United against the Dark Lord, Nalgurin, the forces of the Unity approach his fortress of Khala'Midad, but amidst the clashing of grand armies and the coming of the final battle that shall cry out into the future of Infinia is another story unbeknownst from the pages of history, nearly lost to time, with its only remaining memory living on through its only solitary survivor.
Tales tell of a story of the valiant princess who died saving a fabled kingdom. Hymns sung of a fair maiden who used forbidden magic to create a land undying. Legends spoke of a warrior who stood alone and felled a thousand orcs amidst the bodies of her fallen comrades. But who was this princess, this fair maiden, this warrior? No one knew her name, no one spoke her name, and no grave that holds her remains; she was but an echo amidst the cries of history, half-forgotten, living on in her title as the Lady of Arnenya.