Chapter 7 - The Priest

Alex and the family would be flying to Bali today. His mother had passed away a few years back, so the family who will come to Bali will be; his father, younger brother Hendrik, older brother Jimmy, wife and 2 teen kids; then Devita's parents, her younger sister Vonny, younger brother Victor and his girlfriend Rea. All total group of 15 people.

Devita actually had an older sister but did not come despite multiple persuasion. Alex, nevertheless, left them tickets in case they decided to change their minds. Alex didn’t want to force them even if he knew what was coming.

In the morning while everyone was packing, Alex had to visit one more person. He drove for five-minute towards a local church that he often went with his family before all the chaos began.

As he stopped in front of the holy building, conflicting emotions rose up as he stared at its large gate.

In his previous life, many survivors had turned to their faiths after the disaster came, but they were disappointed. Bad became worse, worse became the worst it was as if the Earth became hell for death was everywhere. Alex, himself, also lost his faith when his family died.

Somehow this place now felt unfamiliar to him but the reason he came to church today was to meet one of his closest friends, Theo.

Alex had known Theo for almost 20 years. They also went to college together in Australia.

Theo was also one of the smartest people he knew; top student, scholar, medical school graduate at 21, a researcher in one of the world’s top medical companies, but a few years later he quit his job and turned to his faith and became a priest. In Alex’s previous past life, he often came to Theo for a council.

The church was not massive but it could accommodate around 300 people. Alex stepped inside and the angelic voices of kids singing entered his ear. Although the air was serene, he didn’t bother to take it in for his thoughts were only about survival, such as; will this church be sturdy enough to hold the undead attack, or thinking about how many of those kids will survive the first week.

He made his way towards one of the small rooms and knocked. A few seconds later, a friendly face welcomed him, Theo the Priest.

A tall skinny guy in his thirties led Alex into the room and picked up a fresh brew of tea. "Alex, try one of these, it’s a fresh tea from the mountain and it’s good for your health."

Alex simply sat as Theo went on about tea and amongst many other things.

Alex had always admired him, Theo was the type of person who always finds joy in everything he does.

It may have been 10 years since Alex last met Theo and Theo only a week, but Alex couldn’t help but feel weird.

Theo noticed something different from his friend. "What's wrong? You seem different today."

Alex leaned back and asked, "What does the scripture say about the end of days?" Alex thought if there were some connections between the world’s oldest relics with the Doomsday Pillars, there might be something he could relate to in the Bible. "Just the short version please."

Theo grumbled for he had already thought a full-text scripture as reference. "There are few version from different kinds of denomination, but to cut it short, most agree that in Judgement Day as we Christian call it ‘The Day of the second coming of God’, all people will be judged, some will be punished, and some will be chosen."

Alex tried to relate what he heard with his experiences from his past life. He wondered between the people who died from disease or the survivors who died from monsters, which one was one punished, and which one was chosen. He scoffed inside of him thinking how ironic it was. He then asked again, "Does the scriptures hint when this will this Judgement Day happen?"

"The scripture said that nobody in the world will know when it will come, the Judgement Day will come like a thief in the night, unexpected."

Alex smiled secretly in his mind. He knew when it will happen, it’s in 26 days!

Alex stood up, ending the discussion. Normally he would argue with Theo for hours, but time is short so he gave Theo a ticket to Bali dating a few days before the end of the month. Alex did his best to have Theo come with him, he even promised that he would do large charitable work for the church if Theo comes.

Alas, the last objective was done. Alex then took the family to the airport and flew to Bali.

In the plane, he thought about what Theo had said and got reminded of something. He said to himself quietly, "But, who is the grey blur figure who talked to me during the transition, can he be God?"



