Chapter 5 - Disillusion

The older man trying to gasp for air, desperately shook his head, feigning ignorance. This lit an unbearable rage in Arthur as he pulls the man from over the counter and throws him into one of the shelves like a rag doll, causing it to break. A large howl came from the older man as he tried to crawl away only to be trampled on by Claude.

A tall blonde-haired man built like a beast. An identical copy of his older twin brother Blaise.

A loud echoing laugh came from Arthur, kicking the man in rapid succession. *Do I look like an idiot?* The older man remained silent, which only enraged Arthur even more. *Up.*

Claude hoisted the older man up and held him in place. Arthur started to take off his coat as he looked around the room, nodding his head slowly with a smile on his face as if the thought of what he was about to do was funny to him. His head suddenly stopped at the counter when his eyes met with a box. He tosses his coat to Jean before taking a stroll to the box and opening it. *Perfect* he says while gesturing for Claude to bring the older man closer as he pulls out a hammer and starts swinging it around in the air as it makes a swish sound. The older man started pleading at the top of his voice as he tried to escape Claude's hold before Arthur placed his finger on the older man's mouth.

*None of that now* tears start forming on the older man's face as the reality of the situation starts to sink in and all hope he had of escaping disappears. The sound of cracking bones echoed throughout the empty streets, followed by howls of agony.



Back at the restaurant, the group sits down for dinner next to a window. To get a better look at the beautiful snowfall in the night sky. 'Don't forget we don't have a lot of money on us so no exotic-sounding dishes.' Noah says as he slowly remembers his previous experience with trying new dishes.

'Don't worry let's get just get dumplings it looks like they all have different fillings and they're cheap', Sofia reassures him as she scans the rest of the menu.

'So dumplings it's decided.' Noah tries to confirm with Ana, whose attention is only focused on the snow.

'Ah, it's Antoni.' She points at the boy as he walks through the barren night streets.

'He's probably going home.' Sofia assumes while staring at him.

'Can we invite him?' Ana pleads while staring at Noah because she knew he would be the first to disapprove.

'Isn't that just another mouth to feed though?' Noah mumbles while slowly looking through the window.

'It shouldn't be that much of an issue and we do owe him don't we?' Sofia says while opening the window, which lets in a freezing wind gust.

The boy's face lit up as he saw the familiar faces before he dashed into the restaurant.


Back in the pawnshop, dripping in blood. The older man held up, barely standing and in tears. His mouth barely had any teeth left, and his hands mangled, bending in ways that shouldn't be possible. *So let me get this straight a little girl has the necklace?* the older man nods. Arthur's face morphs into a frown before getting distracted by the blood on the sleeves and groaning in annoyance. He began rolling his sleeves up, revealing two thick stripes on his left arm. The older man began to shudder at the sight of the tattoo.

*G-G-Guardsmen!?* Barely being able to speak, he began pleading * I don't know anything else. Please don't kill me*

Arthur looked at the older man in disgust before asking him *Was there anyone else with the girl?* The older man's eyes brightened with hope as he answered. *A young woman and man. A-and Filip's boy Antoni.*

*Filip…* Arthur says while contemplating something. His eyes then dart to Jean before saying *Kill him*

Jean started blinking rapidly as if it would help make sense of what he had just heard. Jean pauses for a moment before asking *What about the boy?*

*Kill him too*

*What!?* the twins comment in shock as they look at each other.

*Arthur, we don't involve children, much less kill them* *Isn't he nearing 15? That practically an adult.* he comments passively


Arthur swiftly turns and paces towards Jean and places his hands on his shoulders. *Jean, this is the crow's tears. Our chance to finally make an impact, and if anyone else finds out about this, we'll lose. You know what weakness means, and you know what it does. We are the strong, and being strong means doing the things that others wouldn't be able to.*

*But…* as his eyes start to dart around randomly.

*Jean, trust me and do as I say. Don't forget that I'm doing this for us.*


*Okay* he finally answers with his eyes fixated on the floor. Arthur smile and pats Jean's shoulders twice before turning around and walking to the counter and dialling on the telephone that sat there. A voice answered




*I need you to find someone. A little girl about 10 years old with black hair should be with a Young woman with long red hair and glasses and a man with short brown hair.*

*Mm, that's weird*


*I think saw a group of performers like that this afternoon they were with Filip's boy. Why?*

A large ominous smile appeared on Arthur's face. *I need you to escort them to the hall right now and bring any luggage they may have on them*

*Will do, boss*.

Click, he hangs up and looks at Jean. *Lucas will deal with the necklace. I need you three to go to and take care of Filip. I'll stay here and keep the old man company.* The three leave the room, and silence crept in.

Outside the shop, the twins looked at Jean before Claude asking*Jean, are we really going to kill Filip and the boy?* Jean ignored them as he entered the carriage.

Back in the store *Now where was the necklace again?* the older man's face contorted in confusion.

*I-I told you*

As soon as he answered, Arthur, smashed the older man's knee in and it was followed by a loud howl.

*Where is the necklace?*

the older man doesn't answer; he stares at him, shaking as he starts to lose consciousness before being brought back by the unbearable pain of having his other knee smashed in.

*Where. Is. The. Necklace?*

*What necklace?*


Arthur says with a condescending smile on his face before pulling out a gun and shooting the older man in the head.


Back in the restaurant, the group had already finished eating.

'So? What's the deal with you lot? You don't seem like family and since Ana isn't uncomfortable around you which means you didn't kidnap her.' Antoni asked.

'Well let's just say we're traveling together.' Sofia answered while looking at Ana, who nodded.

' Just traveling? That must be nice. I've lived my entire life in this city and I'll probably die here.' Antoni comments with a gloomy look on his face as he looks at the snow through the window.

Sofia looked at him worryingly before asking 'Is that what you want to do, travel?'

'Yeah but I don't exactly have that choice. My family has always been in this city and we always will be at least that's what my father says.'

'You know my father used to say the same thing but look at me now. If you really want to, you could leave one day as long as you resolve yourself.' Antoni chuckles as he falls deeper into his chair before he starts yawning.

'I guess it's time for you to go back.' Sofia chuckles.

As if something snapped in his head, 'Yeah, I do I forgot my mother asked me to fetch something.' He says while stumbling up and dashing towards the door.

'Bye', Ana shouts out, waving her hand as they also leave to their room.

'Bye!' he shouts back, exiting the restaurant bumping into Lucas, who was at the entrance with a group.

*Antoni, watch where you're going.*

*Sorry!* he says while dashing into the street.

*That damn boy…* he says while shaking his head. Lucas enters the store looking around, and a waitress approaches them.

*What do you want, Lucas.* she says with an annoyed tone.

*Don't worry, I'm not here for you, my love* he answered with a smug smile on his face as she began to roll her eyes.

*I don't have time for your games, you idiot, don't cause trouble.*

They pass her and start pacing through the restaurant and finally leave towards the inn where they stopped by the reception.

In the room the three booked, they start preparing to sleep. There were two beds; Sofia and Ana would share one, and Noah took the other one. 'Considering how much we had this isn't bad.' Noah comments while messing with the lights.

'Can you stop that!?' Sofia snaps.

A sudden know on the door causes the room to become quiet. They all look at each other before Noah heads to the door and opens it to a smiling Lucas at the door.


'excuse me?'

'Ah sorry, I said delivery?' Noah looks behind at the girls, who shrugged.

'I'm sorry but we didn't order anything.'

'That's because you're the ones getting delivered.' He says as he pulls Noah into a chokehold and knocks him out with a handkerchief laced with chloroform, and the other men stormed into the room knocking the girls out.


Back to Jean and the twins who have just arrived at their destination. They all leave the car and stand at the door for a moment before knocking. A woman answers *Jean! What are you doing here so late?* she says with a smile on her face before it disappears when she notices his grim, expressionless face. *Jean-why are you here* she asks as she looks at the wins behind him.

*Amilia, who's at the door* Filip asks while entering the doorway. *Jean, why are you here?* he asks as he looks him up and down before looking at the twins. *I'm sorry.* Jean says.

Filip tensed up as he realized what was happening; he pulled his wife and pushed her behind him before lunging at Jean, causing both of them to fall on the snow. He swings and gets a hit-in before he is kicked off. The two start to struggle in the snow, both getting hits in until finally, jean lands on to and begins barraging him with punches to the face before pulling out a pistol.

*Filip!* Amilia shouts as she tackles the giant before she's pushed down into the snow and then getting shot in the back by Jean.

*Amilia!* in horror, Filip begins struggling not for his life but his wife, but it is pointless because Jean shoots him in the head.

*Papa? Mama? Jean? What's going on here?* in a shaky voice, he says as he slowly backs away. They all look at him frozen in place no longer sure what they were doing as the boy turns and sprints into the empty street.

*Stay here. I'll go after him* Jean shouts as he jumps to his feet and peruses the boy in the barren streets covered in snow.

Author's Note


Thanks for making it to the end. This one was a bit on the darker side. I tried describing things and actions more in this one but I know it might still feel off hopefully I get better at this faster.