Chapter 58 - Loveless: A glimpse of the Wu Tang

“I hope we can reach an agreement soon queen Zinnia, but for now I bid you adieu.” A man and his two comrades bow graciously before leaving the woman be…

“I heard a commotion outside,” One of the three speaks, a woman with a soft whispery voice

“I heard it too, I don’t think it should be anything alarming.” The first man replies,

The group quickly strut out of Soterra’s city hall, not a single sound coming from their footsteps…



“–are from the Wu Tang.”

The buildings door swings open just as then words leave Tori’s mouth,

“Is someone trying to find out about us?” The man’s sharp ears pick up on it

He peers analytically at the foreign group,

(Are these people from the Wu Tang?)

Shiryu stares back,

The three all share identical looks, their straight matted hair evenly trimmed into bowl cuts, around their eyes are dusted dark, ears wide and alert,

The only woman of the three wear a sleek full body garb similar to Aki but hers, red and gold, on her back are two machetes strapped in an ‘X’ position, along the edges of the blades are magic gems encrusted.

The second man wears a baggy white and gold martial arts gi, he the bulkiest of the three carries no weapons aside from the taped around his fists, on each of his fingers are magic gem rings…

The first one to speak is man who wears a long flowing robe-like fit of burgundy and gold colors, his entire body barring head, is covered by the long sleeved garment and on his back is a what appears to be kite, made from the skin and feathers of beasts

“What manner of carriage is that?” he looks past Shiryu at the jukebox,

“I–” Shiryu opens his mouth

“–Actually never mind, we are on a tight schedule,” the man cuts him off taking hold of his kite,


A strong breeze kicks up almost immediately as the man tosses the kite into the air grabbing hold of his other two companion,


It yanks them up and the breeze gushes them away in surreal fashion…



“That was the Wu Tang.” Tori lets out a deflated sighs

“They really have you all this tense?” Shiryu himself feeling his nerves calm

“This area where Soterra is used to be their territory before our founders negotiated ownership,

They have not bothered us for centuries so of course we would be tense when they visit all of a sudden.”

“ZINNIA ARE YOU HOME!” Pinoki promptly yells up the building,

“Hello? You can’t just shout for someone like that,

What happened to being courteous and respe–” Zinnia’s head pokes from an above window displeased at first but her expression changes upon seeing the little man,


Her elation can practically be felt from down below

“I’ve returned from the afterlife with news from Darius!” He jokes in response,

“You did?

You have!?”

“heheh,” Pinok makes a face before entering the hall,

Shiryu and Mf follow behind leaving Tori alone with the Jukebox,

“Are you ok with just leaving that there?” Shiryu whispers to engineer

“Yeah I have it secured pretty well.”

“If you say so…”



“Pinoki!” Zinnia is already at the bottom floor to hug the man

“Agh, enough,

Are you really trying to send me to my death?” Pinoki pulls away finding himself being crushed by the embrace

“I am making sure you were really alive, I thought you were for so long.”

“Well I wasn’t, I’m Pinoki, I always survive,”

“And you came with some friends?” she finally acknowledges the other two young men

“That’s Shiryu, and Daniel or Metal Fingers, a friend of Kage.”


You mean the same Shiryu that the chief of Tonbo stole away?” Zinnia eyes Shiryu

“I told you I was actually human,” Shiryu attempt to slick back his hair but it sticks straight back up

“I’m glad you were.” Zinnia gives him a soft hug.

(Uhh my heart, I think it just melted)

“And you are Daniel?” she turns to Mf

“Yy…yes” he stutters thinking he is actually facing royalty

“Kage sent me to see if everything here was fine, he specifically told me to sought you out.”


Isn’t he supposed to be dead?” Zinnia’s eyebrows raise confusedly

“Thaats a long story in and of itself,” interjects Pinoki

“And we will discuss that just now, but first I want to see it,

The little devil where is it?”

“He is sleeping.” Beams Zinnia pleased that her son was mentioned

“Do you want to meet him now?”




A heavy outburst of water pushes through a large waterfall that only grows in volume

A large assembly of people gather around the water

“What is going on here?

Why is everyone outside?” Chief Aki and her group of returnees approach the people


“You have returned to us Chief!” they exclaim joyously

“What is all of this?” Aki disregards the greetings much more pressed on the overflowing rivers and raging waterfall in front her

“The sky turned colorful, and suddenly the silver mountains broke open, sending a endless currents of water to flood our nation.”

“The entire nation??”

“Apparently so chief.”

“Where is the former chief what has he done?” Aki remains calm despite wanting to scream out in sheer distraught right now

“That’s another problem chief

You see, the Wu Tang also attacked during this moment of lapse

Shiki the dragon has been abducted.”