It was evening in Jakarta.
In a Luxury Suite of a 5-star hotel, a middle-aged man was sitting half-naked on a bed. His scarred muscular body displayed itself proudly despite him being in his forties. A few bottles sat next to him with its content emptied and a naked beautiful woman was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Even though there were pleasurable things waiting for him, his attention was set to the TV.
The news was reporting an incident that had happened a few days ago. A police operation had gone wrong. The DENSUS 88, an Indonesian police special forces similar to SWAT in the United States, had ended up killing an innocent civilian during the crossfire in the middle of a mission to eradicate a terrorist cell. Although they had successfully terminated 11 terrorist members, the police also had a casualty of 2 police members.
The half-naked guy watching the news knew both of the deceased police members pretty well. In fact, he was their trainer and their superior.
His name was Rico, Indonesian police Brigadier General. The lowest rank of a general but comparing him to the other generals, he was the youngest to ever achieve this rank. A rising star in the police department.
Although the government praised his successful mission and the President personally giving him a reward, he never cared for them, he only thought of the lost lives and losing his subordinates.
Lately, the terrorist(religious extremists) were getting more and more daring. In the last few months, there were 3 attempted and 1 successful bombing. The government was giving a lot of heat to his department.
To drown his sorrow away, he grabbed another bottle, drank it and continued on with his "sessions".
Rico dedicated all of his life to his beloved country, he's a patriot, to the point that he never spent with his family, hence, his wife had left him a long time ago. All of his mind and energy he gave it all for his country, his comrade and sometimes to his "hobby".
When the "session" finished, the beautiful girl got dressed and left the room. He watched her vanishing with glistening eyes. Obviously, this girl was one of his favorite escorts. He always calls on her whenever he's down. He stood up to go take a shower when someone knocked on his door.
"Have you left something?" Rico asked as he opened the door, but it wasn’t the girl! It was a guy with black clothes with a black mask aiming a gun to his head.
The masked man said in a deep voice, "No sound, raise your hand and slowly get inside."
Rico's brain started calculating, this wasn’t his first rodeo. He observed his surroundings and found out the situation. The first, his two subordinates were nowhere in sight. They might be dead or unconscious somewhere and it was this guy who disabled them and took their guns. He stared down at the barrel of the gun pointed at him. It was obviously a Glock, not easily found in this country. The second reason, this guy clearly knows him. Rico, himself, was a black belt holder in Pencak Silat (Indonesian martial art), but this masked guy’s eyes and voice were just too relaxed.
They went inside the suite and the masked guy sat at the chair, near the table, while Rico sat on the bed. The masked guy said, "Don't worry, General Rico. I am here just to talk. Actually, I came here to help you, I want to be your friend."
"If you really want to be my friend, what is with the mask and gun?"
"I can't be too careful these days, General, but you got a point," said the masked man as he put the gun down on the table and took off his mask.
Rico’s eyes twitched trying to remember this man’s face. A face that looked like your ordinary family man looked at Rico, but this man’s casual smile, relaxed eyes; the aura this man was giving off was something not to be looked down upon. Rico could tell that this man was extremely dangerous. As if there was no difference if this man held a gun or not.
Yes, the black-clothed man is Alex. His 10 years of constant near-death experiences in his past life brought itself out and Rico can feel it. Rico asked, "What is your name; what do you want?"
Alex casually replied with a smile, "At the moment, I will keep my name a secret. For these next few days, I will be very busy. I don't want you and your friends to annoy me. For your second question, it's not what I want. It's actually what you want”—Alex took out a small item and showed it to Rico—“inside this USB is information about some terrorist cell locations in Indonesia. All the ones that I know. I trust you know what to do with it."
Rico's brain started calculating. He closely looked at Alex, trying to discern if what Alex said was true. He eyed the bottle next to him. Maybe, he should capture him instead and interrogate him.
Rico suddenly picked up a bottle and threw it at Alex. He tried to dash towards the gun on the table but Alex blocked the bottle with one hand and took out another gun from his back and aimed at Rico’s head.
Rico clicked his tongue. He couldn’t believe he did a vital mistake. He had two subordinates, so there should be two guns, but he only thought of the gun on the table! He blamed alcohol for his bad reasoning.
While holding the gun Alex said, "Wrong move, General. If it were other people, I would have already pulled the trigger, but I like you, General. It feels like I’m meeting an old friend."
In fact, Alex and the General knew each other Alex’s past life. At that time, the General was one of the leading figures and his friend. "Take this USB. Trust me and you will be thanking me later. I only hope that you'll be able to eradicate all of them, if not most of them by this month as it will only bring trouble later. Also, I hope you can tell me about the report afterward,” Alex said as he glanced at the shattered pieces of the bottle on the ground. “I will be leaving now, I guess the noise will bring more trouble for now."
Alex took the gun on the table and casually walked out of the room.
Rico asked, "How can I give you a report if I don't know how to reach you?"
"Don't worry, General. I will contact you."
Alex walked out of the room and stealthily avoided the hotel cameras. After he reached a safe distance, he raised his bleeding hand. "Damn. Right now my body is still a normal person’s. What a stupid move. If my wife sees it, how should I explain."