“Good morning!” I opened the door to greet the very tired Anna, “Annie, goooood morning~!”
“Grr…” She grumbled, “Buzz off.”
Well, looks like she’s still a bit wary of me. Not like I’m surprised about it, though. I mean, if I was a girl, and a random guy not affiliated with my family suddenly started living with us, I’d be scared out of my mind to the point where I wouldn’t even leave my room. Eh, she managed that at least, so I guess she’s a braver girl than me.
“Hey, hey.” I pried for answers, “Where’s Arthur?”
“Dunno, probably at his lousy restaurant that won’t ever return the money and time he poured into it, working as per usual.” She clicked her tongue, “Geez, you boys always think about money. Would it kill a guy to prioritize his loved ones?”
“Usually, I’d have a couple of things to say to that, but I’m really not in any position to speak. You see, I myself actually ran away from home to explore the world!”
“I couldn’t care less about your little fake goals. You don’t even have a passport, so how the hell would you go about even leaving Trivis Numerica?”
“Eh? A… passport?” I tensed up, “Do I really need that? I mean, Schnell didn’t…”
“Schnell? Actually, never mind, I don’t care. Listen, it’s as simple as that. A passport is handed out only to those who sign up to become an ITA Agent and pass all the examinations. You can’t leave your country of origin any other way.”
“Then it shouldn’t be that difficult. Where can we sign up? Actually, I think I found a place that had a sign labeling it as the ITA yesterday, would that be it?”
“Sign, you don’t understand.” She replied, “The ITA stands for the ‘International Traveler’s Association’, meaning you need to qualify for an adventurer willing to do any and all tasks they assign to you. Do you realize what I’m getting at here?”
“Uh, no, not really…”
“Ugh, boys are so dumb…” She rolled her eyes before explaining, “Think of it this way – have you ever seen an adventurer below the age of 17?”
Oh, I see now. Crap, I have to wait four more years so that I can come of age before even being eligible to apply for an exam?! That’s so far away, I’ll be an old man by then! I can’t wait that long, goddammit! There’s gotta be another way!
“Do you see now why I called your goal fake just now?” She gave an annoying smirk, “You’re just like grandpa, you both act on impulse and don’t at all think things through. Honestly, why do I even bother talking to hotheads like you…”
“I’m not a hothead!” I shot back, “I’ll have you know, I know my multiplication table up to a hundred by heart, and I’ve read more books than you’ve spoken words!”
“I don’t care! Now go somewhere else, Smarty Pants!”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me where Arthur is, Miss High-and-Mighty!”
“Like I said, I don’t know…!”
Bickering amongst ourselves like this for a good while, we finally just decided to have breakfast and wait for Arthur together. In the end, it seems she’s rather fond of her Grandpa, she just has difficulties expressing it in front of others. Now I feel doubly bad for putting myself in between them like this.
“Huh, you’re oddly good in the kitchen.” I complimented the deviled egg she made, “This is pretty good! Needs more salt though.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She hissed, “Be happy you’re getting this much! If it wasn’t for my grandpa’s hospitality, you’d have starved in the streets by now!”
Once again, despite our best efforts to play nice, it seems we just couldn’t get along. Well, at least Arthur came back home from work early today so that he could take me to Harper’s clinic, so I didn’t have to endure this annoying girl’s endless tirades for too long. I had immediately put on my coat as we left the house, not even giving him time to unwind. I know it’s rude of me to push him out of his own house before he even got the chance to properly get in, but I can’t stand Anna any more than this!
”Must we be in such a hurry, Lune?” Arthur got dragged along, “I know you want to see your friend so badly, but please do keep in mind my age and physical capabilities.”
“Ah, is that the case? Sorry, Gramps. I just really didn’t wanna be with that annoying girl any longer that I already had to before you came. Oh, no offense!”
“Don’t fret, she’ll get used to you in due time. For now, all I can ask of you is to be patient with her. She really is a sweet girl when you give her a chance.”
Yeah, as if it’s that simple. I really can’t see eye to eye with that girl, and I don’t think I ever will. Whatever, let’s just go get Ed so we can figure out what to do next.
“Good day, we’re here to visit a young boy.” Arthur approached the guard working at the clinic, “His name is Edward Saint, could you tell us in which room he’s in?”
“Hold your horses, sir.” The guard gave me a cautious look, “Before anything, I’d like to know who you are. After all, that boy holding your hand right now looks awfully similar to the boy described as the suspect that caused that ruckus the other day.”
“Ah, heh-heh…” I chuckled nervously, “I’m just Ed’s friend. Please don’t hurt me…”
“Pfft!” The guard cracked up, “Dude! Calm down, would ya? I was just joshing you, I didn’t think you’d seriously crap your pants like that! Phahahaha!”
“Wha=!? You’re a jerk! Arthur, let’s go!” I yelled, looking over at him, “A-Arthur?”
“Pfft… Ah, apologies, Lune. I’m not laughing, I just… Phah! Oh, heavens…!”
Geez! All you adults are the same! What’s with you people and tormenting the younger generation? That’s it, I’m going to see Ed, whether it be with or without you, Gramps!
“Ah, Lune, wait up! I’m sorry, but you must admit it was rather comedic, pfft!”
Knocking on the door I could hear Ed’s voice from a couple times, I could hear him muttering something, but I couldn’t tell what exactly. Prylos, please don’t make me walk in on him doing something… self-indulgent.
“Ah, Miss Harper!” He looked over at the door with pure bliss before frowning with all his might, “Naww, it’s just you, Grim…”
“Hey, I came here to check up on you and that’s the greeting I get? Shame on you, Edward Saint!”
Arthur looked on at us bickering with a hearty smile across his face, but that too soon vanished when he heard what Ed had to say next.
“You’re also the guy that pushed me off the viewpoint and got me in this place to begin with! So really, you’re the one who should be ashamed right now!”
“Eh?” Arthur gave me a frightened stare, “Young Lune, you didn’t… I-Is that true? Wait, huh?”
“A-ha-ha-ha! Oh, you little jokester, Ed!” I strongly patted him on the back to signify he should shut the hell up, “You’re still a bit woozy from the anesthesia they gave you, I see! Ha-ha!”
“Ow, ow! Stop that, you ass!” He yelled in pain, “Who the hell hits their best friend while they’re sitting in a hospital bed, you demon!?”
Just then, we heard the door open behind us, and a lovely lady pop her head out of the doorframe. She was slim in terms of her body shape, but I guess you could say she had the ideal build, given her, ahem, assets. Then again, it could just be the lab coat that’s doing it for me. She looks to be around her early twenties though, so I can definitely see why Ed was so happy when he thought she entered the room. I imagine this girl is the famed doctor Harper, no doubt.
“Edward, is everything alright?” She walked up to him before grabbing his hand, “Who are these people?”
“Ah, Miss Harper!” He smiled like never before, “Don’t worry, these guys are my friends, Grim and uhh…”
“A-Arthur Gray, Miss!” He tightly squeezed my hand, “I am these two boys’ caretaker. Pleased to meet you.”
“Caretaker? Ed never mentioned anything about you people…”
Crap, she’s onto us. Heck, she’s also giving me a pretty nasty stare, which I imagine is because I resemble the mysterious suspect who’s wanted across town. I should probably think up a good lie again, otherwise we’re toast! Okay, time for Rule 2 – Create a coherent narrative!
“Ed, we should really be going home.” I winked at him, “Anna’s worried sick about you.”
“Anna is?” Even Arthur seemed confused.
“Yeah, she’s all but crying over him!”
“And who, pray tell, is Anna?” Harper turned to Ed.
“Heh.” He donned a disgustingly smug grin, “Not to brag, but she’s my dear girlfriend!”
“Eh?” I could hear glass breaking in Arthur’s voice as he clenched my hand more.
Dammit, Ed! What the hell, man, Gramps is gonna break my hand at this rate, then I’ll be the one at Harper’s place! Well, not that I’d mind, honestly…
“Is that so?” She seemed genuinely delighted, “Well I’m really glad you’re so active in your age! Honestly, given your demeanor, I was worried you didn’t have many friends, so this is a very pleasant thing to hear!”
“Pfft, yeah, he’s the talk of the town…” I stifled in my laughter as much as I could.
“Oh, but sir.” She turned to Arthur, “He’s still not in a state that allows him to be overly-active. Don’t let him walk too much, and especially don’t make him run errands or go out to play. I’m sure Anna can come visit him if she’s so worried, but absolutely don’t let him out of bed!”
“Yeah…” Arthur shone a heinous and terrifying smile at Ed, who in turn gulped without even realizing why, “I’ll make sure he limbers up real quick…”
“I’m so sorry, Mister Arthur!!!” Ed cried out, “I thought Grim was making up names on the fly like he always does! I genuinely didn’t know!”
“Don’t worry about it, Young Edward.” Arthur seemed to have completely zoned out Ed’s wails and pleas, “I made a promise to Miss Harper that I’ll limber you up, and I intend to carry that promise out to its fullest.”
“Wait, really?” Ed sighed in relief, “How so?”
“Let’s see, a light workout should be fine, like… cleaning the restaurant, doing the dishes…”
“That’s not light at all!”
“Oh, and you said back at the clinic that you’re quite the ladies’ man, so I imagine having you be a waiter exclusively for girls should make you happy. Heh, that’d for sure start some rumors…”
And so, another saga ends. Well, not really, because this is only the beginning of mine and Ed’s work life. That’s right, starting tomorrow, we’ll officially be helping out around Arthur’s restaurant, and with a little bit of elbow grease and a ton of great ideas, I’m sure we’ll make it the greatest restaurant in Trivis Numerica, no, the world! Ah, I wonder if Anna’s willing to put in some work as well. Heh, seeing those two interact should be a treat!