a riddle

-'Oh, just wait until you find out "December" means "ten"' The voice told her as Mary's bewilderment grew


-'Look, Earth's logic doesn't apply here. All you need to know is that this world's calendar has thirteen months named after the thirteen moons, each lasting exactly 28 days, with a year having about 365 days. The months go in this order: Tembris for April, Amoris for May, Martius for June, Auroris for Quatilis, Honaris for Quintilis, Liberis for Sextilis, Caedris for September, Auctorvis for October, Solis for November, Fatis for December, Terroris for January, Mortis for February, and Duskis for March'

Mary felt her head throbbing. 'But... why is April the first month? And those other names...! Why are you making it so confusing?'

The voice sighed, as if patiently explaining to a child. '"April" comes from the Latin word for "to open", it represents the arrival of a new year so i thought it would be a good comparison. I needed something that will help you remember the thirteen months. Months like May, June, January, March are named after gods, while February is named after a festival but we can make it work. The rest are simply numbers representing their order so that you can understand it better and actually remember it'

Mary stared blankly, her mind spinning. It was as if someone had taken her understanding of time, shaken it up, and handed it back in pieces

'So... April or Tembris's the start, and December means "ten" but it's not the last month. And there are thirteen months in total... Okay, got it, I think' She rubbed her temples trying to make sense of this new calender that broke her common sense

They chuckled, its tone lightening. -'That's the spirit. Just... don't think about it too hard, you won't get it anyway but you'll get used to it eventually'


Once they left her room, Mary headed downstairs and devoured an impressive amount of food—enough for ten people. Feeling satisfied and much more grounded, she returned upstairs, her mind shifting to the next task at hand

'So, the plan is to visit the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow?' she thought

-'Change of plans. We're leaving at dawn. Be ready by then'

'Why so suddenly? Hello? Are you asleep?' she asked, but they remained silent

After waiting for a while Mary lost interest deciding to ignore the lack of response, Mary refocused her attention, her mind turning toward what she had gained from the Blood Moon

'Akasha system'

Following her command a familiar interface appeared before her eyes, detailing her newly acquired item:

'Akasha system'

-The crude hunting knife has been transformed into the red knife under the gaze of the Blood Moon and a nourishment of blood and violence

*//Status window//*

-Name:Red knife




• Shadows of the Moon:A moon cannot emit light by itself. Upon sensing a weapon with similar essence copy that weapon's stats, abilities and appearence only once. The ability will dissapear after use

-Details:Once a crude hunting knife made for skinning corpses, this blade has been reborn in your hands. The Blood Moon moved by your bloodshed under it's gaze, has chosen to help you shed your past, revealing a weapon that better suits your nature. Dual daggers show superior compatibility with your combat style of slaughter

The system notifications continued, flooding her senses with the results of her trial:

-You have overcome the trials of the Blood Moon and has captured it's interest

-The Blood Moon was deeply impressed by your performance and feats, rewarding you generously

-You have obtained:

• Blood Gem

• Moon Stone

• Bloody knife

• Class options: 'Blood berserker' and 'Moon priest'

•Note: The rewards were deemed excessive. No additional exp rewarded, no extra monster drops rewarded

Then Mary's eyes lingered on the rewards as a new message appeared:

'Akasha system'


-External influence detected

-Influence judged to not be harmful to the host

-Allow influence? Y\N

She didn't hesitate


'Akasha system'

-Item transformation complete

• The Red knife has been transformed

•The two items have been combined, resulting in a single, rarer and higher ranked weapon

Her breath caught as her eyes fell upon the new form of her weapon:

*//Status window//*

-Name:Scarlet Phantom daggers

-Rarity:Epic-Rank:Fourth Order

-Attribute:Lunar, Blood, Umbra


• Essence of Bloodshed:Upon striking an enemy, the daggers guarantee heavy bleeding, hindering health recovery and inflicting continuous damage over time

• Mark of the Umbra:The daggers will always return to the shadows, allowing free access as long as there's a shadow within range

• The Bloody dagger:By absorbing blood repair damage to the weapon and advance in rank. The dagger can store blood for later use. Upon advancing rank the daggers may evolve to fit the users tastes

• Moon blade:Store moonlight mana and turn it into a moon blade to coat the dagger. You can then concentrate the stored energy to fire off a devastating attack. (Cooldown: 24 hours)

Mary gazed down at the twin scarlet-and-crimson daggers in her hands, awestruck. The weight was perfect, the balance flawless—it felt as if they were a part of her, an extension of her very body. These weapons weren't just tools; they were forged for her, to complement her every move

The blades shimmered faintly in the moonlight that streamed through the window, the crimson hue almost pulsing, as though the daggers themselves were alive, eager for blood

'Incredible' She could feel their power thrumming, intertwining with her own energy. These weren't just daggers. They were the proof of her survival against the Blood Moon and the violence and madness she had endured

Satisfied for the moment, she sighed softly. Though tempted to check for other rewards, she felt the weight of fatigue pulling at her. There was no point in rushing. Not until the other Mary woke up and explained more

She released the tension in her body, finally allowing herself to collapse onto the bed. The daggers rested at her sides, comforting her as she sank into the soft sheets

Her eyes drifted closed as her body allowed itself to relax while her mind calmed down despite the inner turmoil earlier

Sleep came swiftly, but not before a fleeting thought crossed her mind

'Tomorrow will bring new challenges. But it'll be okay'

And with that, she slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep


Kiel and his party, having just woken up stretched their bodies and prepared to head out only to notice something unusual as they entered the kitchen. The table, which was usually set for breakfast, was strangely empty—no food, no signs of life. But instead sitting neatly on the table, was a small note

Curious, Kiel picked it up and began to read aloud:

"I am deeply sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. I hope we will meet again at the academy"

He paused, his brow furrowing in confusion, until he noticed there was a second, smaller note attached beneath it. Slowly, he peeled it away and read:

"I'm also deeply sorry for emptying the kitchen"

The silence that followed was palpable. The group stared at the note in Kiel's hands, processing what they had just heard

Hans was the first to break the silence. "She ate… everything?"

Kiel looked at him, then back at the note, unsure of how to respond. Meanwhile Yuria covered her mouth with her hand trying hard to stop herself from laughing outloud

"Well, that explains why the kitchen somehow looks like a ghost town…" Ignoring Yuria, Hans commented with a sigh, though there was amusement in her voice

Kiel shook his head slowly, still staring at the table, clearly struggling between laughing and lamenting their now foodless kitchen. "She's just like a storm—comes in without warning, and leaves with everything in her path"

The group shared a look, none of them quite sure how to react. The calm morning they'd anticipated was now overshadowed by the realization that their breakfast—and all of the kitchen's supplies—were gone, courtesy of their newest party member

Kiel scratched the back of his head. "I guess... we're skipping breakfast then"


Meanwhile, a blurry figure darted through the dense forest, leaping from tree to tree with effortless grace. Mary moved at an incredible speed, her movements almost a blur to any onlooker. As she jumped to the next branch, she suddenly sneezed, nearly losing her balance. She caught herself just in time, pausing to rub her nose and steady her footing

"Someone must be talking about me…" she muttered, her thoughts drifting to Kiel and his party. 'They've probably found the note by now' she mused with an apologetic look

Her destination lay far outside the city walls: a long-abandoned ruin, overrun by monsters and bandits, where few dared to venture. She didn't know what awaited her there but she just followed along and ran towards her destination

The forest blurred around her as she ran, faster than any car in her previous life, her mana-enhanced body moving in perfect rhythm with her surroundings. Yet even at this speed, it still took her over three hours to reach the ruins. Her breath remained steady, but the journey had been relentless, with more and more monsters emerging along her path, each more aggressive than the last

She cut them down with relative ease, barely slowing her pace just following her body's instincts. Her new daggers, the Scarlet Phantom Daggers, seemed to sing in her hands, their red gleam painting streaks in the air as they sliced through her foes. Each kill restored a fraction of her stamina, the blood absorbed by the blades feeding their hunger for power

Finally she could see the ruins it looked a lot more older than she thought but she didn't mind and entered


Today seemed like any other day. The same quiet halls, the same empty spaces. He normally spent time chatting with his fellow guards, but today, something felt off. His buddies were late, and no matter where he looked, they were nowhere to be found

The silence was so loud—it was almost oppresive. Even the smallest noise would have echoed through the halls, but there was none. It was as if someone had deliberately silenced the world around him. Then, finally, a sound

A faint, barely audible noise

He remained in his spot, scanning the empty corridors. But something was wrong. When did the world turn upside down? Did the Archduke of Freedom discover them? Otherwise he couldn't explain what he was seeing since he was somehow staring at himself–his own body, lifeless on the floor headless


Mary lowered her hands, her cold gaze fixed on the lifeless guard before of her

The weight of taking a life strangely didn't bother her much. Murder no longer fazed her

At first, she had vomited until there was nothing left, retching until her stomach ached, creating a mess and leaving her gagging whenever she tried to look at it. But she hadn't been sick from guilt—just repulsion. The sight of the grotesque mix of flesh, blood and vomit she had created disgusted her. Which only filled her mind with useless worries

She had come from Earth, living a life of peace, far removed from bloodshed. And yet, here she was, committing genocide

After that things became easier for her although the next few kills had made her stomach twist, she simply endured it. And now, there was only numbness. A hollow, empty feeling

She could only guess that the memories and nightmares had helped her adapt to murder. Still in the end, the reason didn't really matter to her

Her focus shifted to the heavy door before her. Without hesitation, she approached it, carefully pushing it open. Inside, three figures in red robes stood around a glowing red gem, deep in the middle of a ritual. Intricate blood patterns covered the floor, pulsating with an ominous energy

Mary narrowed her eyes, the cool, detached part of her mind taking over. She moved like a shadow, her daggers slicing through the air in an arc

*//Wind series:Wind cutter//*

The wind obeyed her command, following the deadly path of her blades. Before the cultists could react, wind blades cut through the room. Two of the mages raised their hands, conjuring shimmering red shields to protect themselves. The third scrambled for cover, pulling a crystal ball from beneath his robe in a desperate attempt to escape

Seeing that Mary saw her opening

*//Ice series:Ice javelin//*

Sharp, deadly ice javelins formed above her, hurtling through the air with devastating speed. The red shields, infused with blood magic, crumbled under the assault, the ice piercing through as though they were made of paper. The two mages collapsed, their bodies falling limp to the cold stone floor

The last mage, now cornered, clutched his severed wrist, his lifeline-the crystal ball-rolling away, useless. He met the same swift end as his companions, his blood splattering the floor as his head was severed in a single clean strike

-'Akasha retrieve their items after confirming the kill'

The system responded instantly, confirming the deaths as she severed the mages' necks, white blood pooling around their bodies. She glanced at the system panel floating before her, taking stock of her progress

'Akasha system'

*//Quest:Kill the cultists//*

-Kill the blood mages 03/???

-Kill the ??????? 0/?

-Reward upon completion:Blood Control, Blood Maker, 20 gold

-Additional reward based on performance:??????? ?????

With the kills confirmed, Mary turned her attention to the glowing red ruby at the center of the room. Pocketing it, she moved toward the crystal ball, now still on the floor, and examined it closely

'Akasha system'

*//Status window//*

-Name:Multi-purpose magic ball

-Rarity:Rare-Rank:Second Order


• Magic return:Returns the users to the designated location over long distances

• Magic Communication: Allows for long distance Communication

Looking at the crystal ball she could already guess where the designated location will be

Yet knowing that she still wanted to activate it immeaditely

"How do i activate it?"

-'You do know that ball will bring you directly into the enemy's base right?'

"How do i activate it?"

-'What's gotten into you today? Your usually not this stubborn on something like this'

"You still haven't answered my question yet"

-'I'll just transfer the memory and the sensation of activating it to you. So just make sure to follow that as a guide'


Following their words a rush of foreign memories flooded her mind as she absorbed the information like a sponge. Her body instinctively moved, channeling mana into the crystal ball. The air around her began to hum with magical energy, and a bright, blinding light enveloped her form

With the space distorting around her, Mary's figure vanished, leaving nothing but a faint shimmer of light behind