Chapter 10 - Trading, Calculus, and the Art of Skipping School

The morning sun filtered through the dusty windows of Aritra's small room, casting streaks of golden light across his cluttered study table. The faint hum of life outside was a sharp contrast to the stillness inside his mind—a mind busy crafting plans that had little to do with the traditional path laid out for most students in West Bengal's government schools.

Aritra lazily rolled over, glaring at the alarm clock that blinked mockingly. 7:30 AM. Technically, it was time to get ready for school, but the thought of sitting in a classroom with outdated blackboards, creaky wooden desks, and teachers who treated naps like part of the curriculum didn't exactly motivate him.

Why waste time when I can actually learn something useful? he thought, pulling the blanket over his head.

The government school he attended was a classic example of an institution stuck in the past—outdated infrastructure, broken fans, and teachers who either recited textbooks word-for-word or let students figure things out on their own. Most students survived on a steady diet of tuition classes and self-study, with the school acting more as a formality than an actual source of education.

Decision Made:

Aritra tossed the blanket aside, sat up, and declared, "No school today. I've got better things to do."

After a quick shower and breakfast, he settled at his desk, the faint glow of the Legendary System flickering to life. The interface displayed real-time stock market data, like a digital portal to opportunities far beyond the dusty streets of Dakshin Barasat.

Trading Time:

The global markets were buzzing with activity. Aritra analyzed trends, executed trades, and watched his investments grow with the kind of focus that would make even the most dedicated student jealous.

Apple shares showed a slight dip—perfect for buying.

Crude oil prices fluctuated—a quick opportunity for a short-term gain.

Forex markets danced with volatility, offering quick profits if played smartly.

He executed trades with precision, his mind juggling candlestick charts, market trends, and economic indicators like a seasoned trader.

Study Mode:

After a successful trading session, Aritra shifted gears. Tomorrow was practical class, and despite the lackluster school environment, he knew the importance of staying ahead.

He revised key concepts, made detailed notes, and even created mock diagrams for experiments. His mind, sharpened by trading strategies, processed the academic material with ease.

But Aritra wasn't done yet.

Calculus Practice:

Flipping open his calculus notebook, he tackled complex problems with the same enthusiasm he had for the stock market.

Limits, derivatives, and integrals became less about formulas and more about patterns.

Graph sketches turned into strategic puzzles to solve.

Real-life applications of calculus fascinated him, especially how they related to market trends and physics.

His pen danced across the pages, solving problems, scribbling notes, and occasionally doodling random sketches when boredom crept in.

By 5:00 PM, Aritra heard the familiar creak of the front gate. His parents were home.

He quickly organized his desk, hiding the trading interface and pretending to be engrossed in his textbooks.

"Aritra, we're back!" his mother called.

"Coming, Ma!" he replied, heading to the living room.

Over tea and snacks, they chatted about their day. His father grumbled about school politics, his mother shared funny anecdotes about her students, and Aritra nodded along, inserting thoughtful comments where appropriate.

After the casual family time, he returned to his room, feeling the day's fatigue creep in.

Skipping school? Best decision ever, he thought, smirking.

As the evening settled into night, Aritra knew one thing for sure: while the world followed routines, he was busy creating his own path—one trade, one equation, and one skipped class at a time.