Chapter 9 - Weak Love

—I promised myself that I wouldn’t use my dark energy, my power as a beast as a monster

But I couldn’t…

The screams, his scream


I just couldn’t help it…

I had to kill them all

I had to eradicate them, those creatures, those animas,

Those, those disgusting monsters

Even if it meant becoming a monster myself


Shiryu trudges one across a field of growing dense vines and thorny roses, like the flowers his claws are colored red, stained red, a bright red that slowly fades into an ugly crusted brownish red, blood

The blood of his beast ‘companions’

(I have no remorse about it either)

The young dragon’s appearance is even more monstrous than before, his violet scales are tougher, rugged and more defined now, eyes a now in a permanent glare,

(Maybe it’s love again,

I didn’t love that human, it was nobody to me,

If I loved it enough maybe I would have ran off with him instantly

I wouldn’t have wasted time thinking


“How will I know how to love if I haven’t felt it before!” Shiryu shouts out into the air upsetting only the nearby plants he nears a congregation of small settlements built up around a large city that appears to be in repair,

(I wonder if I can find love there) Shiryu gazes at the crumbling city walls

(That’s what I need, yes…

A person to love, maybe I’ll understand then)

The monster presses on, lost in his own delusions




Pulling him out of thought is the sound of a vehicle..

Shiryu looks down across and down at a path leading toward the city

A magical carriage bumps along it’s magic stone, ‘wheels’ pushing it forward with a deep hum

(People, people are coming,

Should I stop them…) he thinks but then freezes up completely before darting behind the nearest tree a minute after

(No, no, no,

I can’t,

I can’t forget how I look,

I’m a monster, they’ll kill me if they see me) the boy cowers behind the tree trunks letting the magic vehicle drive past

(I’m a monster…

Maybe I should just go back to the bends…)


The magic carriage drives quickly past the hiding dragon, continuing on it’s way,

As it’s hum gets fainter Shiryu comes out from his hiding to get a quick look at the craft when….

For a split second his eyes locks with someone else,

Although partially far away their sights sync

(Is that… Kage?)

Her eyes starry eyes a deep void that is both empty and filled with emotion…

(That’s definitely her, Kage I know those eyes)

Shiryu sprints across the path attempting to catch up




A vine trips him over as he touches the grassbed across the path

“Arghh come on” Shiryu picks himself up defiantly



Another vine again whips him back down,


Stop it” he kicks up again





The vine trip him for the third time pinning him down as well

“What is this?

Let me go!” Shiryu rips through the brown vines

“Stupid vines!”



This time a stray fire ball explodes in his face,

“There’s the beast!” someone shouts as silhouette emerge coming from across the path,

(How did they detect me?

I thought the dragon disrupted that)


The vines latch on to Shiryu holding for the approaching mob


Another fire ball curls in at him, despite his magic resistant scales, the explosions are quite annoying to Shiryu



Nevertheless, they keep coming along with the troublesome vines that latch on to the boy every time he tries to get away



Leave me alone

Stupid vines!” he struggles,


“Those aren’t vines,” an armor-clad warrior nears Shiryu cautiously,

“Those are the roots of the tree of life” he points a large hammer which he carries to the beautiful tree in the distance,

“It’s roots protect this entire region from monsters like you,

The moment you stepped foot on our soil, your fate–”

“–Wait, wait, wait!” Shiryu interrupts

“I.. err. I come in peac–”


The warrior swings his hammer into Shiryu’s skull batting him across the grove,

The other people gather around with their magic attacks read and even another hammer wielder

(I can’t fight them….

They’ll know I’m a monster for sure)

“Please hear me out!

I have no intentions of causing harm.”


“errghh!” another hammer swing comes but Shiryu blocks it with the scales of his forearm

“You are covered in blood right beast,

Your trickery won’t work on us”


A hammer comes from the other side


The roots yank Shiryu to his knees and–


Both great hammers swing from each side crushing the young man’s head in between…





“It’s still breathing…”

“Should we finish it off?”

“No, catching a beast alive is a rare opportunity,

Send word to Queen Zinnia of this catch.”













<Eternal Requiem Ch83>