Chapter 3 - Destraction

3 November 1923


* * - means a different language our Mc's can't understand is being used.

'Ah, I'm soo tired.' Noah groans.

As they make their way off the train into the chilly station. As if frozen from the snow, they stand there staring at each other.

'So…where are the two of you headed?' Noah asks.

'Well, I'm on my way home, so I'll have to start in Berlin, then to Paris and finally London.' Sofia explains.

'Paris, ' Ana comments, and a grin forms on Noah's face.

'Well, I'm off to Paris as well so I guess we'll be stuck together for a while then.'

'I guess so' Sofia chuckles.

'So have either of you been here before?'

'No, I can't even speak the language' Sofia answers.

'No but I can speak a bit of polish,' Ana says to the shock of the other two just standing there frozen in shock.

'Where'd you learn to speak polish?' Noah exclaims.

'My nana was from here and she taught me the language.' She explains with a slight smirk on the sides of her face.

'Okay, let's get directions first', Noah says while looking around. As soon as they spot a conductor walking around doing his rounds, they decide to ask him where they ask when the next train will be heading out.

'Unfortunately one of the bridges collapsed from this horrible weather and all active trains have been suspended until it gets fixed.'

'Ah, not again', Sofia complains as she takes off her glasses and pinches the bridge of her nose.

'Is there any other way we can get to Berlin?' Noah asks.

'Berlin, mmm the problem is not many folks in town don't want to go anywhere near to Germany but If you're lucky you may find a bus willing to go that way.'

'A bus? And where can we find one of those?' Noah asks.

'If you go straight down this street on your left you'll find a road leading to the town center where you can ask around. Those vendors usually know where to find anything you're looking for.'

'Thank you.' Noah says while shaking his hand. The group follows the directions passing large connected buildings by forming a maze pathway leading to a large open area. A busy centre filled with people either buying or selling something. Performers played instruments or painted people; the city was bustling with life. The sweet smell of batter being fried and the colorful cakes displayed in front of stalls. At the centre of it all stood the magnificent statue of a mermaid holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

'Wow', commented Sofia.

* Beautiful, isn't it?* said an older man from one of the vendor stalls as he walked towards them. *Would you like a Plaki? My stall is the best in the whole city.*

'Sorry but we don't speak Polish' Noah replies.

'Ah, your Polish—not very good?' the man tries to ask.

*We can speak a bit but not very well* Ana answers. *Ah but it sounds great though.* the man starts chuckling.

'Ana, can you ask him where we can find a bus?' Sofia asks. *Can you help, we need a way to Germany. Train…not working.* *Ah…it sounds like you need a bus.

Wait here I'll find someone to take you.* the man suddenly turns around and walks to his stall.

'So, what did he say' Noah asks eagerly. 'I think he said he'll find someone to take us.' She tries to explain.

The man returns with a young boy. 'This my son; he can speak English a bit.' The man gestured at his son. A young boy of about 14 years of age with short raven hair. 'Hello, my name is Antoni.' He says as he stretches his hand to greet Ana. 'I am Ana. That's Sofia and Noah.' She says while gesturing to them. They nod their heads. 'My father says you need transport to Germany?' 'Yes, a bus, the trains stopped a while ago.' She answers.

Antoni starts stroking the back of his head as he looked around slowly. 'Ah!' he exclaims as he darts off and the group follows him. They enter a street on the opposite side of the city center before entering another street and finally arriving at a small congregation of buses and men standing outside of them. Antoni goes to one of the drivers and asks them something while pointing at Ana.

The man he was talking to walks towards them and asks 'Hello, my name is Jakub, and I heard you need a ride to Germany.' Sofia nods and asks 'Will this cover the expenses' as she pulls out a handful of Ruble (Russian currency) notes.

'Ah, I'm sorry but we only take Marka (Polish currency).' 'Do either of you have any Marka?' Sofia asks, and they both shake their heads. They then look at Antoni, who shrugs, not knowing what to do either.

'There is a pawn shop not far from here. If you have anything of value you could get some Marka there.' Jakub suggests.

The group moves to the side, where they discuss their situation. 'Do any of you have anything valuable because I don't' Noah says. Sofia shakes her head. 'I might…have something', Ana says. 'Are you sure? Noah asks 'No, it's fine as long as they offer a reasonable price and we can leave it's okay.

Noah then goes to Antoni and asks him to take them to the shop. It was in a pretty hidden location in the city, but that didn't bother them much as they entered, and Antoni decided to stay outside.

*Welcome customers* a short older man with a head that looked like snow had fallen on it. 'Do you speak English?' Noah asked. 'Ah, sorry, I assumed you were natives. How can I help you?' 'We're in need of some money and we were wondering how much we could get for this.'

He says as he looks at Ana, waiting for her to take the object from her bag. Ana pulled out a long brilliant silver chain connected to a dazzling giant black diamond surrounded by a diamond incrested circlet.

The shop owner's face turned pale as he started to shake. His breathing suddenly became sporadic as his mouth moved, but no words came out. As if hesitating whether or not to say something. Ana looked at Sofia and Noah, who were shocked as well, their mouths wide open, unable to process what they saw. '1…no 10 thousand', the man finally said with a grin on his face.

'10 thousand? Do you take us for fools?' Sofia exclaims in anger.

'No, my friend, do you take me for a fool. Did you think I wouldn't be able to recognize that? That's the crow's tears. Me even speaking to you could cost me my life.' He says as he begins to shake even more. '...Let me touch it just a bit, please. He said as he slowly went closer to Ana before being pushed back by Noah.

'Put that thing away and let's go.' He tells Ana. She puts it away, and they run out of the shop to the city centre, followed by a confused Antoni.

'Ana what just happened and where did you get that necklace?' asked Sofia.

Author's Note


The plot thickens.