Did I hear that correctly?
She didn’t say Kage is dead right?)
“…I.. I’m sorry, could…. Could you repeat that….?” Zinnia asks stifly her eyes already getting red
“They went up to the silver mountains, a few weeks ago, but never came back,
I had a bad feeling so I went up myself to see what was the problem, when I got to the top, I saw nothing but carnage, the top of mountain was scorched from a huge explosion,
There was one body that was burned beyond recognition, the other three have either become piles of ash or they fell off the other side…”
“No, I’m sorry you must have gotten the wrong people mixed up…
They wouldn’t just..
You’re mistaken surely..” Zinnia fights back a cataclysmic urge to cry, in stark denial
“……” Aki gives her an apologetic look before sighing, she reaches back taking out a small bladed hand fan
“This is my fan Karina borrowed from me before going to the mountains,
I found it lying there close to the scene,
Not only that but–”
Giving the fan a wave, it produces a strange sound that vibrates around the room,
“It’s imbued with Karina’s sound magic now,
And you know something like this could only be possible of she is already dead…”
“Ar you su…re?” Zinnia doesn’t ask this looking for answer but rather as a way to cling on to denial lest she break down completely,
“Its ok, queen Zinnia, you are allowed to cry,” Aki says comfortingly but her voice just rips into Zinnia all the more like a freezing cold spike to her spine
“I.. can’t …I ant..” she covers her face with both hands,
“It hasn’t been that long since I found out Pinoki died let alone Darius and… now ththey…
Are ….”
Tears flow out from the spaces between her fingers her breaths in between sounding like desperate gasps for air, you think she was being suffocated,
In a way you can say she was, suffocated by the cruel truth death knowing that she will never see Apollo Lyra Karina and Kage again,
The suffocation of knowing that it’s just her alone now against fate
Aki stands silent and emotionless watching her cry,
Amelia also silent but she can’t help but shed tears herself,
Shiryu in sheer confusion,
(Dead? Kage can’t die, she’s God, there must be a misunderstanding
But that other person, Karina was with Kage and is dead ..
Why would Kage anyone with her die?
I don’t understand she’s supposed to be God)
“Kage, can’t be dead,” Shiryu blurts,
“He’s god remember what I told you Zinnia?
Up on the mountains you see there’s more to–”
“–Not.. now Shiryu,” Zinnia breathes
“I don’t want to deal with you now, just go….
Leave me alone,”
“Hear me out..”
“GOO!” she screams hysterically
“…..” Shiryu closes his mouth and quietly exits the room,
Aki cuts him a threatening gaze, as he closes the door shut behind him
(I don’t understand how Kage let someone with her die, but I’m sure,
I am certain Kage is alive, she must have left this ring
Yes, I’m definitely sure…
I wonder why? Is She going to Terra?
Aghhh, I don’t have enough knowledge, I’m not a first-class citizen
My only guess for now is–)
A knee rams into the young man’s spine unexpectedly, knocking him down,
“Ahhww!” he looks up to see the short chief Aki,
“What was that–”
She stomps down on his face
“I could feel your evil presence, the moment I entered that room,” Aki yanks off Shiryu’s headgear revealing his violet scally head
“I knew you were a monster,
How did you manage to trick your way into getting a place here?”
“I am not a–
Aki drills her knee into his sternum keeping it pressed
“Don’t speak,” she leans her face close to his, breathing out a white smoke,
“W…ahh” Shiryu begins feeling lightheaded,
“You’re coming with me monster,”
“whhejdd” Shiryu tries to speak but his words fumble his head feels all woozy, still he desperately tries blinking profusely to keep his eyes open, but to no avail
His eyes slip back into his head and his eyelids close shut.