In the year 2050, the United Nations has taken action against rogue scavengers with extraordinary abilities by establishing the Scavenger Control Division (SCD). Among the skilled members of this organization is Fujita Enkai, a 15-year-old boy. Tasked with an undercover mission, he is assigned to attend an all-girls academy in order to monitor potential threats and gather intelligence on these rogue scavengers.
However, Fujita faces a unique challenge as the sole male student in the academy. His mission requires him to blend in and keep his true identity as an SCD member concealed. The only person who is aware of this "Secret Mission" is his mother, who also happens to be the principal of the school.
As Fujita navigates through his daily routine at the academy, he finds himself grappling with the difficulties of maintaining his cover while trying to fulfill his duties as an SCD agent. The constant need to hide his true intentions and abilities puts him on edge, as he must be cautious not to raise suspicion among his fellow students and teachers.
Despite his struggles, Fujita remains dedicated to his mission, driven by the knowledge that the safety of countless lives depends on his success. He must rely on his resourcefulness, intelligence, and training to gather vital information and thwart any potential threats posed by rogue scavengers.
As the days pass, Fujita realizes that this mission is not just about gathering intelligence and monitoring threats. It is also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. He learns valuable lessons about trust, friendship, and the importance of teamwork as he interacts with his classmates and tries to navigate the complexities of teenage life.