Chapter 9 - Bay City

Finally, Alex and his family reached the island of Bali, it was a short 1.5-hour flight from Jakarta.

It was evening and they first checked-in at a hotel. They then went to a famous seafood site near the beach enjoyed and enjoyed its local special cuisine for dinner. Even though it's a holiday season and the place was packed with people, his family enjoyed the lively atmosphere while Alex took a beer and tried to enjoy the last few days of peace with his family.

The next day, Alex left the hotel. He booked a rental car and took his brother Hendrik with him to find a place to start his base.

Bali had 5 sections;

South Bali was the main section and 2/3 of Bali’s population were located in this region. Separated into two main areas, the Densapar area in the north was where the main cities were, and the Nusa Dua in the south where all the villas and 5-star hotels were located. Both areas intersects through a small corridor making its area shaped like a sand-glass.

The West Bali, bordered with East Java and was separated only with a thin strait. It's normally busy with people crossing between Java and Bali using a ferry ride.

North Bali, facing the Java seas, was the section with the least populated cities.

Central Bali’s, widest area, full of forest and mountain ranges.

Lastly, East Bali was the second most developed area. In its center lies Bali’s tallest mountain, Mount Agung. Near this mountain is where one of the Doomsday Pillars would drop. Alex decided that this section is he would start his first base.

Alex’s plan is to prepare two separate locations, so he needs to buy two properties. It actually seems stupid to spend money on a property, as when the doomsday comes, nobody will care about land ownership. But, because he needs to prepare the base right now, he needs to buy the property. Consider it like this, how would you feel if hundreds of people suddenly building a base in your backyard, especially more so without permission.

The first location he needed to acquire was the most eastern side of Bali, a small city called the Padang Bay. True to its name, the Bay City’s beach formed a crescent-moon-like shape surrounded by two hills on each side.

There was about 50 small and medium-sized boat resting on the docks. On one side of the beach, a huge port stretched out 100 meters to the sea. One of the ferries on the port were loading vehicles and supplies. The port was a hub connecting Bali island with the other islands in the east.

The city center had around 1000 houses, many restaurant and cafes, and there were also quite a few inns and hotels. Port cities tend to have many visitors and workers from another city.

Alex already knew which property to buy and already made an appointment beforehand.

Its an elegant villa with a combination of traditional and Mediterranean design, it faced the city and the bay making whoever sits there feel like the overlord of the area. In its surroundings, 40 guest houses were placed that could accommodate up to 300 guests.

Alex planned to put all his employees and family in this villa.

Alex met with the owner and sealed the deal with simplicity. Since the owner was in big debt and Alex was willing to pay the market price and also settle his debt, the owner accepted immediately and handed over the land.

The deal had cost Alex $5 million dollars, but that deal included the villa compound and extra land about the size of 2 soccer fields. He’s basically now owner the whole hill.

The villa and the bay city would serve as a staging area for all survivors before they get sent to the second location, the main base.

Now that the first location already settled, Alex contacted Nina and asked her to start placing the supplies to this place.

The second location, however, will be a bit more complicated. He would need to go see the Bay City’s mayor for his plan to succeed.

Luckily, a few hours after he purchased the villa, the mayor received news of a person who bought a prestigious villa in his city and contacted him. Alex had become some kind of a big shot in his eyes.

Its no secret that many Indonesian Officials were corrupt, this mayor named Rendi was no different. Alex hated dealing with these types of people, but he needed the mayor's help.

They met within the day and as soon as Alex sat down in the mayor’s office, he got straight to the point. He opened up a bag full of money, which made the mayor's eyes shine.

As the mayor was about to grab the money, Alex took it back first and raised two fingers. “Before I give you this money, I need to accomplish two things with your help.”

The mayor calmed himself and listed attentively to Alex. “Of course, what kind of help?”

“First, I need people to settle in this region and develop a project in this city. Second, I need to purchase more land in the north of Bay City. For both of these requests, I need a lot of people.”

The mayor, with eyes on the bag of money, smiled and said, "All of that is possible, Sir. How many people do you need 50? 100?"

Alex raised two fingers again.


"2,000 people."




awkward smile...