Chapter 50 - Love's End: Metal Fingers vs King Geedorah

“What have you sent me into Kage!?”




A circular object zooms out of the sky raining a shower of bullets and missiles on the dragon,

{“Aaa… attention…p. people of third ring!”}

A slightly nervous voice pulses out the craft’s speaker,

{“I come in peace!”}


The ship dives down out of the way of the dragon’s tentacle ‘wings’ whipping at it,

Just before it lands the craft transforms into to tank,



It unloads two powerful energy shots at the creature, before then transforming the tank’s canon into a drill,



It full forcedly rams into the beast sp–



“–This isn’t real,

I’m already dead

I’m dead

I’m definitely dead,

This is just a simulation, a post mortem scenario,


“–Enough with that Shiryu, you’re not dead.” Pinoki snaps in front the young man’s eyes,

“I’m… not…

No I am” he drearily stares past Pinoki to the now rainbow day sky,

Aside from the unbelievable color flow, a soft shower of rain starts trickling down during the hot summer day,

“I’m dead,

I don’t even feel pain anymore,” Shiryu rolls over on his left trying to get up despite missing a left leg and right arm now, the short spurt of rain already subsided

“You are alive!?” someone exclaims

“I’m dea–”

“Yes, I somehow managed to survive” Pinoki replies helping Shiryu standing upright

“Amelia?” Shiryu blinks, “How are you here?”

“Zinnia had some knights ofSoterra stationed near the city for months, all of a sudden today the sky turned colorful and the barrier around the city dropped, we immediately marched in,

Is my brother….” Amelia meekly turns to Pinoki,

“Claude is safe, for now, at least, he is probably fighting those beasts with the others.”

“Where did you guys get that ship from?” questions Shiryu pointing over to the dragon and–


Then dragon whacks the tank away with one swipe


Then unleashes a breath of black fire on the machine that retaliates firing out a an electric net on the creature before beginning another transformation again



“I don’t know what that is,

We didn’t summon that thing.” Amelia marvels at the craft now assuming the form of a....


“A steel titan!?” someone shouts seeing the chrome vehicle transforming into a humanoid shape though size on par with the dragon itself


Steaks of green and blue lighting sparks out and through the machines skeletal steel body, it’s arm limbs hang like loose chainsaw, chains sparking up electricity everywhere


It’s feet thrusts up towards the dragon,


Geedorah tears through the net throwing itself at the mech


The two collide with the dragon suddenly exploding into black fire and lightning blowing apart the mech

“You, who sent you!?” the humanoid body of Geedorah now forms at the foot of the mech,




“Then who–ahh, help me up Pinoki.” Shiryu hops one-footedly

“Amelia may have healed your wounds but not your limbs don’t bother trying to go near that,” the little man holds him back

“I will slip back and grab the bodies of Aki and her commanders, if they are still alive,

Whatever that thing fighting the dragon is, I don’t think want to get in it’s way.”

“I know what that is…it’s a type of vehicle only developed in my home.”

(First the sky now this, I don’t know if this is really real…)

“I have to–ahhhh!–I have to see for–nnnnggh!–myself…” Shiryu pushes himself away from Pinoki, toppling over from the unbalance,

“ahhhhhhhhghhhggggg!” he lashes his arm out frantically behind as if trying to scratch an unreachable itch

“Achhkkkk!” Shiryu huffs in pain





A spray of blood spurts out from behind him as two purple flesh wings burst out,


“Hkkkssssshhhh!” Pinoki goes to touch the young man but backs off as he hisses,

“Ach, sorry” Shiryu’s voice growls unintentionally,

“This. Hurts. Terribly.”


He fans the wings whipping up a small dust,

“Are you sure you’re ok to do this?” Pinoki asks with a fearful demeanour,

Shiryu’s face had now become harder, his snake like eyes in a permanent glare now his scales becoming more jagged and divided darker than ever..


Shiryu drawls flying up for the first time…




Geedorah now in it’s human form grabs the foot of the mech and drops it down with an emphatic slam,

{“Oh shii!”} A panicky voice pulse out of it,

“Is it a human Inside?” Geedorah jumps onto the torso of the downed ‘steel titan’


And explodes he does once more becoming a massive dragon–


–Whose large claw now crushes the machine below it,





It fires up a rain of missiles, trying to force the creature off but it absorbs the shots and continues to press down


“Shit! I can’t transform out of this, my systems–”


The machine starts breaking down under the weight of the dragon’s claws


It tilts its head over the mech open it’s mouth wide for a powerful energy roar






The creatures body freezes up and it begins chokingwheezing, gasping for breath


The person in the mech gasps in relief but unsure of what is happening themselves,

{“Hands of Doom!”}

Taking advantage of the situation the mech swings it’s chain like limbs together which interlock at once forming a canon



The beam finds it’s targeting unleashing fearsome firepower….


“Hey who is in there!?

Are you from Terra?” Shiryu hover lowly over ground to the now reconfiguring mech,

{“Another one?”} a canon instantly turns on him,


I’m a human, don’t shoot,”

{“You are huh, interesting…”}



Geedorah’s piercing raw breaks their ear drums once more aa the creature whips away the giant cloud of smoke and debris surrounding it from the exploding shots

{“This thing won’t die!”}

“Wait, it’s going down watch.” Shiryu points his only good arm at the creature now shedding apart like aged wood

(My body is bound together with mana, the only thing that neutralize the dark energy of a beast I could never win in a fight but by letting it consume a piece of me,

I won.)

“Hahaha, I’m a genius,” Shiryu laughs out loud much to the alarm of the person in the machine,

{“What’s happening to it?”} Their weapon still active alternating between Shiryu and the disassembling dragon,

Geedorah’s body falls apart in some places while the rest shrinks back down into it’s original state,

A throne of thorns

“It’s ov–echkkk!” One last tentacle from the throne whips out in desperation yanking Shiryu throat first into


In an instant Shiryu’s body impacts the throne every spike penetrating his body his skull, eyes…

