Chapter 64 - You would love some brutality

“Do not play games with me, release Shiki at once or I will run a rampage throughout your city!”

“Lower your tone when you stand in the imperial castle woman,

Be grateful we even let you get his far in.”

“Grateful!?” fumes Aki clenching a needle thin blade firmly

She stands across from gowned gentleman who is known by the name Rae-kwon a senator of the Wu Tang dynasty

“My nation is flooded and one of my most powerful allies abducted by you,

Don’t try patronizing me or I’ll make these red walls even redder with your blood.”

“Chhcht.” Rae-kwon’s curved nose turns up as he snorts in disgust

“You branch people remain to be savages,”

“We are not a branch of anything, Bakufu is it’s own nation now.”

“Who decided that?

You uncivilized lot?

We let you squat there relax yourself.”

“How I about I give you something to–”

“–Chief maybe we should show more decorum,” Fuyu pulls on her sisters arm before she tries doing anything risky

Bane and Natsu also nod accordingly agreeing with their sister’s sentiment

Right now the four are stood in court room of the Wu Tang’s imperial castle, the walls are colored a royal red with gold engravings of lion heads

A row of seats line on an elevated section ahead of the room where the ‘Clan' a collection of the most important people of the Wu Tang sit to pass laws and judgement, Aki and siblings wait on the lower end of the court awaiting the arrival of the other Clan members…

“Listen to your warriors,” Rae-kwon overhears with his pointy ears

“Don’t do anything stupid for your people’s sake.”


A soft bell tingles along with the wooden door to the court sliding opening, to another gowned individual, his hairline receded though he still wears a ponytail that flows down to his back

His thin hard face turns to Aki and her siblings, and gray eyes examine them the left one covered by a monocle,

“Who are these?” his asks agitatedly

“Are they here about the magic stone dealings wi–”

“No, no MM, that’s another matter we will attend to soon,” Rae-kwon cuts him off

“These are the Bakufu people.”

“Hmm, or yes, I’m awfully forgetful,

We have to deal with them,

I’ll introduce myself…

I am Method Man, or MM for short you are our underlings, correct?”

“Underlings?” Aki fumes up again but quickly calms herself

“I am chief of the independent nation of Bakufu, we shouldn’t even be speaking, I just want my warrior back and for you to undo the flooding, who do I have to fight?”

“Flooding?” MM looks to Rae for an explanation,

“That’s a whole other matter…” the man sighs in response


“That we have nothing to do with.” A female voice adds signalling the entrance of another member

Her face powdered paper white with a hint of red on her cheeks and lips, she cast a condescending gaze from her small brown eyes across the Bakufu visitors, flaunting her flowing slim red dress behind her, on her head a rapier sticks though her huge gold embroidered bun keeping the thing together

“Cappadonna, of the Wu Tang, she doesn’t even give Aki a glance when introducing herself,

“I don’t believe a word any of you say,” growls Aki,

“I don’t expect savages to understand regular speech,” the woman spits back

“The flooding of Bakufu was not our doing we just happened to be there to pick up the drowning body of the former chief Shiki out of the currents and bring him here.”


If that’s true release him.”

“We can’t release someone with the power of dragon especially when they’re against us.”

“If I have to ask again it will result in brutality.” Aki says warningly


“You would love that won’t you?” the door opens again this time to a trio,

Although not known to Aki, Fuyu, Bane and Natsu, this was the same trio that met with Zinnia in Soterra,

The woman wielding the machetes known as Suzafung or Sza, the barefooted gi wearing Gazafang or Gza, and the leader of the three the kite wearing Rezafeng, Rza

“If brutality is what you desperately want then you will receive it soon,” Rza says in monotone

“You severely underestimate us,” Natsu speaks up getting tired of the haughty people

“No, I am well aware of how strong you people are, in fact you for could probably defeat us six in this room right now,

But that will get you nothing, you won’t make it out the imperial castle alive,

Our Emperor alone deal with you and your savages,”

“Ha, don’t get confident because our last chief got killed,” scoffs Aki

“History will not be repeated,

Bring your emperor here,

Let’s get things settled right away, I promise you it will not end how you think.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Rae-kwon whistles

“Do you know what our Emperor’s nickname is?

Humanfaced slaughterer,

Can you guess why that is?”

“I’m not intimated,” Aki rolls her eyes

“You will be once you see him.”

“I doubt th–”


As the words leaves Aki’s mouth the roof crashes down with devastating impact

“Chief, chief!” Bane calls shoving off the heavy stone slabs,


I’m ok” the woman coughs picking herself up

“Fuyu, Natsu?”

“We’re fine,

What the hell was that?”

Fuyu fans away the thick cloud of dust and debris,

A dark night’s sky glares down into the courtroom now


Are you done now?” A voice familiar to her coughs

“Is that?” Fuyu turns to Aki to see if she hears the same,


A strong breeze blows away the cloudy dust

“What is the meaning of this!?” demands an angry Rza the other Wu Tang members all scrambling up

“You!?” Rza’s eyes open wide seeing the appearance of two new person’s in the center of the impact

One crashed down into the floor and the other standing atop his body

“How?” Blinks Aki

“What are doing here Shiryu?”