Chapter 10 - Assembly

The meeting with the mayor actually took a few hours, Alex prepared a lot of tasks and the mayor was very supportive with the right "motivation" of course.

The mayor assembled some of his staff to be briefed by Alex.

For the first 2,000 workers, Alex planned for them to be builders so he required all to be male with a minimum age requirement of 18 years old. They will be provided with 5 times their normal salary, but the job would be massive, there will be a minimum break and they would need to stay onsite, of course, all food and lodgings will be provided.

Alex also required a few hundred farmers to plow the field, it was best if Alex could prepare the farm right away.

Next was a group of mechanics and engineers. Alex needed at least 50 people. He offered them a year’s salary in advance if they can start right away.

Lastly, Alex gave the mayor a list of names. There were 50 names in this list, 10 of them were underlined as important. The person’s physical characteristics were also written to find them easily.

The task was to find detailed information about the names in the list; their location and current activity.

When Alex wrote the list, he became lost in thought for a few seconds. These names were people from Bali whom he had gotten close with, in his past life. They had unfortunately met their demise, but this time, Alex planned to change their fates.




Another day has passed, it's now day 6, there are only 24 days left to prepare.

This morning, Bay City become more crowded. Alex’s team of 200 workers and their 300 families a total of 500 people arrived in Bay City.

Alex gathered a group of people for a breakfast meeting in the villa's hall.

The villa was still running as a service hotel, hence, there were 30 people still working.

Alex decided to keep their jobs, especially the kitchen staff. He planned to add more people to the kitchen. The plan was to involve the families of his workers.

This morning for breakfast, the group’s table was laid down with porridge, fried rice, fried chicken, sausages, toast, and cereals. It's actually a standard hotel breakfast, but he knew that in a few months, people will kill each other just to sit in this kind of table.

In this table were his managers and his brother Hendrik all sitting together.

Alex gave his brother a task to coordinate between his team and the mayor’s office and then he then briefed the team about the development of two locations, one in the villa and the other up north.

With the detailed map provided by the mayor’s office, Alex already charted out the second location. Some of these areas were still owned by the government, but with enough "incentives", they could start building right away.

Alex talked to his managers about the recruitments of 2,000 plus workers, then he asked Nina about the ready supplies and the ones still on the way. Alex planned to deliver all of the supplies in Bay City and keep 1/10 of it, and then the rest would be sent to the second location.

When he was about to hand out more tasks, he noticed the confusion on the faces of his managers.

All of his employees who had already arrived in Bali were all committed to following his new project. But this was the first time they learned some of the details of his plans. The massive recruitment, the choice of location, the supplies prepared, murmuring and whispering started to let out between his managers.

"I know this might be confusing for all of you. Currently, I can only say that this development will be the most important work we will ever do, I hope you can trust me. I will explain it later."

Alex then continued handing out the tasks.

Rina will be in charge of profiling all workers and their families, she will also need to jot down the ones with supervising experience.

Eka, one of his project managers will be in charge of renovating the villa, building parameters around the hill, setting up supply tents and turning the villa hall into a command center. He was also given detailed tasks in organizing the mechanics and engineers.

After giving each managers their respective tasks, Alex took Tony, the construction manager, along with two other project managers and a few local workers for a trip up north. There were also a few government workers provided by the mayor to help him.

Alex recognized one of them, his name was Benny, the mayor’s right-hand man.

Alex remembered Benny in his past life. Benny was actually quite known in the first year of the plague but never showed himself again after. He probably had died quietly early.

Its time to go to the next location, Alex brought with him a big bag full of diving equipment and climbing gear. He placed this equipment in one of the cars and then all four cars drove north.

It was actually only 18 km away from Bay City, but because of the underdeveloped road, the ups and downs of the hills, sharp turns, the trip took them more than 2 hours.