Talking some more with Jorgen over tea, we discussed the current state of our army, as well as our gameplan for the rest of Operation "Coup". So basically, as it turns out, it was pretty difficult for these guys to get any incriminating info out of the soldiers. This isn't to say we doubt any of them, just that we should be on extra high alert after what happened during our first bout with the King.
"So that's how it is?" I sighed, "Dammit, looks like we're gonna have to think of a way to trust every one of ours before we can even begin preparations on fighting off their soldiers."
"Yeah, Cecily wasn't really helping all that much." Jorgen sipped his tea, "A shame, really."
"Can you really blame her? Her husband recently died, and it's still only been a single day since she found out." I replied as I blew on my own tea, "You should really cut her some slack."
"Cut her some slack? Pish, if I do that and everyone dies because I was being lax with her, then would you still be alright with that?"
Geez, no need to be a prick, it was just a suggestion... Well, he's right though. Grim is gone, but that doesn't mean we're useless without him. Obviously, losing a General means we'll need to somehow remoralize our troops, and not only that, but also find a way to fill the hole his departure from this world has created. Dammit, this whole thing is feeling more and more hopeless by the day...
"Hey." He glared at me sharply, "Get that sad look off your face, it doesn't belong on you."
"Right now, you're thinking something along the lines of: "Oh, my best friend is dead, and he's the only person who I can rely on in times of need! Whatever will I do now, the situation is so hopeless!" Simply put, I despise that bitter line of thinking."
"Am I really that easy to read?" I chuckled.
"Usually not. In fact, back in ARA, I thought of you as someone who could lie so convincingly that you would even buy your own lies. That is a gift, but ever since I saw you sulking here with the others over that guy, you've all but completely lost that gift."
The gift of lying? Right, I think I was kind of secretive back then. Actually, maybe I still am, who knows? Although I'd much rather describe it as respecting my own privacy. Others don't need to constantly know what I'm thinking of at all times, and since Brown Iros are all too common in the world, I can't help but fret over how many of those people have figured out how to use Analyze on their own, much like I have. It's a scary thing, to have your mind be looked at, and I know it's kind of hypocritical to say this on my part, but I'd rather not wear my ideas on my sleeve like Grim did. I'm just not that type of person.
"And that girl too." He thought of Cecily, "She was cunning, an amazing assassin who could sneak by any and all enemy lines to kill whoever she pleased. Hell, we only just now found out she was the one to kill that General Jean, and we only found out because she told us personally. Literally, she was the perfect person to be placed in a war, but that thrill-seeking idiot ruined her completely."
"Hey now, calling a woman who kills mercilessly perfect is pretty odd on your part." I warned him, "Not to mention what you just called Grim, I can't exactly let that slide."
"I really don't care what you have to say to me." He finished his cup as he got up to wash it, "You, Ed, you're weak."
"Why you...! No, I won't take that as a simple diss. Please elaborate on what you mean."
"Yeah, looks like that logical step-back is still there for you. I can at least admire that." He noted before elaborating on his previous critique, "Ed, simply put, you're a shadow, and Lune's the object. For the longest time now, you've piggybacked on his success time and time again, and so now that he's finally wagered too much and lost his life, you no longer have anything to cast you as its shadow."
"Y'know, I'm really trying not to get angry at you for spouting all sorts of bullshit, but it's not so easy." I glared at him, "To begin with, I'm my own person."
"Or so you tell yourself, but actions speak louder than words. Oh, and let me tell you, your actions make those words all too see-through." He looked back at me right before leaving the room, "Think of it like this - Each person has an "Aura", so to speak. It's what others see about them first and foremost, and dictates how said person will be perceived by his peers. Your Aura is that of a sidekick, a character meant to die to serve as character development for the main character, but the story was suddenly changed. In your case, your main character died and left you all alone, so tell me - What will you do now?"
"What will I do?"
"Will you rise and become the main character in place of Lune, or will you leave that job to someone else, then just becoming their sidekick instead?" He finished off his tirade as he was closing the door, "It's ultimately your choice, but word of advice - The latter won't do you any good in life."
Thus, the doors slammed shut, and I was left all alone. Psych, I wasn't left all alone, because soon after that, Meil had walked right through to join me for a cup of tea himself.
"Hey, what was that all about?" He inquired, "That Jorgen, I can't get used to his cold and distant nature at all."
"You're one to talk." I joked.
He didn't quite understand what I was insinuating, which I had kind of expected given how aloof he always was, but it's not like it mattered. Sitting there with him, I had begun reflecting on Jorgen's words. "Replace the main character, or replace the main character", huh? Looking across the table where Meil was sitting, I think I had begun to realize what he was trying to get at. Cheh, then if it's a main character he wants, it's a main character he'll get!
After waking up and getting dressed in my uniform, every one of the Generals had finally visited the barracks to once again continue the weeding out of any potential threats, those being spies. But I wasn't all that interested in that, I just wanted to prove to Jorgen that I, in fact, had that "Main Character Aura" in me. Looking back at Grim's outlandish solutions he would come up with for all his problems, I knew that I had to solve this one in a super unconventional way, otherwise someone like Meil will just swoop in and take the title from me. For now, he will be my rival, and that's just the way I like it!
"Alright everyone!" I clapped my hands together to gather the soldiers' attention, "Gather 'round! I have an announcement to make!"
"Ed, what are you doing?" Cecily whispered with a worried expression, "Step down this instant. Otherwise if there really are spies here, they'll get suspicious!"
"Don't worry, I got a plan." I gave her a hearty thumbs up as I looked back at an intrigued Jorgen with a smug expression, "Now then, is everyone here?"
Doing a regular roll call, what had surprised us was that we had a couple of people in the back extra that weren't wearing any uniforms. The Generals obviously found this suspicious, but I had them explain themselves calmly before we jumped to any conclusions.
"R-Right!" They spoke up anxiously, "We're sorry for suddenly jumping in the middle of the war, sir! But we want to help out in the war effort!"
"We don't need your help." Aaron glared down at him, "Get out before things get dicey for you."
Gulping and pleading for them to let them stay, I had them finish their plight with a warm smile. Right, this was kind of unexpected, but it seems we'll be playing Good Cop, Bad Cop now, with me as the Good Cop, and Aaron as the Bad Cop. This'll be fun!
"Okay, so why did you suddenly decide to join now?" I asked patiently.
"Because... Because we're weak!" One guy shouted with tears in his Eyes, "We wanted to enlist back when the war just started, we really did! But we were too scared, valuing our lives above all else. But those damned bastards...! They killed everyone in my village without remorse, and they'll continue to do so until we're all dead!"
"My sister..." One guy grabbed his chest tightly, "They killed and raped her dead body in front of me while I was tied up! It was only because my neighbor heard my muffled screams and broke through the door, sacrificing himself to untie me and fend off the soldiers that I'm alive here today... May they rest in peace, the poor souls...”
Aw geez, what the fuck, man... This guy went through hell and high water and still he refuses to give up? Man, he's more of a main character than me! So wait, is this what Jorgen was talking about when he mentioned a person's "Aura"? Although, when I look at him, I can't really feel anything like that at all. To me, he's just some random extra in a storybook. So wait, does that mean he made up that story? Could he truly be a spy like Aaron was suggesting?
"Oh come on, he's obviously lying!" Aaron spit in his face, "Get the fuck outta here! This place doesn't welcome crybabies anyway!"
"I got an idea!" I suddenly yelled out, surprising everyone present, "Aaron, this whole situation, it's far too depressing, isn't it?"
"Hm?" He facepalmed, "No shit it's depressing. We're in a war, goddammit."
"Then how about we lighten the mood?" I suggested, "Tell you guys what - There's about... 11 of you newbies here that wanna enlist, right? And you all claim you're from a village."
"Yeah?" They nodded with furrowed brows, "What's that got to do with anything?"
"Just saying, since I was from a village originally as well, a lot of the kids there would often play a game of soccer. Y'know, kick the ball in the goal, score a point, right? Well, I would often get bullied by those kids so it would always ever just end up being me and Grim, though..."
"But that's unimportant!" I reassured them, "Tell me - What say you we have some good old-fashioned fun for a change? A friendly tournament where we just enjoy the fine day today and play to our hearts' content! Of course, the more matches your team wins, the higher your chances of enlisting will be! So, how about it?"
Confused as they were, all of the soldiers, as well as our future little soccer fanatics stood in awe at my stupid and naive idea. Cecily and Max on the other hand, they were dying of laughter the whole time I was talking. Aaron and Jorgen simply glared at me, unable to say even a single word. It seems I've roused a ton of differing reactions all of a sudden, but this is exactly what I was looking for. I know how it sounds, but please hear me out! This'll all make sense, to borrow a phrase from Grim, in the next chapter!
"You... You ARE a General here, right?" They tilted their heads with a great insecurity.
"Of course I am, dammit!" I barked back, "Just for that, drop and give me twenty!"
"Pfft, Ed, what are you doing?" Cecily giggled.
"Just trying out a plan I got. Don't worry, it came to me in a dream last night."
Amusing her even more, our fun little moment was interrupted by none other than Jorgen, who coldly approached and patted me on the shoulder before muttering a rather disheartening phrase.
"On second thought, don't try to imitate Lune. It's... inappropriate."
"...Oh." Cecily got all quiet, "Is that what you were trying to do?"
"Nah." I reassured her, "This has nothing to do with Grim. I really did dream of us holding a soccer match here, so I just thought to abuse some of my power here is all."
Chuckling, it seems I've quelled her worries again a bit. She's super unstable right now, fickle and weak. If I make her worry too much, I'm afraid she might do something drastic like she did last night. We don't want that to happen again, so I'll be sure to keep a close Eye on her. That being said, it's time for Kick-off!