Chapter 32 - I love a hug

Nothing’s changed.

I thought I would feel different, I would feel better or even a sense of accomplishment

Nothing has changed.

Where is the love?





“Ive improved plenty with my cooking, but it’s not like there is much ingredients here to work with.”

“I don’t mind, we’re to survive for however long, taste is irrelevant.”

“Training today as well?”

“I will try to get in something, I suspect another draining today.”



(Where is the love?)


Already it’s been a few months now the two have spent together, Aki had previously named Shiryu as her ‘consort'

But those words seem to have been misconstrued a little.

The only thing that really changed between them was that they no longer had awkward moments as much,

They talked almost everyday even about the most miniscule of things,

One could say they were even becoming friends, but for Shiryu he still wondered…

Where is the love?

(I don’t feel it, I don’t feel myself being loved,

We are closer now, but it doesn’t make me feel the love.

Where is it?)

“Snap of it Shiryu ..” Aki gives him a playful shove

“Huh, yuh? Did you say something?”

“I was saying that even though we haven’t been able to synchronize feelings again since that day, I was thinking that we should give it another try, going down there…”

“In our current condition?

I’m actually surprised since you’ve been acting like the last time didn’t happen.”

“I didn’t want to think about, but it’s been long enough, my body has adjusted to the draining enough, I know what to expect this time.”

“Well if that is your decision, I’m ok to go.”

“Alright I–”

“But Aki, one question first…” Shiryu cuts her off


“How do you feel about me now?”

“You….” Aki begins but stops to think, the question hit her like a bullet through the skull

“You are—”

—Before she does answer, I feel it would best to break down the last few months….

The first couple of weeks spent here between Aki and Shiryu was mostly in silence with brief spurts of talk and odd arguments,

At the time Aki was fixated on one thing and that was finding a way to keep her strength,

Shiryu on the other hand was trying to grasp the character of the chief,

Because of their small arguments and disagreements over time the ice, the barrier between them broke down and they became slightly more comfortable, even sharing stories and feats,

Aki would now frequently brag to Shiryu the many people she had defeated as chief, while Shiryu would brag about how much he learned on Terra,

Eventually it reached the point of casual talk then becoming a soft friendship…

For Aki, it was the first time she let herself be friends with someone, normally the woman would ignore and evade the people who did know her to prevent this.

As someone who had forced themselves into a lonely life, convincing herself that she enjoyed the loneliness, just being around someone casually for a long enough time would fade out that sentiment almost entirely….

For Shiryu, it was also his first friend but also a puzzle,

How do you feel the love of someone else?

Are you supposed to?

How do I know someone is my friend if I can’t feel their love?

Are they actually genuine?



“—You are my first friend, but don’t let that get to your head” Aki says

“Why can’t I feel it then?”

“Feel what? Friendship?

You don’t feel comradery Shiryu,”

“Then how do you know?”

“I’m no expert, but maybe it’s the way they act-ugh

I don’t want to talk about this, not even hungry anymore, I’m going to get a quick exercise in.”


With that Aki heads out of the living room to the back bedrooms where she uses as a training room,

Shiryu stays in the main room mulling over to himself

(This is so confusing, love is something you feel, but you can’t feel it from others…


I swear since coming to the mainland around humans I’ve never had to think so hard,

If you can’t feel love from others or emotions in general, how could Raguel feel my loneliness that time, or even Aki?

On Terra there is an old ritual people can perform to feel each others emotions,

I thought my ability was similar…

But, to have such specifics requirements…




“Hahhuhuhhhh!” Aki pants heavily, an entire wardrobe closet on her back while she does simple push-ups

“Easy..” Shiryu lifts it off allowing her to catch her breath,

“I was just about done.” She breathes grabbing the towel Shiryu extends her, almost every inch of her is drenched in sweat, despite her wearing nothing but a wrap around her chest and short tights,

Her usually covered body though petite is muscular for her size she even boasts some well defined abs…


“Eyes off...” Aki snaps away his stare

“Sorry, I was trying to figure out to properly ask you for something.”

“Go on with it then?”

“Have you ever… no can I get a… no .

Have you ever been hugged before?”

“No.” Aki replies almost instantly

“Is that all? because I really need–”

“–Can I get a hug Aki?”

“For what reason?” the discomfort practically oozing out her voice

“I isn’t anything weird I promise I just need to see how it feels…”


I’ll trust you this once…

Make it quick.” She opens her arms very awkwardly

“No I think it’s like this”



“Wrong way…”


The two fidget around awkwardly before getting into a proper embrace.


There is something about the simple things you know, maybe a compliment from a friend, a gift from a family member, or sometimes a little hug,

It’s the small things that show true emotion at times, and at this time for these two it couldn’t be more…

(I feel like I could melt out of my skin,)

It’s so awkward yet so genuine the warmth of someone else’s body against yours their breath now in flow with yours hearts pounding against each other,

An alien feeling to both Aki and Shiryu who have never been embraced before,

It was so random that they would do it, but also pleasantly surprising, maybe if it were any other two they might be tearing up by now, but for Aki and Shiryu the feeling they had, they shared was gratitude,


I really cannot explain this, how or why

It’s one of the nuances the illogical aspects of human emotion, of people in general

All I can really say is that they were both grateful


In perfect sync they were,


Shiryu’s ability,

What exactly is it?

A rush of strength began to flow through their bodies.





Author's Note

Reuben Ziro

I dislike this chapter