Chapter 69 - If you love me you would crush her throat




“Enough Claude.”


“Claude I said enough!” scolds Amelia

“You just wasted all those weapons,”

“I am training it can’t be helped,”

“Exploding everything you use your magic isn’t training,”


Yes it is, just don’t understand.”

“Or maybe you still don’t understand your magic,

I learned a lot about it while I was in Soterra you know,

Maybe you’re using it wrong.”

“You sound like Shiryu,

I’m not using it wrong,

I know exactly what I’m doing,” Claude gives an indignant response

“Which is charging up weapons till they explode?”

“Amplifying the power of weapons with my white fire.”

“Why don’t we try combining our magics together?” Amelia rolls her eyes at her twin

“Fire and water doesn’t mix,”

“You barely are fire don’t fool yourself.”


“Did you see that?” Claude goes to reply but is interrupted by a grand flash of light illuminating the area

“Over there on the asylum grounds,” Amelia nods,

“Should we go see?”





“Claude, Amelia help!” Pinoki’s voice rings out into the night spotting the twins sprinting up in the distance

“Is that!?”

“Yeah it’s Pinoki,

I thought he left already, what’s he doing here?

And who are those people attacking hi…..” Amelia trails off as her question answers itself the moment the other individuals become distinct

“…Com.. Commissioner Dexter?

Miss…miss Pesadora?” stammers Claude,

“What’s this?

Why are you two fighting Pinoki?”



Pesadora stays quiet throwing a look at her companion, who returns with one of his own being facing the twins

“What are you doing in the city at this time?” Dexter breathes out calmly


“–Watch out!” warns Pinoki


As Claude’s mouth opens a scythe swings for his head only missing because of Amelia who yanks back her brother

“Those two are involved in underhanded dealings with the Wu Tang,” Pinoki blurts with instigating lust

His legs pains awfully and face staring to go pale from blood loss but the little man has never felt more thrilled,

To him this is where things start heating up…


I don’t understand,” Claude still lost on everything squeezes a rock in his palm which he superheats with magic now on guard for another swing,

“Hhhh,” Pesadora sighs

“This is so troublesome,

I am too old for this,

Kill Claude keep his twin alive, her magic us useful and can be traded for a lot along with that short one with the shadows,”

“Recovery rain,


I don’t know what’s going on either, but if it’s our lives you want,

Your lives will be the ones I take.” Amelia growls after casting her magic to heal Pinoki’s wounds

“Let me handle this Amelia,

You assist me.” Claude steps in front of her

“No way,

What are you going to after wasting all those weapons out,

You have rocks Claude.”

“What can you do with rain?” the boy retorts,

“Heal and assist me if I get hurt,

I do the fighting you do the assisting that’s the dynamic”

“Shearing cyclone!”


“Ajh shit!

Recovery showers!”

Whilst the twins argue Pesadora conjures a vile vortex of wind that rips through their flesh like motor blades,

Amelia hurriedly casts a continuous downpour of her healing rain to keep them alive

Pinoki now disappeared into the shadows is nowhere to be seen,


Shit shit shit!


That hurt!” screams the girl

“See why I should–”

“Shut up and fight!” Amelia cuts Claude off

Vooom! Vooffm! Vooffm!

Vooom! Vooffm! Vooffm!

Claude tosses all his exploding rocks at the pair before rushing in himself


His shoulder impales the chest of Dexter instead of helping the middle-agedman retaliates immediately leashing his chain around the boy’s throat

Squeezing it with thunderous strength

“Ehchjjjj” Claude starts choking foaming out the mouth,

“Paralysis rain!”

Amelia casts

“Wind stream!”

Pesadora deflects her rain


A shadowy fist uppercuts Dexter out of nowhere making him release his choke grip,

“I got you Claude!” Pinoki reappears

“Airless vacuum!” the old woman begins draining up all the breathable air

“Paralysis showers!”

Amelia tries again this time conjuring a powerful shower of the old woman who goes numb

“ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” she laugh scandalously before directing her showers over Dexter as well

“See how easy that was for me brother?

Recovery rain


Go on apologize,

Your throat isn’t damaged anymore,

You stupid brainless oaf, physical and magical strength doesn’t mean anything,

This is why I had to leave you and learn magic in Soterra by myself,

Even Pinoki gets it,

You just have to rush into everything!”


I get it” grunts Claude

“phew♪♪” whistles Pinoki quite pleased, more so entertained by the everything he’d just went through

“How long do they stay paralysed for Amelia?” he asks

“They can still hear so I won’t say.” She smiles widely which weirds out the little man

(She’s acting a lot more extroverted than I remember)

“Ok, Pinoki tell me what’s all this about,

Why are you here, fighting these two city leaders?” presses Claude


It’s quite a long story actually now that I think about it,

But what you need to know now is that those two are in possession of a beasts requiem that allows you to turn anyone to stone and extract their magic,

The reason why Sweepstake city rarely sees people with evolved magic, and why they are labelled as being ‘insane’ is because of Dexter, Pesadora and maybe even Marshall,

They turn all people with evolved magic to stone, to trade off their rare magic for who knows what,”

“We are the reason this city was as successful as it was.” Pesadora groans, able to speak under paralysis,

“The Wu Tang has been supplying this city for years,


That lazy Mayor barely did anything,

Let the people run themselves he said,

This place would have become a shit storm,

A ghetto, a giant slum of not for me Buck and Dexter,

The merchants, service and order are the three factions keeping this place up,

And now more than ever this city needs us,

They need us to be happy, to live they way they have before,

You evolved magic users cause so many mass murders and massacres, we are better without you,

As far as I am concerned we are doing nothing wrong and if there were any regular people around right now they would agree!” Pesadora huffs out after saying all she could


Were you really doing what’s best for the city?” murmurs Claude who feels conflicted by it all

“Perhaps, they are right,” Amelia knees down gently by the silent Dexter,


She sinks a dagger into his throat,


“We are crazy people, Claude,

We’re crazy because life has taken everything from us,

And still wants more,

I don’t mind being called insane if it means I can keep my peace,

Unlike you Claude I understand my magic,

Since our parents died I always felt like there was this rain cloud following me everywhere casting gloom wherever I went,

Now I control that rain cloud,”

“He’s already down you can’t just kill him like that Amelia!”

“I can and I did,

That man almost killed you just now, my blood, my only blood I have left,

He can die, and if that makes me insane then so be it,”


“I have no issue with this by the way.” Pinoki raises his arm awkwardly

“Kill the other one Claude,” Amelia ignoring Pinoki points to the old lady sprawled down lifelessly

“I can’t like this, the fight is over and she is defenseless,”

“The fight is never over,

Kill her Claude,

Step on her throat,”

“Are you cra–”


Yes I am,

And if you love me brother,

You would crush her throat right now.”
