Chapter 31 - True Death

Author's Note


Update. I suppose I haven't written down my intentions with this story, so let me go ahead now. What you've read so far is the first draft, simply me getting my thoughts down on paper. When this story is wrapped up, I will begin the next step. I feel as I write this story, my writing ability gradually improves the deeper I go into it. That is very evident to me in the difference in quality between Chapter 1 and this latest chapter. That being the case, I plan to do a comprehensive rewrite to clean up the dialogue and tighten the cannon when I feel I have wrapped up this first story. Depending on how the rewrite goes, I may publish it as a physical book, if for nothing else to have a physical copy of a book I've written. I'm still enjoying writing the story and crafting this world and will continue writing for as long as that is the case. I'm going to be taking December off from writing to spend time with my family and focus on the Holidays. Ralios and Falken's Story will continue in January. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday and continue reading as the story unfolds. Happy Holidays -Justin