The gods themselves have granted mankind the ability to cultivate, to gather up and unleash Qi as devastating attacks or life-saving healing powers. And yet, in the small village of Green Willows lives an abandoned child, Huang Ying, who was denied even that, forbidden from enjoying what every other living person gets to have. But is everything really as it seems with Huang Ying, is he truly doomed to live at the very bottom for all his life, or could there be a beast hidden even within this abandoned child?
And what if that beast was one that saw even the universe itself as nothing more than a snack?
And yes, Royalroad, this is my story and I am uploading it there as well.
Volume 1: Death of a man, birth of a beast
Amazing story! Very interesting and want to know what will happen next. I'm a representative editor from lf you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or ge...
Amazing story! Very interesting and want to know what will happen next. I'm a representative editor from lf you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work. you might want to contact vanessazik71*@* *)