In the world of Almatria, where spirits and nature are revered, a brother and sister who cannot see spirits arrive as orphans in the country of the Plains, Plato. Over time, they become Hoshiwatari, seekers of knowledge and peace, and begin to engage with the mythological phenomena of Almatria.
Amidst a world intertwined with fairies, therianthropy, yokai, revenants, and chaotic myths, they find themselves drawn into a transformative tale involving lost magic, relics, and history.
The story is a parallel narrative between third-person and first-person perspectives.
In the first-person perspective, I have revised the text and written the emotions carefully so that it can be read by younger readers.
You can read whichever you prefer.
If possible, I would be very grateful if you could tell me which version suits your taste better!