“Honey, come back before evening.”
“Yes Mom, you don’t have to worry about me I am not a child any more.”
I said that with a warm smile without exaggerating it. "I know fishing is not as dangerous as mountain climbing still be careful and always stay close to your friends."
"Yes Dad."
I smiled again while packing my bag. After I was done with most of my luggage I sat down. This smell.. no this ..aroma I instantly recognized it, It was chicken curry. My Mom was cheerfully packing it in my lunchbox, watching it made me feel guilty since that lunchbox will be filled for several days. My experienced hand, skillfully wiped the tear drop forming below my left eyeball before anyone could notice and I smiled again.
After talking to my parents for sometime I took the first step outside. Sun was merciless and cicadas were singing.I was humming my favorite song as well, I was happy because I managed to slip past my parents by telling a little lie and now I can freely go to the mountains well it's not like I have true friends with whom I will enjoy fishing. So me the great Anurag has decided to go to the mountains and enjoy my small stay there.
I took a bus and instinctively tried to avoid police as much as possible. why ? because I don't like them. or they might cause trouble. When I reached to my the destination I bought few candies, I am not fond of sweets or anything that contain sugar but it feels great to taste sugar time to time. I was at the town situated at the foot of the Himalayan Mountain range. It seemed that the proud mountain was mocking my insignificant self but none of that matter anymore. Amidst the peaceful scenery I heard a child crying I turned my head and noticed a girl approximately seven or eight year old crying because she was lost. Judging by her attire she was from a relatively wealthy family, I showed her the candy and smiled warmly.
The girl: "My mother said ..um not to take candies from strangers."
"Then I will eat it 1... 2... ..."
The girl:"...."
She was strangely calm unlike what other kids of her age might do but I can't just leave a helpless child alone and I had to avoid police stations at all cost.
"...3, now we will find your mom ".
The girl smiled and took the candy after few hours we found her mother who was equally emotional. Why did I help her? because it was the right thing to do. I don't even know her name and I dint even ask her. I find this kind of acts kinder than any hero slaying a dragon.
It was evening, mom told me to return before evening but I dint. It was the time to clime this huge mountain who is so proud on it's height. While I was halfway through the mountain path the bag finally started to feel heavy it was so heavy that I felt like I was a turtle.I opened the chains of my bags and threw some of my spare clothes, now the bag was much lighter after I reached a cliff which was not my destination but was perfect for me because I gave up on climbing the huge mountain.
I took the lunchbox my mom packed out of my bag and tossed it across the cliff. This is it, the end of my chapter, I pulled the gun out of my bag and pointed it towards my head I started chewing my candy and 3..2..1
I mustered enough strength to throw the gun off the cliff.
"Goodby.. Cr..el wo..ld."