Chapter 53 - Dracula would love to have a word

“Surprised anyone?

I thought I was dead too but–”


Crusher immediately retaliates from Shiryu’s surprising strike with one of his own

“Agh, come one let me talk.” Shiryu fans away dust created from the blow, his body stands unshaken from the hit

“You are much more durable with this naked body.” The ogre cracks it’s muscles

“That’s my magic,

I’m bending the light around me to form an armor but you can’t see it,

As a matter fact...

You know what else you cannot see?”

Shiryu suddenly disappears from the sight of the beast

“Crusher can still smell you!”


Crusher slaps it’s hands together blowing everything ahead of it away,

“ugnn!” Shiryu’s body becomes visible again with it rolling across the ground

“You really think you can get Crusher with basic magic?” it laughs tauntingly

“I tried.” Shiryu gets up and shrugs

The curious tattoo-like curvy lines all over his body start glowing

“Dragon Spear Cupid.”

He breathes making a rugged weapon melt into formation in his palm

It’s tip glistens a deep black red like the scales of Geedorah, covered with mini spikes like teeth, the objects tail is rugged and glows inconspicuously like a slow ticking bomb.

“Come at me again Crusher.” Baits Shiryu holding the weapon out

“If you want to be crushed by Crusher then be my–”

“–No, Crusher that’s enough.” A commanding voice booms out of nowhere pausing the beast’s movement

“Who else is there?” Shiryu throws his gaze around, besides the onlooker of Aki, her siblings and the others a black bat flies around in the warm summer day,

“I have seen enough,” the voice echoes from the creature,


A dark aura spurts from it and out of it a humanoid body,

One familiar to Shiryu

“Dracula?” Shiryu’s hands shiver slightly holding the spear even firmer than before

“Put that away.” The vampire floats above the young man,

“Now you are really interesting,

Very, very interesting,

A snake that I was a dragon,

Shiryu is it?”

“Shiryu Zadkiel, what do you want?” the boy keeps the weapon pointed up,

“I came here for the dragons’ requiem, but it seems you already took care of it for me,

A dragon wielding a dragon, very interesting indeed.”

“You knew what I was this whole time?”

“No, I didn’t even know you existed until recently, one of the wolves heard you,

I was planning to deal with you separately from Geedorah, but there is no need, anymore.” Dracula flies lower to him

“Come back home with us Shiryu,

I would like to have a word with you there.”

“No, I’m not a beast I don’t belong there.”

“Yes, true you are not a beast, that is because you are like me, one of the new breed,

I won’t ask again because I know you will come back regardless,” Dracula flies back up

“Crusher leave.” He orders the ogre


why would I go back, what do you have?” Shiryu’s unable to suppress his curiosity

“I am the orchestrator of everything that has happened here,

You will return because you will want to know why,

Or maybe.....”


Dracula doesn’t finish his last sentence, transforming back into a bat he flies away,






Crusher leaps away following him,




(The orchestrator of everything that happened here?)

Shiryu runs his hand through his hair in frustration


Have I changed much?)

He looks down at his skin for the first time noticing the lack of scales

“Shiryu, is that really you?” Pinoki wearily approaches him,

By this time many people had gathered weapons and magic at arms ready to attack the ogre that had left

They now turn their attention to Shiryu and the ‘metal creature’

“Yes it’s me,

I am not a monster I promise!” Shiryu turns to the people raising his hands above his head

“Is it over for real this time?”

“I think so.”

“What is that metal thing then?”

“Why did that monster just leave,” the people murmur not paying much attention to the young man

“Everyone who is a resident of this city come back to the building, and supply up,we’ll handle everything here.” The voice of Dexter rises over the people as he and Marshall push through trying to restore order in the aftermath of everything,

“First of all thank you for hel–” Marshall starts

“–What is, what was that metal black magic you were using!?” but Dexter speaks over him commandingly to Aki,

“Watch your tone,” Natsu growls as he and his siblings scramble to her side,

“I don’t know anything…

…..Anything about that thing,” Aki coughs now feeling the post effects of the battles

“Can everybody stop referring to me and by extension my tech aa some kind of savage animal?” the vehicle’s door slides open to MF now dressed in full protective gear steps out

“I’m just an engineer who is was passing by and decided to help.”

“Are you from Tellus?” Shiryu squints at the man


“It’s the name of the second ring, your tech is from first ring Terra but just by observing you I know you aren’t from there.”

“Terra and Tellus….

I didn’t know they had names,” MF rubs his chin intrigued

“What do they call this one?”


“Hmmm Gaia,”

“Enough of this small talk,” Dexter interjects

“You, the man in the strange garbs explain yourself and purpose, the same goes for you naked man,”

(He doesn’t recognize me as a beast again?)

“You can refer to me as Mr. Zadkiel,” Shiryu puts on an assertive tone

“And I just helped in saving all your asses, you don’t need question me of anything else,

As a matter of fact you should be giving us thanks.”

“…..” Dexter flashes Shiryu a displeased scowl

“That’s exactly what we came here for, to thank you,” Marshall speaks in

“The warriors of Bakufu and whoever you two strange individuals are,

We are grateful.”

“And what of the dragon’s requiem?” Dexter presses dismissing his companion’s graciousness

“It is gone that’s all you need to know.” Shiryu replies without hesitation

“The other one however, I know it’s still around here, somewhere.”

“Other one?” Marshall echoes surprised while Dexter stumbles back as if being jump scared

“Is there another potential dragon lurking around here?”

